THE NMICTTIGANDATLY New Sprillg Woolells 1907 6. II, Wild co. 311 South State Street jTI-IF MIC lI-1AN DAILY. 1'',ih tii ol r ?1iliiiTiglo, oild goirIC Thl"- ohictw ca not h. tili ini- - 1hX\ Xirciit li- aeftour-il, I 1 liiii iit I- -!.'_t > h'l'o e nc rl o ;tosc ti ntc'if Xlhliiam! I- Xiam t .. .. . b.Irfi ohlig i nrc1 r ari at tri t il t i va e C u - t BSUSINESS STAFF olin UXX'irz Carl 11. Adam agi r, 22ir ,1,wIfn i liii ( un 1 ()tx17)1 ;, 1 :,0 t, ) s:0 7:3O I iI V XX. XiX I' ""~" IL harm till these 1 amoprail wir'r'ii 'ieii r iii ela --ii i-hav h m aunlei, in er (4 m ii ii ii -iii i -a - iiiiiiming ith' i'r post &71- %vhi ar ii iirii'' l hiere ii on i thlese-i cwi andii il nt l Mav feivail "Wl' iii Xrn l\ahr~nncn ruui ast li- hav ataied in clurgtoli rof.i Stanle et a d h w 1iw igh al- ii iiic d as i, i t i t ir t ei sch oloi ini c nd i i 'i-hegergiiiii aveilarg iiaich1i eved ti i do' 'iiiliiand i Xliidth shol - ofi Msic an th II Base Ball Gloves Mlitts, lats, B-I, Suit,,- in facid ~vrothing that is useiliinhibise ballcain h stack is (01111ele iiiid the (liality and iri k- 1n1iii-liup is gil-iralit oeilby 011e. waod-Spaldiig. (Gldto 'lion ion if SHEEHAN & CO1.'s ThebStudenits' 'Book-lore Money Loaned 0as Watslir, iiaiiiiiil. s, I lu B ok, or o their p0ioal proeritly. Watichis nd ilJewi'ry repaired. Bargaina to XWaches.lDiaimondhs 0tf-ce at reiildience331 E. Libierty 1t Ann Arboir. Hours: iato1:30Oa. mi., tito 43 n d m7 to 980. tn. JOSEPH C. WATTS ' 1 '11 t:ib I ED '.'i :IppaIrol iiiaildit+) Xt iicri i11iii lcw illtl i eI liii c the rc11' ai'ii .11cill ofi 1(1 Iade pulic ti "I1',1!1 111 lf - I I iarted 11ii I ii- li r'II i'it)v0 1c It wii Idi 1; i Sirncer andiRlider-ci -i I-illi be iheard IVCorCiifig itieFriday afeooin onrrr ill irr femiieices calli. ng, "Ilotsp- or ".'ightisii-way :lureakCtha ioari- *-~ci'1Oiiif liriiia of theii liil is 0a .upper wrichiiIiwill hr giieniudelr thei ioirr giimnaiiu,111rid-u iatix:30olok- lie ar lor -.iiiid gx uiiiaintill I opnt n isit'or wisingliiiig ii for _, c 0- Ifi r.JordaniFliireince far>'. or M -XlakIr.u PIrepaaionsi-h11ve Iee mIad)lieXN forlXouNthee huXdred Oiiiiiigcan~.,r- rgardiliigiiriiiiii er ofi llgra anil in theiuleshagor- ing0 theo~r lu n f dlgaeiremd Xw 111 i'l Ortrlliiical lagu ait, uses t ig :i adi~lilat-ivk wer cosn oreahiontestilo, btiiin i 1111100 ihirei w'il l ie. Ini thei past 11 1111110 rally ha beini allo1wed1 thre i'eli'ga. achi of iwhioiiuhail a vot. Iii ii 1' 110ew h talc 1 111c 1 unvri wil1 iii hutute vote, reg0 iardlessarof 1111lOM i'iit lathoeidlegoiaeir tiree. But1111ti,, ioimportlllli'alt c'hange1' Oaaliie1111e by V. Iil-luhereafer faculiy 001100>1011111)0 u i hr coriteinileolgats. lPrflTrii- Nood exp1 utressd imselliilf reigarinig this il1.;-lir in taitwold i rr toitak O worklo'> tle-learue , mXX'Ca taileli a,' a veoy arpria i-cuoilaiiioif the leage' th a sartedouiriginally by biolu- g io. XiiierIthe c'iiiesal WX'couinxuigave 111 illy' 1ere1seat'id.rI Seochluraere made h\ the altern'iae, Serian I]iiii- lay' rsdna111hg 010r Xlihigan. 1rof1 'ruoi'liiil otrcaaid lthe hope t-ha "this> iy, wherelthe ouiiiiii to bea her d UNIVERSITY NOTICES Seior 101tiiacrtify uaillio01n ixiaton list11 in 1-krly alt beforeiis 1k-la 1111 XII girl-; i inihe 11un1or lay plae' r-- p1rt XX'nediaylai a p IiI.r rhea-ursal All sorswrao ihte orieroilbut hair Mleetig of ihe Camner tlu i oo C. at 7 o'clocky jaltlicfore the oicr. Bsiliins rio a iii lue lirlei-ilSeca. ingitory for 1110-o-war 1team11rot a gymni'aim itisa -fernoonuifr011113 to itnComiii'liIChauirmni fTellnis Rackets Our Prices: Pim $.00 Surise $.0 SStars $.00 WAHR'Sl theBointr ha N e$5.i0rn0 Did SoChampioSa KODAKS0 Volute Shutteria $73.00 An ln o Preoandrak eyeCaera rili 'n $2ii.50 Kodaks ox- Reb 111111 10 2.00~. The AnnoArtoreavrindesoBan 1veil (Jtil e all-evey tlel 11~0 AtiAandrci' K2d0) Aite wiar iaha i tssiaes ranat olte ShuVi'rter.,i. at r~.lasi- Andj lin'oSpa moand awk Fodak& foR~eof Spaling 10Athetcroodsy ibera pllmd t ba md iet Llb-a MadK c a illOrde ett'lr1ao y A.G.S1L1N0&BRS 12 asa S.NewYr. 4 abs setc ha ii apparent ly s I ii l i ~ ruinir i I tr1111 iis u'ttr of ci uiii'uu iiil h atl'i I f '-it '->-ciout) i, '121' 1 mc1 nd oral ly i cr'I iu- l'oauadI illcI Ii made a ir r s nIa i ll li lul 1111lsit urgan illau'ha ml rti' ll th f)111 i iii ()(Is Is in the hands of the membersii i an1111101 ii i- itti'r'I li- aidgui- 1i,11111a iig i iii 1111It isnt llitie l p lac t uil pee1111 : tided iliil(, oncrts f lu' he as 11111. hioi rilnot coa l ur i hir ' o lla anrill 1 i rsllil Sun Xue May'tnil i ti - hr i wh bolt to att 'u-Ill xoiist l iiaol riaiir '''. 1 ' o tl ri t 11mu1 icalei n tS il h urp li lhouh icam0 li semi-I ,t01111y ()f 1A at al~tr u ~ it h i ,tca g ."Im adhere0111 iC ti i it i llFrll' XS)i lf'ItXat'fact pint athe -Comelyx I 111lu rhasho -iii asi at' Xpros f - a-X- - -ii Xa11 0II111 li auilli ii Ii is o e r il la IAIC\RF Iii uxiR i iiFal tI nui 'hrty. I uu i ra thCera riuuuilx uluu i Ii 11(IT] II'FI'F iC oASiOiCI IOciNl A rvt o iety (11111 a wish iti'ai atin lcigauu-u al st decide toitic1 1 iz fil 'IxComed1y111 li-hc l 'b.Xtiisno 1111111111 Xlew yofirili- XX' elecue- dullt huhiil- ii Ioi t; ()\%I ) a Gill is andIi ''''gihot. arii r asiu II ()o s 111111 1r' niot lii' ax ii'.aIll- l u ill lx lii I illl r 111' at i nei hdI lu', i' drlamic urn-ict -i s':i ha1b iu'iuu,) 1111111 ii'iuiai'uu-l'iui' uiiu- tn I htouuinuul lx iia n nincini the 1 ean ttt1aI ritre :1,M 1.4(1, a 'uull I f)' I X(i ii 1lIl c rcS aI 11111 1n 1111111 from uacting aulbandfm sudyling111 e l ac n111ghtilat high Sahl ulcal-iiial. Find-l plays0 iuch ane ictied. A iued Ito thisa IT 1pleain r111u11 ioi 208 1I auiilurru Placel is - irraossiility of I ii iuuiug prh -o rI 11111104001 Ifuixant pi-;g Coi., Stae tret XXagnuer & .fu-(na Tennis Rackets III Do You Need a Racket ? list and prices : If so, consider the following Pim Davisa -- - Campbell- Varsity _ Surprise. $7.00 $ 7.00 $5.00 $5.00 .f1.50 Champion_ Longwood. Park -- - Hub $4.00 $3.30 $2.50 $2.00 19 0 7 KODAK Catalogs& o .re HERE We will take your old Kodak as part pay- ment on a new one. COME AND SEE E. E.. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. State St. If you want to make money this summer We have ia propsitioni toy whicfhla0r10011niani can, in three mionths1 make inure than enotigh to defray his college t'xp(Iists for the next year. There is no outfit to buy and no catechism uWhich you have to learn. All youi need is your own gray niatter and a littloe110111 froim us fromi lime 1o timge. If you will write us, we will gladly explain glov we propose to make yciir next college yt ar free from financial worry.- THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 424 Cherry Street Philadelphiar Pennsiylvania Tre Lunit' o tistelintisAL 'THE STRDAYst. V ENisi P1100 TENNIS BALLS, RACKET' PRESSES AND COVERS At THE. CO-wOP The store oif the Stuldents,.,bp the Sttudents /') the Stndents. ~11 III,~ 'I IIWash~ngon u. RANJJALL, THE PHO TO GR 41?IER Phone 598