THE NICHI(AN DAILY New Sprilig 1907 6. I. Wild co. 311 South State Street McGrejor Golf Clubs Are the best value at the price of any Golf Cub iade iithis'country. T he shaft''ireC iortein 1Hickory -sIIitel} aut slightly ssceptibleI to iooisi rC le. TiC hads of the wood cls poses. hbalancefiisiandidrtivy ingoerheioois'irC hanod forged fromiiSimedes roni and arC great foer ites with Amaeirs and1( Professioials Price D~rivers anidlBrassies - - $2.50 eatI Irons - $2.00 each AT SilEEIIAN & CO.' The Students Bookstore Bannlers and Pillows 40Off at DARLING & MALLEAUX 22422 . Stte St. TH E MICHI 'iAN DAILY. tliiag ,,itig dior 'liitScoiii \loiit. I'io .ll ii' it o i Woi 1111 ditior. .ioi'r 'tvain\'iihi5 1. . it Ianll s l (OvetI 11,Clanc ' iilMMl I iit nI V ce BUSINEISS ST AFF Jhn F. \Vnrz 1Harry IHill Carl 11. Adam a r 2( 'l11t)h iti'it, iii loiS' 7071, ( i li mit", 12:;i'OIti } t;o 1. iuiiI 0 :,o t1 'Rl'SDAY, Y. i J , 19017, illre rers 1lic.. H tis betll Lois My ince th tii i ncep1111111t0ioof t 111111111 in1e Li a~ iilii u ndsriti'C g li- have a iii. in' fundi nuci eus, at'ai mod- iiat ti ma11 tie. o : l vr it h u in ii iiitiiii'i111liie tef n crd ~ivteork a 'III' t i'bi ofiiithe1 1115mii ect ors to11111 u11 rs ii 1h11cam1as1siat11111 i i adirable.11 Iiii' l Iristy1l111CAP iwed t )1heirem indd tt ieifreshin caii s iii i qu stle o heagea11Mil :t comparativly small1111 ber of ifresh I 'iiiii 'ri t; 111111 'ii tiiii 1' II i i l p t t li t ll 111 tii. ii 11ly al :a i 1m1h'e r iell }f .,l d afterw rds iarclet prati caly re twca p iltli ttr isubscrip tintforthe , rg ltoh atr fr te s.vs tatci ii tii iiiti l reun ilthi p 1 tlest he t t 111ret11 ~w eem n h progress Q tiihi tict i lit 'tfo riti'i''t fou1N1awha ithe fre lut-4tbeo me111111 - rc r .T he t t i tiltri tt 1ha 11111 achii t lit;an ir'altowed lt{> humithe1 it 11111' tay 11 tfoga ii t t iii 1111affairs.11 ii tit ou iit ifi o p rt itely llttle to Tfte;;tucut ouncl, theaui l so , 1 m1fthy h vent1p to tattm LV('1tl'l7 DISCL'SSES EIL\ I N UI7NCI(S IN Ci,,liGl7 -TheCLollge Lat'.Livitg waoiie iLjecet of Prof. LWoiiy'i addrss at Llctdliiite al Suday eeri.g Il~e gave aneitotm111C'of th reigo1111 t hch ihe tlt1 tiltiita cllege sit- i'e i, oit twih tdttto of in ay ltcliiitn, od mp'are~Cdwihh Ioe of i'li i tiet of today.lProf. Lettiy ri it lithis irl ious 11nd111 esto l11111ai Itde tmoritat and invtalube. -Toda tithe 1111111 man i tui 11110uht liii trn si 71111 a n rcr wa117 'lii'cii in hiat iecldiofailto himlihich ctani- :lt betemiiidibiihi mti' Niioihasino 01111e tiningt ylit aret receivig. 11111 e1 col-11111 !eg ma sil110 l tm rel etalin of hCI'im- _1tt; he'ialb 'tall'up fidl i'lithwifnif of docie ntdo thi< rithat0110cauC o mallte can 111111ilto ril itht is 0hri t An the ' whole-irdii t hii ta irelife sponiility Curo th11 t is u i tand tha 1111 'asotlthat livedca itt is uit y.le 11, we! arethist rla ition o t grea111 tr Ao li, best1set forth by i t' i'lof neveriIc ape h,11111 l l crIeaitioidst cf hub ofdimt'nmut gtt it'hqualit' fillom 1111lie.Thi hrat o forlf idered Christi'anit n ath aeridottg illthetningfoha ntrcat Thy.wtle l lt h oulmwtaas to thed 1>orhi.Ve 1117' ie w ral Cfitttforlttelttlerihinile 7101 ctilao trtilt have tltworot tistowttli.fea' iftr a ist o wt, a h ,andsit islte aty 1)"" that e i. can hcco roihIle statil raiz a tt edO e llrli ii i i n muatyi eIla anid errintryisfoodulterritoreVril qu'tick fllor r ton Ae it ncy ptrttuend Ihle Slarttntitobehi odibyatuyie tcrttifliion iccoe fa 1t1151'and 11pass aly tl. fh t St C tle Itoolry'111Colour Ig icr1, KInej. Sntouorvationperod atn aiefalcomrmiaioniig.atdiisfactory pries.amog agtse a Ochnth6u . Fill' wantistree llprnt tteirty to1 oha r01111 i t. anlijeftabulyhanted Tennis Rackets Our Prices: Pim $7.00 Campbell Longwood $3.50 Columbia $3.00 Park $2.50 Hub Surprise I$1.50 Sianr $1.00 WAHR'S The Booikstiore that's Never Undei'soid Co E. BARTIHELL Medical Dental BOOKS Text-Books Dictionaries Statuates Quiz Cormpends Etc. CASH or EXCHANGE For Old B~ooks C. E. 1BARTIIELL orit's a rea'ltity'wi chi it tadiltbfe LL'"er'e'a ote i'too be'taknthesenti- ou rwh1 ing1111 iou filvor of posing lthe Canassfoot'ubsripoi iitin th le 1most Inegetic 01117possooihK'The sc01h1e11' of keeing; 117 an'iof~i'oil oi cuhitor' all s rie work . 011111iii not1 hei left lo t his lt anil 11111 nor to tillmiingihAii irc'uI'llarlt tils .1011 .'p~ui'lil. LWhye 1n11 orga'izeci tilen r m t li m 1 1 is e n r y o h t l the Ielld3of theu' ut t , eveiu' r y a7lumnustil 0 iaonr thet'resosibl rltieia Rmricne-I Ir. Chiarlest (Vler. LAhiu :dialeonHlrry' Jottit. ( litirs17110 I lartoldi Trumpst. C.lassotht~letic's LI ottio in Shiafiotli. 'ilc LiMoutntof ol ulge iDayso--.roof. J. 11 It'I p i 1.0Ilio LVett Out 1of 'oultuge 01111 11to1Lii et'~e IuIto'%voncill eaui i'heolte batill Fros and o rankl to intt isldesto, ln'orgcoh beor thet'stci at.rit leveint' 6ipiCm. Tel 761. 326 S. Slate SI. SEND YOURi NAMEL ____ For aCaAk1og'ize of Spalding Athletic Goods Nieitiisiiht'.port y110aretiteretdinnd111 ask fralisialt ouf totlig, anttuSsolsuplies ''ift Ibooks oniielery athlteeetsport,. ie' Oet c'opy. Setndlfor Ctliut istt. MailiOrder Dept A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nasau 01., New Ynrik. t4t Wabath Ae.. Chitago 01.1)'. 'i'way ' oh' tillt' 0 wlii .inirc itidatuit'. forlut tight)y. Ticke't. C.111 ;li 101 tot 1eavc'noght well capitaiitltte 11 i iraohseuriedl ta o ittithe A nirorndephot. T'en n is Rackets i.. 191 K( Ca HI D~o You Need a Racket ? list and prices : If so, consider the following 07 )DAK Ltal ogs y re4 &RE We will take your old' Kodak as part pay- ment on a newv one. Pim --- D~avis --- Campbell_ Varsity- Surprise i 1 1t- 91 $7.00 $7.00 $5.00 $5.00 $1.50 Champion- Lonagwood . Park- Hub $4.00 $3.50 $2.50 $2.00 If you want to make money this summer She have a propsitioan hy whilch a gutod mra can, in three mouths, muake iiore thtan enuighi to defray hihs college expnsens for the inext year. There is no outi~t to hbiy and tio catechisnm which you have to learn. All yott teed is your own gray matter and a little tell) from us from time to titme. If yott will write its, we will gladly explain how we propose to tiake yourt text college year free from fitiatucial worry'. THlE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 424 Cherry Street Philadelphia, Peiiusylvniia TmEs Ldue'iiiiK oEJiIC'im. Tutu SATURDtAY breiVNIlPOTt TENNIS BALLS$ RACKET PRESSES AND COVERS At THE COs-OP The store o the Students, by the Students for, the Students. COME AND SEE E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. State St. IL 'II __________ It,.; _______________________________________ P1 Washington F. RANDALL, THE, PHO TO GR 41?ER Phone 598