'rTr1 MICYTIA*N T)ATL Y New Woolells 1907 6. UI. Wild co. 311 South State StreetMa McGregor Golf Clubs Are the bit nvaluic at tic priccof nin (Golf C(lou maein c ithinc ountry. Thle 'hat rc northrn I I ickoi 5 stcely andlht Slightly noncc 41ic eto noin I c I'ri liad f the 'woodiluibsiiinpsess balane inichisurad iriv ug powe.crle it oili, ar hiand forgd lon Siordts iron and are gre at fover ites with (iAmamsand Professionals.IPidec Drives andi IBrasies $2.50 echa I Iroin - $2.00 ali A T SHFEHAN & CO3 Thi Students Booktoc Money Loaned On w~atce, iiani. iLawnoks, Watighos ad awel ry repaired. Bargain4 in Wathes& IDiaimonds Office at residecea331iS. Liierty St Anai Aror. 9 p. m. JOSEPH . WATTS THE MICHI JAN DAILI..Y.'! 1 , )finir 1cl~nd litrlarti . hltterlCi have oftiii cia nii'll. It a is ntaltirdo it hnorot ight ito mueic anbT' rama Cladion r Iix o iilolont n. 1i iTIl nacri i ll),i,1l, thel i--ii u, a on the aliiy dia- :-S tanhl I I ioarIi t :"mocler''Whoi)tr.ioi- 1 Ii_______________ 111' 1 l .w , t lrri s tililnoall 1t' lti Th ad inlagc, io them us10icalt uicitii Nra .X 10 lpi I t101 1)0i.h 0 \il \rt I f 'ni-li an t,)rganloaiion l~ hi lt e ..i .... It.n. ' I tti)~l W a b ld' :,t e E r ti> u re e tleb t Xli .111(1 1lrii ~ D W~h 1it IN TafiESii*FYRii '. terapreciatednloaiti tic qutelt's suc ti 5tl~il', ~ tditit .i.t1ouiI t 'u'ta'tihc J'W.M c( lilc i R beriH lan y iitliiai i; e'c1k poiia p ee ll lii i a tlciiil iiiiin l el ere. w~r ~~ 'ot 1til Thyitt l fr et cr rpr iii I tht. Ii' ii ihate i-' t liiiiiil aiir Fl. y I I J~mc t~ergc If. 1nI);1t {i11 mthe S tldnt,' ~eetlrc .~t~ca '.ied ofirt ingimiictitrtuc Tennis Rackets Our Prices: Ponu $.00 Seark $.00 $.00 WAHRwoo he iiaiiiie iia-,Na $3.50i'lii Did o olmbSay KODAKS? P'e(o hmaevrytl $78.00 Ke odks thtsFevr Rntla TheAn Aorbxor SainSan A, 3=Aand 4AnKoak Fo a CAfo Reof C/n.>tdnuo5 A10ctera Dray Lirr c il y aili n ti e i nO. I iiuauy'.I i ul i i [ Che tul i al- i In Un s!Oad.-tip A.6.SPLLINO&14OS 12PHOisTOG ewCR 4 AbaH tERtc an i g ii n iits Ia t rtoiithe110 lash iti0 s I '. Il l in~~~~~~~ lii 1111111huhla itgaitinns11. term, wher i ev ii ii 1111get" liri 1 1110 liollin lhltli brans-ltuico l c 0101Iti\\iii d ~I hl ise ito I l~lill(.in I OInC KI 110111 lilili Ill ill I llit ill Ill' ht byi ll --1tii ti i it la l ii n b li l ar" 11;11 he nu'htuutu I hIt einitc had 1111ils ilI'll i 1111 111 of1 interclass0ti n Imo r l it r 11.1 tea in 1 1111II'lhlbaell o tak nd .d hirclnc sc ifr lierar1 clas 11111 nwith 1he1la ar 111a1y whotill and 111111 d1i ; I at I111' Mr.Itan- lil'tlidy Ilf this urtk 'lt.e ot o tunedI Hl.LBanut.II. It I' ,W ItWl. HalIn I N ion Y 11111n ll, Olga I. I Inltel liliih Ih t' I KayeIl. ["II, BeItaI Ntu~onl. S. Porter, IrancesO 'I ' Iil - gl i ] ill C . 117" ~ t ~ he iost1101 liltand s11ec tcular' 10111' >fi work iun 1 tli tht toliee ret edIllton the LI 110ii n tpubli. n Iiil~ll 111 it Ih ag A tcIlan 11w1'libi Inn Ill -Ill)'attrciite hi,101111 ,n a sln iiiti o -t mammoh1blin to fl110r01a1den. 1111111y1101a1ouslI mpe111 rrili nd . xI-inn ltnrfemiit Iand n a ill0r1 nderlctI. 1111 veyateroon n dLNlIXtnI.h. r the111 ulastw v of h I inlnay 101innx be l a sintl d , ya t he t ale~ 111 nt it i11,1 Lillin A giiilI ofNw Yoiinfomill fir wa tinr1,lia sinerh Iof raetihlity-,grav-i 110110 high ich111p0noul0111icelwthuWon- derfu raneadut.ns ndle coningtis eagerlyfn awaitedi.bytthlenomuhr XoigulicofSt. Ltriung,. 111Ii t f i s 1 0111fom ti e o inl i the1 at111( I) itc -el. - - ________Z. _;c lt,___ S towar (opsn 11 ea0m01111 h11111 th11111 h1110 011 s e w1111 ilito ii 11al1111 .1pictuth Ien 1by the l iist f nfa i tiliho '11111g0111 XX'igiirr & Lo)" S1a1e St. 505 Tennis Rackets IDo You Need a Racket ? list and prics: If so, consider (he following Pim Davis.-- Campbell- Varsity -- Surprise. $7.00 $7.00 $5.00 $500 $1.50 Champion.-- Longwood -- Park - - Hub $4.00 $3.50 $2.50 $2.00 190 7 KODAK Catalogs a re HERE We will take your old Kodak as part pay. ment on a new one. COME AND SEE E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. State St. . K If you want to make money this summer Wie have a propsihti uby Owhich a roma1101 sall, in three manths, inakeort1111than Lllillgh to) detray his college a xpu nc s for the nlext y ear. 'There is nou outfit to butt antI no catechits in hich youi love to learn. All youn ieeis in1011 oawh gray siatter antd alitt~cli 1311) frimn5ltfroit t iletotitle. If yotu will write am, we wvill gladly expolainl ho w e propose tamsnake ,ctrtext college yt ar free froni fitnancial worry.~ THE CURTtS PUI3IISIIINC COMP0ANY 424 Cherry Street Philadelphia, Penisylvania ma Laauucc' HOMEs-t jiAuo. 'lt e S ATrsiViNItiNGams Po TENNIS BALLS, RACKET PRESSES AND COVERS At THE CO-wOP The store of the Students, by the Students fou) the Stuidents. -i i, _ __I__ I III-- piWashington C. RANDALL, TH~E PHO TO GR 41?tE.R Phone 598i