1 ~THE MTGCITGAN DAILY Q- 'r ' Y c , , .1 i _ . Y ( it '1 . -_X. S,. , . , x I ACollege Man looks as much a fossil in a suit of clothes made for his father as a Vassar girl would appear if she wore a dress buit for her mother. The difference twixt College Brand Clothes (just for young chaps and men who envy the youth) and usual garments, is every whit this much, no price difference. Pine Line of Spring Hats and Furnishings IIi TAEBLER (Q WUERTH IU Allnual May Festival MAY 8. 9.110, 11 THOM~A ORi~CHlESTRtA CiHORAL UNION A. A.Staniey ~Conducitos Fredeick Stock Ride-Kelsey. ........Soprono Sctiumon-Heilnk + Contraltos Janet Spencer Eadward Johnson ..Tas Theodore Van tlorx .rsr Campanai .. Batitoves Hlowlanod Witherspoon .. ..... ......Bass Lockwood ...... ..:..Pleanst Kromer. ...........Violinist MESSIAHi Choral SAIISON AND OFILILA" ( Works COURSEI TICKEITS teneral Admission ....... ...$3.00 IncludinogReserved Sent..S4.00-3.00 Fordoil seessmall ,oaeoueet. wIhivii y epiroi~rliathe SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAVNARD STREETII THI.EATOR 1DM Winter Sports Joys of Marriage The Election Moe's Bairber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue WISCONSIN MAY c' \.\V \SSItts 1.051.i or ij~~ies \t 1A K-VROFRDS Itli stIn i . h i i:,~ ~r t I : to W iS'lk (Ix il S~i s sscientific con1struction011 ,XXIIsxl f ltII c p.r livil -,iin shoes atll XX t~I)vei s ii laustedi to Iast, built Iil IIRhscultschlcr,,s ft FIRt ,AhNLBN s 4,L itXii M1i I l S.Mara treet $ii [7NONIC >tit itIltPhtogrphe I I) i $2 1 211 P'isttCs A)I"SIL[ N I et1ll ther Hp smLLYahi~ aliX Ni11 I I I lbs ,regenits atlthe.iUivcrsity if Wis c11us11 are coiisideriing Itli ailisatittit uif abiolishiing intercollegiate gameis of u411 kinds. Alt te instigati on of itsal 151t powerrful Ininoitil)of the farulty. which is olpposieiltoiatlet~rics, comiii-i tees hiaie iseeiappointediito iiilcisigati a41 repocrt onil the:subjetc, a tiemet inig of the Issirid ItoIbIiihelie di week in June. Theirstidentiibldyhit arouseil and pireparationls areren iiade to fgihtfihe propoiised ii 11to1ti iiil .Visconsil hscatIlprsent1overfi losowdred canidiates for lbe track teolm, uwing tc, the faculty giiig cred itifor wyork in all branches of atlelrics. Wisconsin's football dates fornis fall, which will be called off if fieror, p-ae ction is takers arc :fOct. ifs ; tnoiiatalMadison; Nv.a, lit at is~r City; Nor. 9, Indiana at :Madison ; Nov. x6, Pirdur alt Lafayetter Nor. 23, Minnesota atl:Madison. CONFERENCE AFTER NEW MEMiIXS :Michigait's airence fron thIllshlu kit"track meel at Marshall fiel, Jinic s nay be partly iiffset by Ieland Stan- ird and the University of Caitfornia paLrticipating ilthe gamers. Ala itrrI ing9 of the conferentcetmanagiiig comit-1 tie held :Cay t, itfryas decidieditoIsperit leans friiin these tworsitt~ionli~s t( ssnmpcte for wsestern chamipionshliptiiiii iius, and telegrams of invitatii a in accordinlgly :rent Io the (Califoia iicolt levfs. The tUniversity of Missouri hasals applied for adnisifonItoItircoiiferrrncr mlet. N(XIICE TO SEASON itASltAl~l, TICIKET ii1tJ)RS. 'fhe blank ticket ill theiseasoni bise- balf book swill admtitoIthe D. A. C. baseball galei of May 4. Co mLi~kss it li{ii. Su srptDls I'm-01, IIW s o) + III Ig.. ' I I 1 $It t , t t, ,1 1 ]w p t111 Clas ses repiairedl. FEyisicarrefully itti' andl trstred. Gfrige 1 tter, Miaid, stret Satisfactory tailoring at satisfactory pices.Funller & O'Conoir, b6iq ;.Witl- anm street, ti hugds iiigt t I1-dt ) t/;, 1 I(X)OJ 4I3 I t Co., slate- "trc(t I. TILL; I'S- I VIII'l W1yi'C wiitifgf r ii 1,11% Oli lt i 'Ilildt i mi tt A .5 y Rai or trop Diamond R ~ or NIEW SPECIALI lINE Japanese Ware SO111) 1RASS WAkIE in Can iatus, .Irdlitties, N1 NXIi LINEl0'i CisWiAiAT I CAR11)S AXI) NIii i it, ii i tis i t, il fias nutl iiil Co, w"( iii))ru Iic i t llco c ii tlt fr trnt tai e % ;t itl it7ti itc } (tt; EH~~~~H IA Rv 11113PALAIS ROYAL No.209 East Liberty Street .r " i i f K, THE " " ,. MAlMr' HO B- Ask to see the genuine Imported Russia Calf O xfiord, J& St. shoes retaiiiIteir shapeiLuntliwrarn1 ouit. Ask C ts posted on shoesatnd lie will tel u the iJ.M.sti it t F ~and is recognized foilay as Ille htst iiiIso. si TheFlage ~. s te TingWAGNER & CO., Stae Str' 2t} ii i i 5uio rs' " Ideai Barber Shop 717 N. Uiversity Are. 3-- !JOHN TROJANO0WSKI iverythting Just Right, J. F. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBIINGl and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY #J. F SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. MQN[Y [OAN[D on Watches. Diamonds Jewelry and aii Higb -Class iClit tel sod Collatieral security. W. J. LOURIM 104 41k Ave. Opposte Court House Two doors sooth, of new Y.X. CA. Orrice Hooea; 8:30 to 11:30; I to 5; ? to -i3. Business Srictly Conildntlsel MoAdelia, Guitar, Violin and Banjo Enoch Dieter-e COO1K 1510 USI, U.5PAINLINO The L~s aO;es5 ;a . ii, 0,CifY Srctly Fleet-Clasms Work. Embalmer and Funeral D~irector SCIIAEBI3RLFI & SON xisbul.ainceAr. iCaliX l ecl far iOi~cl s-0Is 1M .0A 0:~.*rl~,, ,o' %Vi J14 W.+Liberty St. ANN ARBORhoeaaAsAXie ti I I I X Q. of Y. BARBER SHOP $2 Spiin Term- $2 STATE SAf VINGS BANK Vlbrassage, 25 Cents At Scott's Academy snli V i Sh'ams ' athus, 15 Cents A ssili itX .sslday I ,,ni,r i,,, is.ti ta Shine, S Cents ii',Il AX, iriit., st r5it XXI Ia J.R11L"Tuef~vo.w kf. 322 S. tt. ii).i IilI,51 Neat to Sheehians Bookstore. 336 Souath State Street t, i /#io SATISFATION FIRST',-then a rk(1 hfd (n nn AVING OF $10.". to #15. uutiiP 1~l~l UIIQI Is WY we are spill"e;stb. o ns mesds ul om oils, to Order from $14.00 to $30.00 ill8)t:t liberly St. J. K. Malcolm, Mgr.