The Michigan Daily ANN AK1, R,10. NI I lOAN .SA I) 1 lY, NIAXY 1. 1907. VOL. XVII. No. 154. D. AftC WILL MAKE VARSITY HUSTLE All-Star Team Will Meet Lowe's Men Today on Ferry Field- Sullivan and Ovitz Eligible. I vX 14141111' I X Xiii X\' ii. XII Xiii>' III> IXIXYIKII LEMONSW AIDflGYM ItM 191 11108II2Q' I IUI1" MaXim loll i 1 XIX XXXrtiuitXXX.'XXXXX i rli ; tc, :tllc'(1ilc \\it l7 I -' ci cc t t"~~ l lt; m c h 1),i i1 ih L1)v. . ;it A IIH i-hol iii"t XX il 11111 XX4XXXX ' I cIXIsf 1 Xulsitn tisI'. XXX XXXOXIX ill t e , ll I he isitllX tam, whie X illn t he ala a e r a ' ' at i lnl is illX reaity X XX XXtXIXte ater M r. JunsX was N 1 XemXXX ar hithe in th "IXXXhiXXXI W igan pi lstXIXun () il 'l XI XXX illia11111 XX l stX earXil XX XXXnd ickX. 111:I I er I' s mh ru XXI - '.:1111 haveXXnItIprXactice]lIXI I r he l! XXXed eh iI Ie XX the XIII lly and XXill MCIa XX r n .1111 g me 1 111 XXXXvars ity aiX a''1 X III \ ll the oglitthe lr:ll mua nn Xa;Xie])XX a, th i d XXX I wr " ll XXXn d Iub AIII XXXIX XXXI of XXeX tain willI W taeni XXXXXXX XXX heII 110 Svam tikesIilIw ccptd o 'fai, 1) 11idi11111 h.1K1 ly, 21. XI X I. ,. Wll , c I .I:XH i'XX I XXX p. I). A. C_".: .Andrwn r~fI; XI chXX c 2h ; I) Xi X X. s .: teXX ; Ar h r Manager Ii Ibir\\\ , ' r. p I h mlre ga e. he c dll Ilislo Xa, f l IXXXIII X XX lXX:II iX'.IXX''1X ----XX'iXX'X'.X'X 1a 111:Ann ill'X'iXXXX. flay sXIXIX'. iwnI date1. XiiXX X '\I'll' X20I- IXIXXXIX P. i' IX alXXIX v.1111 XX XXi XXXiX; f 't l XIXX l i .1IitXX. i iX'IXXXXXXXX I' XNNI11'Xi. IW I',iKX.N IX IltI Sll .llt X r1 l ii IX) XI 141 0'. IXtiX.\ 111.1 ar a Is The XXXam"~iXX. Ili in1 c°11 1 111 s :, XXa-v 111 y1 l11 11 11. w a Irc11 XXI XXiX l-i 1 X' Illrr r. I ( iricl; r , l1'l: 1" ifit 1t3;tt XIII4 ml XXXI' .)f "141 cr XX3r I XI rX XX'i 7]] Illill 11 ' I' 'XX'X ''' XXXIX' IX ; ttt t~ t 1ll111 (% la 1111c I. it' 'I XXl XlII' XXI XXX I 1' 7,t t 11i.1t 3l SUITS AT AUCTION Woman's Athletic Association Will D~isp~ose of Various- Lost' Articles Today "XX I W O IIIc heII I c k11 ) 1lii 4 ItXXa ( Xil IX 111111catch , a1111g XXIXe) XX ler,1 X Ire 111 1\X'XX I XII X''XIII'.X"lX 1111 XXXIX()11 I I it(,I II11 XXir XXXcI. XX Inll h Mcac ttl it t i1 I1 1 1; ( 1 1 1 XIC II iiir XXXI XXX' XXin .XAX'XX ' c,.11 gr11ac4el '.1. A geXIX er11 ;1(11 11of2; IIIs III1) c1r11 11101 11ccot Xill. Xlv 11w 11tu ''1 XXX' '.1111 I. o ti - tr t I XX'. I I i 1.1 that11111 III 11w 1 l 11tl' 1,e ic, ix 1 )v(I $iIfXX 1XX a X'XXXX'XX)tit XXXXXt X XX111 1111 III'. XXX 14 II~t !)c an XItII II 1 c1111 XX IXXIX XXII 11 IXXXI I XXofBoe((Il~ ,111 ;4 Xi I ".ItiIX \P 3 XXXpl"' iIng wII c II IIac I. lii n I"'. 'XXIII N( ,rtl lw4"1 1111 IXIMrt, X)f f\"I~IXI itXXI XII l' (' i' 11 XXX 'X 'lX r XX XXX, iX I'. XXXll~li firt XIIXXII XX< XXIX ' XXXI'tc. l11111 I, 'XX ;r t k. ~ I '.r XXI '.' XII mt f 1r111 XX'' I I r-(,< 'XXXl tx i .c, XXX XXII III XIIfI ' XXX'Xl1,iXXX XXII X- ")rand 1rXplioXiX i X''. XXXill' aftier XIII XIII' Nrh'(II XthIIX'Xi IXXi h norso ity ProfI I XkXIdd)IXprX''acedXX is remark;XXXXX tX iet, i X III XXbXe11g111X I XXIX XIX th IIIIhatX nut-i ccord wereXXX 111111 .'.. ili~id upn Xrm Wfmusoeo 7)A ) \\ ic b re P1111111, 11111ii nl l cXII I XIX i' XX toI. that of 1872. Pr' of.I1111 lIXIX hei'd. scribe the XX'pt 111111ast yar,1 o j XXIhichihii %A"XnX r e-iiifniv teling XX11tiXI'IXX 1thei IciX \iX'i'14'l'XX~t ''1 VF M11 X ' lXX IIII lii'. XX'XNT XXXIS I' XIb XXX'XXXX Sting I X'iIX'X i 11. ic11is toh' I XXthe scc XXIII'cert or t1' Iwi li ofXXhe i c igXXXIX vioiv thivevenini si a ra I/Xaii'.I Iich .1iX IXXXX'i14 XXNlr. U's dXX i 'XXII tXoXXcreateXII IIiitc is is XXX ill \ilt 'I hIXIii andiX iXc iXI X'.ix i'XXXXI'. in hs 1efort ItoXecurII fi'. i'. ~i~i'X X'. tu violin, \I r nt eon li, N '.. Ju i , I,_ I' r c 1111 Si Xl'XXcarIneIXIto II'ii lul l' ast111 fa i X SheXXmadi h'. rXXI 1111 XIXere111It I th ' Iispo Ing sXarld y Xmtu iy Xlof XXII11 111 ion, byXciXiXXXliI JIXofIX. Ie. Xio iI' an mi im cbi I .XXIX 11111 X I I Pi arke111 is also 111new t X l '' ii:ArborI adi enes'. ilt yearX.X X XXXII Ie as . 1 111:1re 'l . i iih i l1, i: 1Ins pu e, :,III is lat ex W ih i oiai (Ifcapabe1111 Ii i 1111111 XXXII1XiliB.X XXXIII nXIII isisi'Norial 1114111.willXXappear ilhIll'. quaXIIrtet to-I'i iyISchool1of .unit, fXla)lil iXIX'v f11-ma. i ,. I'r. kiiiii ll pan quinte1 by R' icXIIX I XI'. Mon 's fXI. r TheII concert11XX is III ininXX I'rc III' 111SIXHOOLX XXRI IVAII fr m it 1111igh 1 sch Io lilarn i ll mi tteeXgXi XXXIIId111o be1111 tiiedXi whenXXXneXXrvX' eve111'ry o i llI townXII tXIIr114di IutIi toIfsec tXie ig showX lastII' igh111 111t 111 X li They tw nt iv cleg-gil w o l 'III' Ied ill(-IXItXIXX pX iii ngXXXii wouldXX ;tlii'i'XXXXXXXI 'i ol iXiIX FRENCH PLAY IS OF GREAT MERIT Presentation of -L* Bourgeois Gentilhiomme" a (Great Success -M. Beziat Is a Clever Actor. TXhe IproducXtionXX ofII -f,,'- IXioii'X'XXI II rn tiu i'XXXX III n Iv XI X' 1 mv i iino lihig buX thei he i est prai' i XiichlasX its ex -4 pete oitw lani ior Xaccount of Xii'thei itXtoIthe. attent ior XXthe pubic o som weeks, thei audXXience was' X greatlyiii '.111111' XXXI th'. ii shXiiaI ndii'XX ' XX 41i'XXI wich'i marked'iI hei whloieIperformance. 1111',c .XX4Io l ely aniiiX tnii to.ple.. lastXhet h," o mean, leas, Xco-opeirationIX Ilf exelece companyX114XwhichIXgvei'Xthe XXXXX'i y justX XXX XX X X'a1trulyioigXial an' ei ci u interpretat XXionI f te lne.Te wol X'Tfhe plx'iyingiiiof iiProf . iaXX i 1111 roXXI I' v iIonirI IiX XIM 3 XXovXIXiXIX XXaI Worth} : ' ilifcsi '.XXX actor10'. itoitli. Greet114'i hiMlvoilio. isi performanceX'X (waiiis i li'Ions li i itentiadiat Xal .tin iXXthor oughly humorous. I;iter lastI i Xii ' , XXXat.I li'XX llv i Ic as m P.grat iii lv- I Itsin Xi Xdepartmet, brough11t01111 Cecc D ri at ii liIIv i11111 X ii it lei st-i ('XXI',Iand.'proXmotedliidramatXic'X perform- ii ancsXwichI avrcX ofi'greavtXXmXit. 11andlXIa company Xi IasXof IIaluniforly high 'lilly XXXIcI. ToImeion the1 XiiwoXrk'loXfIiii- Xliii il n t o l Xight1 lith XX'work oXIf thei wholeII XcompanXXy liii gmi'iiiii'y mXliv osophy, BertIo 141111fmmdi alpIrtXuited tovIXiaiXX li IX XXd 41ade 4ani xXX le i m-iiX givyng.the iaiiijustiatoncl ofXXIX a 4v'T'he pelrWfXrmanceX- was14'wvellXXstaged.X ThX sceeryXwasapproXiatXeXvkTXXI'.cXXs- XraceIwitvhXwichiXthe' playeXrX' adapXted tIXhtalimade'XXaI'picturesquXlevX'iX XXesI XX' vihrXulhoXl fiithiXlitage.XIIworXkiiilXXXc'arll fulliX' iiXirXXIandvXsIXtisfaXvctor~y. Xvi XTheXXlperormaXnceXishXXXeIXX'eide the thinrgsXI Xhow IXIXIIIX iialent thervis-toXbe fvesiovs, faclt~iy womeXn'i, collegvorgn-l wici'had1411 del thly ly111114' XXXIIXIXl. (lvvnaiiill XXwasvlichordi X'XIXXXiXX if II, g411nXX'XXXXXXX at XXaXXiX~g IiheldIThiivvliiy eing atXhe g XXXi yXXXXXmXXum. AId ni andII NI XIXXII X'XvX C IXXXXXrc1iI'IXXi~i .i XX'XlIi'N X III?'I.XV' 'NiiXX'* I1ttL XiXXX 1111. XI X Xi XXXX i (Aga 1 11 1 101''ii '1.1 it m.II ' Xll l n J ()Ii 8rautr KI w it 3 XXlWnm >1.11 r rc r" -ltlv mall, .lcl IlineXX'.i 411.1' I I '.'Xcl~c~cfXX III i"Illllr; IJ'r .,IlVtit, I"ktilrlic I< it7 ;. l l i \ a is littltl -- tutrt Icllc iVt ()31,c Mc- IXI c1 t1" ct''l ' XXifi the 111h?(X fo l IX' I XXX. XXXX 1111111 XXX XX i'. I T XX' XX XXXXXXXX 19. in' sXIIX assIX I'in 'XXIII 11111 i '. :r " l lt"XXXI Xi c XXIX'nc ." I rXXI XX XXXII XIX XX ii X I II 11114 XXhis XX XIII i Xi itXXXIaXX I' Xsi'X ~ ont l A l'XXXXXII ''I~v'.nX II I XXIIXXI'. vXI},i~ ifii Ii XXII'.aI.II XIXc I uXIXIXof it i seIX froli '' e Icel PrI of.X I IJXXA N AiXX~i ' 1 XXIII IXIXIXIX XX Xii;XII XXXI XXXIX XXXIII nd IImp an e, I Xi I Itc 4a n1.1 XXXIhe IXX XXXIXr XI.XHu . b;I Iin s o l Xotcli I XoIb'. XX Iimarch. ofXi v XXIilzat in,. Xiii I t Xi, asili Ihll XX XXXict r f,1c11- . a ve1 w c11;11 ill '1,1111 I iiXXfl('rXX '. . 111.1111rof. V atsllXITiIyne (7tI ri fcXI i'. - I :'iI card'I'XniiXX' . underX'I Xl he' I i rectXX ion'XXIf XXI' CoitI'. I' 'te1111111' '.X' 11X'X'X XX' l I hatXX iXtwXXXII X tl.=n Fife-X''.XfXcromeC. XlX'. Ali- ii XIX' 't. X'X'X'X'lI he1 playXXX ' XIXIX'' X'1141141'Xi ll as XIX i'.X Cowles iihadiXbeen t n. iIXX'Xif' 'IIIII .' I i'XX. i.l l iX'X;viIw 11'i , a d OWX afI IXIXhatXtie1cXXXworXIIn hist'. Natohy-ic Iitph C Io ner ,i rg a iIe l tst lIii, i , ~g lc