TTI! IT MICTTIGtAN DI) L Y _® UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1 ALAR1 CLOCI(SHACK AND CNIRIAGE HIREa The Summerp Quarter, 1907 ItTtrsr SCnapman's Jewelry Stovco 206 SOUTHii MAIN si'iti:Li ' k 11 x<9it'I T1Ji5 - we lesa1' TH HVRIYi~' 204 South State Street PP .11. ' S < i'" t GLUOAVES nin right lt e, so byhayfIineiind asse troubile PttI<1 ;c c 11ic 1i;411 (';tfc1 r 1 P1I:: n. lut= 3 t -1 ( Wt r A New Fad ill the Latest Cravat From Wood It takes one milIlion yards to make one poiund El! Art Fibre Silk. 'there are twenty filimnents to each thread. No wonder they wear like iron. Thle only house that has them in the city. Lindenschmitt, Apfel& Co.'s I' &~ 51ccr. F \. 11. ltci t S i n 'X : II II 11c11i~ lt 1t t11 t t 1 I ' t' t111){ ' I )l z FP c l l play, "'l 1 ix i trl 'li II '.11111. (11a1 Sara 1 1 nw I t I t' 1 I 1 tlcr.11 ,1ic . ( I it l 11}. II r Buii 11 W Ii11 1 1.{ ),r(% ' II II 1 5 - 1. 111 1n ."1 )t II Il II 1 nI 1 " I I ). l n 11 r i 1ha l t 1 ). no 1 III .1 K"I nllllt lat1 ct it ( P P.l1~ ' \P\' I. I :I, a 11 tf1I{ 1 1 Y 1 "!1[) 1 1 -1 PII, I t i ' ,l' ?' Itt 1 t )11 1 PP .i Ch eri II c1' l1 11111 l ' ,11 11 , _ s t1 ,, ' P11 t ftcti '1 yE"1xcursiori1 a t tc1 IM 910 91II 11 11____ To Engage the Assembhly Rooms, or Orchestra, call at IGrallgcrns Acadycmy O (fficc. AEs te resedefce is orm: callers are requested tto anniounce thiemselv~es. Please ring. PpRO T, JA KS N1nd CH CA O 1Y !iI ;tni ~ ati- II(rn t ,t-at . < FLAT CLASP GARTERS Saginaw , m'ho rais- ar won anul1ly an4,000,000 leg-the mas5t Ipopullar gasters tor non iritatin hold.Its a flat as asheet of paper and P1o t1bAll ml parli)t oflheay nikel plate! bras..25 cens a pair, all deales or y mil repid, Forthose wh Irefer ac-,rd garter, -,-endfe ?IAY NIUS ICIL BUIVO BRIHTOIGATER May 6-7i 1907it P106560 SuSPEUNC ±C-. 13 Niir t .,Ph IlIletphIa VAN R. WILCOX CLIMBING PIKES PEAK 11. Iltcr5It st aill sE~~tlt S l ii 11 fllet 1)*P SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT It :mlp )llchs tte ol15pI"1 '1 l(m1111t ii llbod\-buling~ IItti-ii] Twitil til t It taxl tilt P ll i1the isll11h i iill llt.I 1111 dl~- lld b k119' IIII;io; lie C 5,11 liiv I m l 5 t ! '111 i idb Rowe's Laundry lIIOTIPS IROt)VtI trop. 320 N.IFii Aie Hot Lunch{ At T-ottilel'a -3t3 S. siyto HIGH CLAS VAUDEVILL H IELNIO I igtsCaetae HAI AD& LLIO B o l It-J oti riisi H{ERDIF&LANTZDON N oty:.ite Ar sts Maigtccs, DTnces, ayTuerssl Saturday, 104 Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors ~Professors! The best is none too good for you. You rant afford to d waste your time andI paliensceswith the old-style fountain 1pen. Buy a Self-F11 ilsler,/ndterees only oepractical aod sucressful Self-illing loint 511 Pen. It is CONKLIN'S SelPE "'1he penl with thle Crescent .Filler-the device that made self-filling peos piissible, practical and perfect." a~' Don't be deceived. Accep t nothing hot the genuine Conklin. All other srlf-fillers are in the experimental /f1 stage. The tConklin is perfect-been on the market for years. Useidatid recommended by thoutands of:i studentsi and coilege professors. Possesses all the super- u ior advantages at the best fountain pens supplemented 1 by the followig distinct and desirable features Fills and cleans itself. No dropper., No inky fingers. No bother. No joints to leak. No clogging. Nothing to take apart. J A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to l nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaran- teed natisfactory. Boak Free upon request, telling M- about this wonderful pen. Manufactured only by The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold in Anil Arbor by GEO. WAIIR'S TWO BOOK STORES. i A hrehkat ofI S OWilT I pSCUIlT. c1 hhot or sco ldik o rawl supply the energy for a Nsho!b nl s wor. P cli t'i 1 0the sameais e Bisuit, encept thit isi eoprrtselitna d.r andiis sl.I .TOAST foanyeal intea f white florhbeatd. Aiall ronss THEiI N.VI'TUR XI. 10 1) ('. NIAGPRA FAPLLS, N. Y. ..,.,,m ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING