1rti(MI ,ilANt)DAIL Haag' 75c Sigtal, 9 Perian I1a -vii29c. SlhatdOct 1Belk I filteal) ir' 1 ,iffc~r I~c a Box llome Suppiy Store. (;f- lainsadso ~ l 0 1 s . Occidental Hotel We Cater ItotBanquests, 1 Ic. H"ixson Lunch= Ypsilanti DETROITI,-JACKSON oaldLCHICAGO1)RY. ]Fresh Koa,,ted, b- l10 We buin Ira ar-toe . lots arnd roast daily. DEAN (ft CO., Ltdc., 214 S. Main txSt. .. . a. i i i i i i 3 .. . ; t 'a ,"c, z .,r ;r, Hih Class Clothing ITrgesitiplay otfIFinec ( ot lng ever lirotyhi to thits marlket. \e are deseirottsof calling yourattention ttihi e ea tifultcrti on01: tineIt ivein lu lttt dttlgraysit 'Itese 'tiits ate miostily of 'vorsted. The coats ate mtile either single or double hireasted, fit so perfec tty that we ate a soturce of great antnoyanee to the tailors. It woutifldie a tic asttre toi talk Clothing with y ott any timte. Reu le, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 souath MaiaSt. t ' i li I l - i t t + ( 'I ' ii 'Si'4 A11} I liitii il tll v 11itt t shit. I l l iIt AND k 'inP it PPQ , PI 'Wf 11. ' IN 1 'F t 'IaP P lii i l rlMik t it if is 5' t tpfta ilorit t y tri s fm tret.l~ hr.Mi tet ci Nit hfIs ' Il\''