THE MICTJIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO THE UNIVERSIT OF CHIFACI mean riglhtZloves so buy loll sad sv trouble. Dll IIARKHU1. III LILA,) Y AN ' ARSI 304 CLPEOSHUK U TE I Ci 0LLlk 1 / h 1 A LA RFIC LOC KS HACK AND) CARRIAGE HIRE Cnapman's Jewelry Store 200 01i t'ci11 IS Is f114Il OIOANCRI SIORI A Al 2(04 South State Street 1 11 ' I)N h- ilirr I I }a~ m :. 1 1 1jl. i 1- j 1.1 I i~ill]S r 1 11 t'+711 I r?1: 1.tailtS 1t' air 111111ill I 1 ti. 1 I l'I i 111 111 7; lll "I l110li. 1 1' ~('/1 .111 I%*7V1fo(1111 ReadI Iour l~rIse ii- i A New Fad ill the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Wood It takes one million yards to make one pound of Art Fibre Silk. There are twenty filiments to each thread. No wonder they wear like ironi. The only house that has them ini the city. Lindenschmitt, Apfel &~ Co.'s To Engage the Assembly Rooms, or Orchestra, call at Grangecr's Academy Office. nrscted i sterth thebuilding, callers are requested to1 annlounce themselves. Please ring. ! 1, t It II r-1 i I 1 11 il I1 . :,) > :tnt 1 11 1 'l i ck. I II " 11}1 }11111 I t 13 I til "dr ;\I 7-i i~t 1 i l1 I I I ) 1S 1 1 i(1'. II 1 I 1 t 1 l (Itt' 1 11 III) I'l lr 1.crl~im lJ I The .1 { ill I ' 1 1,y, IN at lil, Tl r-1 3 1.t n i i -' ) all~ng a?'cn; 'ac1 tltmh 11.1y I 11111- it7; 111t,1 I 1','1r 11 t,, mI c, it, and ll p r\mS It I * 1>) 111111 it. An 1 111 1ilb-11and11111 aI 'cI 1, 1 nii )- , a < c 1w Q' loll ii g 1, 11 or.I oIllrIll BRIGHTON 'FLAT-CLASP GARTERS halnJag b oestdard I259cent gartler. The 111e111dfllasp1 1 prvens chtin, bidin 11nt 1achin1intile clo1thing1. lheBight1o11n fla~tIClasp(tarter is as lt asylour handll. Worn11bylmensvo app1111 11111e Comfortl adlneatness. Made lolf Ipure silkieli~c wbbing. All 011-hea ily iklell ~d. c te r, l elr rl mailprepid. or mlt wo pefera cod gaterwe ave perfectedI LOCKrGRIP Whlil th1101re qickly1aci easi001 ly)1detach11ed1, y1tlilly havethel 111111504 grip )of all 00111 garter. 111e111 5111e rubber110liam lon)1 grips wiih abllidog tenacity. N110we1r or0tear oftile socks. finesot qulality webbin1g ; all1metal pats heav1i0ly ickeli 11ate1d PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 713 Market St., Philadelphi.. JakiSo Po ut I sjl ' VAN R.WILCO CLMIN IK' PA P OWER is tubilIc t 1) v SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT It '0111111 lco thlL gILatest ma~hter1ial wXXitih theleasLtita(x ttijli m th i c ig ite 1 ras.o It 11 11, al th nu im tM Itll' III .1111 tr111 , urd 111cif o i Tj>a1'y11111 111'111 t, oli>S e i \ a d et ( 1018c0. iĀ«llo]' Wheat I 81r Y'' r trt Ir i o Rowe's Laundry lit) bIAS RO\N' I Prop. Hot Lunch tAt Tuttlo's. 338 S. State EXCURSION TO DETROIT 60 cens Sunday, April 28, '07 Michigart Cers r-a.d Special Tir in Leave1. at 10:50 r i "t I I t Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors ~Professors ! The best is none too good for you. You can't afford to waste your time anld patiencewith the old-style fountain pen, Buy a Self-Filler, anld there is only one practical and successful Self-Filling Founltatlin Plen.It 1s CONKLIN'S Self.-EN "The pen with til e'scent Filler-the device that made- self-filling hens possible, practical and prfect" 1)on11 be deceived. Accept nothing bot tile genuine3/ ConklinI. All othe self-fillers are in the experimlental stage. 'The (Conklinl is pefect-been on the market for year-. Used anld recommended by thousands afnt studenlts and college plrofessors. Posoesses all the ssper- ior advantage, of the bet fountain pens supplemented 1 by the following distinct and desirable featureo : Fills and cleans itself. No dropper. A No inky fingers. No bother. No joints to leak. No' Nothing to take apart. I A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to r nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. Why take any chancesF Order a CONK.IN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaran- teed satisfactory. Book Free upon request, telling -- ' - about this wonderful pen. Manufactured only byr The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, O. Sold Io Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. A treaktust nf soeronen DWIFAT IBISCUIT.,nwit httor culd nilk orcrawl sapply the eneryfurnarhole' day's nork. TRISCUIT is threusame asthe 1Bicuit, cxc-pt thttit iscompressed into afruadus usedn aaTAT frnyel, instead f wite flour tread. At algoes THE LNATURAL. F001) ('. NIAGA RA SALSIi, N. Y.1 - : ALWAYS AHIEAI) IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EV ERY THiING IN TAILORING