1'i'I1' MICIIIGA N DAILY i. i Sami Bnrchfields Finie Tailoring Trade Can D)elixer the (oods 106 EAST HUICON STREEUT .. HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? Ctluett & Peabody's Famous line is flow displayed and in- cludes evecry new and natty fadt of the season ini white and colored Mren's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 MACK ea co, i' '1 !I. .. - For Shaving Barber S pplies MEUHLIG & SCHMID'S 205 S. Main St. Annual May Festiv al M4A Y 8. 9. 10. II A.()A"iStaly CiliA co ideKl sey ..lS<>Eirl Jrr ane Secer Cnrlo Edard Johnso Hol anr d iirrrcr. LacodPans SA-ISON AND h 1 IAir; ork, SCHOOL F MUF7SC Ge lAral Adms i) ..1 $ ,11 OncurinDtaf Fried Foga$.00,$.0 Flagshand a prcts of all atioi 70OurthenfFrid Aoaaay Foster's Art Stores 300 South State Sft. 1 10 East Liberty St. i i JJ r \! I 3: }\\ XIN(t i" '111 tilt' :iii' ItI ;t \[:I iwl Mc Iltt l it -tit 111111111i ', -} i l ilt I 1\IL I \ t) \ K I s islied i8 S. 'lhe college jew- C I,')l , IW, I : :K rlr I Ileicrc cIii) Store, Maiii ,1 cc l 'I I' l 11 j 1 itl I i I ORDER AN 1 TILE F'ARME~RS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND) HURON STREElTS Capital, $50,000, surplus and Profits. $65,001) a lir G11oral liaallrlt1triarcarir l'ay :1 perca lroee- 'I i iad ;aclace 1 aty Dp o to realt 0. M. Martin C'R 0ltirc il09 S. i40l A c,,. honaI3. Iteirlerr'e 1112 8. firthA c. IPhione 31.4i. AMBULANCE 0ON CALL The Michigan Seal 'I'he orei;irild cil ofitheI iversaicity Wa deilsigaedi ly tlhei' oo t cof Iraiw- logn inr(lie I 'civecril. Ini lite tr- WVilliam A 'ccld, thlieele circe jf i d Ihe ilea iof proii'ineire'wcr01in 1i IfIrs ndrirtllcotIrarrt ions. hertic () insliary)'Ifrom ,-)o cantst()lii ii"liii Rdlitschlcr, Photographer 7BAILEY & EDMUNDSalo ~orting Goo~ 11FASCI',lkllI 'ri S I FIRST NATIONAL BANK. IOt iNN Ait lon Mi'rr. I" I>. Kiniii, IiI idt. II ii ion uiili', Vici(-Preident. S XW. ('lrl'iir, Ili'itirer. iliil, $iio,iocr. cii liii lu cianIdlh-ilitsc, $;ir,icxr NOTICE MYili r ' 'ctiri oin ofAiirl ri litz Pipes at Cost 10 anal 20roff on all 1t-Il-It: Pipes R. EL. JOLLY 1}t, 1 k. No v dii 1 I, A I t l' 4,I (() Icc Cream Saiilwich Irir Yorur D~essert Sunday liio cloy sortsiiiii They ihavre any la mta, I tt ,tr An t ' e [all k ind. 7 1'hc ar me al e (i.i II< t \I r, r~ u I 't I, I I. lira [Reach riaane WiniYour et i a.. eglaYo an hold 11heihrttetkcrindo R4 . FIELDERS' GLOVI'E -I~t t~e i wil trl y u m keyo I r t iiid h eov ted " l tte ." ig ts neilefs. ;,( ,111 14 1 ., 'THE;1R1 AitOIC0 IiAL AMERICAN [F AOUFt3 i th twacwia lll aus Adoic l frii er 101? R ACHt 01FICIAL IBASE:L I. I(WUIDE for. 'Nisnwcedy.elsal iaot h rgLege scih rr(m~,, rg~e, ule, ~tc Cntinsristry ardiiio the,.,f \tut1{'sSeres t cntsr cr e~r' trrri1 it t[/trsst t odx~ot' ins I uri us aur ve x11 fil urc Udr''sart~ iiIp0/1 te zco Ws Bl at P h F,'- kfr or A.J. REACH CO.,1 727 Talip at., Philadelpt -K I a I 1wia m "crc iy haUp . c J i'iidiy Stare.iMiain III cic)I i i f u' 1 - , . _. _..,. ,.., . ,....,,..,.E,. -U Electricity Supplied to College Men and women fof All Purposes. Wasliten aw Light & Power Co. 200 E. Washington St. OUR ANNUAL SPRING OPENING OIF Suits, lop Coats and Cravcncttcs Special line of Merchandise for Easter. Swell Easter Shirts, a com- plete variety of the new designs, colorings and styles, in all sizes. Gloves, the correct new styles and shades in such well known makes as Dent's, Perrin's, Fown's and Dempsy & Place. Fancy Vests, all sizes. Hats and Caps, all the newest. W"ADHAMS (Q Co. See Showe Window lFekshion Store 121-125 S. Main St. THAW OUT ''lict 'f'ireilFuerin rg. (.