THlE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIERIT OFCHCAOJA LARfI CLOCKSHACK AND CARRIAVE HIREI The Summer "'---I Quarter, 1907 Soe111 111li111 I1'tr Lilapifilalls ewelr or y , sadlltai- y~tecttre iii tif 20r01, M IN StclLi tit t'. cii it kta ii sie t r ttcIrtW h 11)tpi t t -c'ti l t-rell !titer I t.Ii- 2.0 pe c 1pl tliANCAJI 5101.1AT 1w i w o A. X' 1 I 1 204 South State Street X I" o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO________________________ ________________________ tt I[ \X1.1 11 , 1lNttVF[ID TV T1 F. ., ~t~aa '1 I 'Iss Ii (0 . N X\\I i I ()1)( Fl, I, K,\( 1 I' I I\'!. II11'IIA 1' _X ,I ' I 1 : M A 11\\ x ,; mo')I <'CilDii. TJACKSON iaid CICA GO(HRY . I~c~c r c it~~thall 11cn Nill m c i 1 ;11is?',at 4it ll~il l s t{,I 1h llt Inta f 5 1111.1;1. 5 1 I c ,I , c i ills ih t (. 1 11(1 i l sll, mcct 5 111 R ,111 C il III XIII 1, wkXiii 1 XItI I I'" I igI 11 'I IIIS1IIftlic1~111;11 ecri~g, ow~a (.111) illI~c ld ;it 11111 z 1c ~n 11;1 ? ndI ohi IIr M cl Ill1 rI ,o 1wI -c I Xirc1n l itc f 11 , 111(.as , rc1 liii tel tc 'cc l l 16,,}111 (, III r I ,, -a ltl a .11 ; 1. 1.,t,7cli(.n '1paty1a is Io-wt I'ic Ad 111i itra Y -~w ct, ills(,1 11i are'n p 'i it> Ctnsig 1115 tilw1 1 aIs III en l ance prIt5 ran1 AI'XXI III'S CANDY SI'ORF tGil') are now se51rv ing a compilete line (of 51111 wishes wrii t ot coffee or chocolate, wlith10an abund ante of whtippeil Cr1111, 1 '118 IV It--IXXX ~1<1 171 11111111' l&tit/Iti 11111 111111111115 11 (nh1st-c'- djtMid 'tl cd. t H; srg4 i'Ialler'. MalintSt. XX'ia it en e nd eye lass repatrhc ttg lbyskilledi workmitent.Halier's Jew- '.lry Sttre, Main street, eod Saltictotrytailttrt; at'satisiaciors trices idVler &Cf tottttt,,6iqiE.XWill amt street. t. It' tr ottiflJXX'&sisstams tindSlt'k rrect. Ii };, '1i he' 1MUS1IiC cdith liir 1 -"how Rowe's Laundry 'TlHOMAS ROWI', Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave. N w It itt H t4; Bel Ii t 1 :) l A- .New Fad 111 the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Wood it takes one mill Aio yards tot makoneCtiCptond of Art Fibre Silk. T[here are twenty filiments t each thread. No wonder tltey waear like ironl. The only house that has them in the city. q Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s S To lEngage the Assembly RooH~ms, or Orchestra, call at ranger's Academy Offic . Ame ted;thtllebuildig callers are requested to rinnounce themnselvs . Please ring. KI TON ~ BFL T-.:?a SP GARTERS prevent, chsafig ni ng ndcI i t I I It I ~t ci l heBigh T'r~d Star F t l i (atirtis a fiiiat it-ur Itands. XX\V ttorn by it wo al lacoforttttittt' t!c .XMal fp ilkeasi f ebig mal epi. For wo psrefr a r tartsr'weavepfec BRIGHTON GARTERS While thtey are titijeki}'attdleasily sd tt , c i liyet teyliattet" firnt grip of all cord gatr T hDe ilk siile rubbsler diass ,, grips wvith a bttll dog tentacity. Noiteallrvr' teat if tiheocs Can't sprng looseo e cit e Iir c idttt e ta ll ti t it' I. Xli finest qluality w i ng;ltti talltInstallpart;thei li c kepltdc I brass. 25c and 50c atpair, all deals or mi lsa , pretail.. PIONEER SUSPENOCO CO., 713 kir!taet St., Philadelphia Ostlt. t' I' 'tat 4 rrsjr~l' I El I 9 4 VA 1 ico . 7't. iKE04EA lll Y, ll sll' 'ia-ilkitltt POWER SHREDDED W HOLE WHEAT It si)lista'stilt streatest tsilt ll t oli tlt ii lt cilt ill tilterXialtitItli the casiiit tax liii)ts, tli vita Itit e t Clv I tl Ctilt i I r alp r theItiIt sc IIIo the w t stc- theatsg11Its ad diges ti e irt. sisal XX tc 't'sitt, I a at , illiatianl li ai i n it iirg iaato f the "ook1-tCoeta I~i iIn," ind now till s t he 5I-T as - 4111t it fsta i'Tr 4111" ilur 1d4himselfhr ,kXpcs Xi' by isity-s, as1t1 ', llowe siati lrstillivingha~stmaeItt hi ,i}{i ' i t adhad usle. ni o ih 3 Yov . geta Ho0t Lunch AS T'.tttta'a 338 S. State The lVicligall Seal 'The tirigintal salfthe l us e srity wits tdesigits'iby11 hetilt' itt'oi o r a %-l t inn ite tniteroit'. lin latti t Ieat's XMilitaiit