THE MICT-IGCAN DAILY SmBrcnhficlld's Fine Tailoring Trade HAVE YOV SEEN THE LJUNJIIINIU NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MIACK'S? C2an Deliver the Goods Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is now displayed and in- cludes every new and natty fad of the season AM Bu R H FELD Cuin white and colored SAM BRCHFELD CON Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 106 EAST HURON STREET MACK gam CO. For ShavingI AND Barber Supplies Foster'sAr Stores MEUHLIG & SCHMID'S+ 300 South State St. 110 E~ast Liberty ,5t. 205 S. Main St. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE FARMEIRS AND MIICIANICS BANK MAIN ANt) HURlON SiTREETrS Capital, $50,000, surplus and Prof its, $65,000 lic)t', aS cc'cr'al Bithkllci ii ccc cci andPy 11r' )rout. icafcily l)ccccrit L ()c k-licrt "t .00 anclccpwac'cl 0. M. Martin DRCTk 1Residece 302 S. 5th Ave. Poncci;3H. AMBULANICEI 0NCALL You Can Find Wha 4 j You Want In Bath Towels, .Sponges, Caps, IBraushes and Soap at the C Right price at Brown's bruy Storce 120 f ist ulllocty St. Ailnual May Festival M AY 8, 9, 10, 11 THOIMAS 0(R C H Itt'I'i2A CHtt L .It I ONSil Fredeick Stctk Condctrs Rider.cltccy . Sopranoc Schumcannn Monk Cntraltosa Janet Spencce Theoadorecan Uorx Camcpancari iBaritones Howland W ithero on .......... B..- a n Lockwood Pil anisct Kran e ........... iolinisat MESSIAll"1 Choral SA7lSISS ANt) DELILAlti Waorka COltURSE TICKT t eneal Admissioan.... ..$11111 Includinx Re- cc-ad Seat 4.00-$5.0ll F rd i l.slt "T cr I s 1n wl-nii SCHOOL. OF MUSIC MAYNARDIISTREET THEATOR 1DM The Wrestler and the Bull The Squire and the Maid The Barnstormfers Moe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue (ISIl\' X'l( liY IS F XIIII'S One th olest Iililiiii' at th I-n's c icl'~ina g r l i'dress i i5. I lccjcrc i. Wa lker, of Detoiticacfrieicdiofl the Un irityii desired t(, do s"ciiiciliiig lii t(;cm ti t I nterests and the resu cc''clt was tlc o srcii cofcithe cclsc'''cdccix .XMr. \, c' c cccjcccsccl it dcc fo Itis lcccplc e cud wa Icc>)"S'd tic rs'it cclclilitidthei 11( ic'ii e i It s c~itecc'hosn cccein iia res ofi thecc i c cicc'cccccndI itrument eontrititcclhy citzens ioiDetit n Tihieiiiirst icto ws. r anccii iigc i is hc ws uccecdbyJaesC.ic'Wiaitson~. Ic7,liii cricived is itracin iifrom lDr. u owsmccclc cbiccigielcicllc 11cc latter retiring- in tr}( ccc Durii g lii,, dii ccc ioc(i f pcci fc' si' or'i I arrci ngtoniii ccine wereiiii icii installedand cothe cix ccl Ac ci(i''Hussey, tool: ilcaii'. XPmfessog r kIccccc' cc' li clirc'c'sccck'own cclr ickdo le- ii'ii'iiiii', IWachcuirncciii (II iii ciccic l i'ivcix cOfl liiiiiicx acci Illiccic~nt ot e nsiii cl i '.cciii' c cic ci The orki ccciii c hreincue agnrl cus wl ;ciii ccideal il-' li with heiteori cai n ntinai cwc ci i i 'cccii' i day cci t SI I I IFNI'S I II XIS Xl t' XXIII.I XI' I'i , nin ilh l th i secnd nnuaibi n Iciciat drcci I w I, ii in V 1k nt 1 ci'i' c They il c'go ci'c Ysi lanti in tcc' ii c'ha'rge areC.' .R m e .I , l ciK J . It IOaciii II I, / iccicecmani J. 0 cAshcancc1 1c.Xl I cr lii I.Xl M ill1 ccill actciasc toasclimasiiir. Iclic U \l.A.V Dr.ii. j I. Scili clbccl. lel'ciciccc cc'0 ill V Te Schacilli s asaP h cAil t- NI. I,,"ii), ccl F. 11. cS ccli 11, I M le"c, XX I? G d forlthei Deliii ccl cccix cc ofIc' 'cche Uion X :Mnslsmaycic cure \ll(,csale by addr liiess in 'il crder t