TTIlE IChIIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAG Quarter, 1907 q THE UIYEIIITTGEI HiC:ACT A LA RI1CLOCKS1 HACK AN!) CARRIAGE HIRE~ Cn apman's JewelIry Store 206 So(:*I" MAIN SRLE~. TII 10iNtc, a T Po p ii "° v e tW co iA Wtchl ItroT'c i, T~ lif- lil A1r hl KtI1wi1 BRTANC SIORi.AI 2(04 South State Street 2 1n- for 1 1 lcr-,cr to a d bon al Irin llv101011 1 0)"r, 6 Y n1nd 0oI ad1111] 1ii itni I N Ni C, NOw Nicc b'S.'o .fter I a.11. ,2 0 1, crl e FOWNE UNIVERISITY NOTICES I N I 1 T oo ,l Y II0 I IIc 11 r I d 1 ', I f r ; ;n 1 titi 1'' 1 11x l r , f { , IT'OInel ('lOar IlavITT (Cigars, 5 andtoCI ceuTl , II 11 TolTBroti., Idistribtor,. MaCIT'spTTiaOlly for u11?, the maTnTuTfactureTrs in Ncw! York(City.'fihey are ight. I N NN I I}T 111011 ITACKON ndlITCHICIAGOIRY. O I'Il lwf rc III( Ni I' ' ~_ 1 01111 tt 11 t 1 *.o 'I To c l ili'ii itc wcc "I II i, ili ~ ~ ri I 1l,,1;t1 1' I N N .l ~ lol iti N 1 IIa i I' , , 1. t1 1 No ';. liti I' NI R l Fllw I\ 01.'l1 ,12a' NTI-' ) It lt ifii- 1 1111 o l ' I l' , 11.1 \ I rit l I)li to itrllh ill kil 1 othi icc lebrtc i r l 11 Cobba lmc-,I aIii .11 ilc' i i Iil ii, 1111111galtl lsr clre(1arI Pesritigll ITT S11 cc t,:, J~l i1'lcrg 1\I x111t~r, N aje oev 1*1 ll ii l1 I ill iii I i 1-cl sl11 Ii i c i Nlicil i Iarld ci iiIlo" C('ol tel l I ai a K i 11i 3~t . sc A New Fad ill the Latest Cravat From ood It takes one mii lion yardsItiiotionetpoid of Art Fihre Silk. '[here are tweity ftltmirrts t eachthread. No wotnder the.,ower ike iron. ITle only house that haos tler'tin l thec ity. Linden schrnitt Ap el &Co.'s To I ngrag; the Asetoly lRooms, or Orche'stra, call a ~ranlger's Acadcmy Of ctit 'Acsthe re duo nci callers are requestid to attouncthemset lveCo Piease ring. till' II \'I - I'ct- , ii I i' . tIii I i lollll 1II IIII,, W 11 ii t i lli rt ; I r i ', \ I 1 '01 c tii t rIi irtI'IIW It li ii iii rtrl I 'i 1' i l k' t ' $ I ll'., .1 '1k 1 -4d i I t ; ':1 ; ii. I t .r01111 ii. I. ,=rl ;1 Ii'll l>; 1 . l os 'ti It ;is. l l' ,l11rf <1: 1:. I r.. l r fa y VAN R. WILCOX CLIMBING PIKE'S PEAK 1"N C TNtes.t CTf[ trenthtliN10- 1114, mT1oCiC11 (IlT4 POWER 0is fuiNyIT71t iby SHREDDED W HO LE WHEAT It so lieiistile t'Lotes ,111111111TIt Cli ITNI -iN i ldiIlO TT"ItC'Tiali w'itiT tieiC Islt talx l~ljoll t ti iiCotIN C° 'T 11. 0 It c tiT'N'iiliC-Tall t l"iT 11 li t M digesC'tiblC' iNNste ) T1 sIedi n I l all liol 111 C 1 lRo t tcil 11 0112 Nlirri l.1 oioi, 11111 11M I ftIC 1111OL llo lthe Cran O1i,'il lol T'rai1n,)" k r l i 10nioel, o I,\ 1trie of Sh e Wole Wheat N' e1IC NN 10l 1) 1 111' 0 llha,111 'i1of1 l nl 1 t iein, hat' an ro bus~ie t, ishIlroi - 1 01 ii ';.711 11 ad hsce. Ini1.jh S1o10 prelSoll ?;c. Irmiloro. i File,r & (T'C'l'eI11'r N i' NNIIIIT'SC'AN DN' S1P)1T11 111 lil 00ies ith hot1 co11ee1 or coolaote'. Rowe's Laundry UIIOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N.Fifth Ave. Yov or %get m Hot Lunch At T'sttl.'s. 338 S. State The Miciligan Seal E wt'11e i1glll'liby Ill1' rof' ssor o f' llIiall ig 1in tile ViTTrslIT'. In aT 'll',611 ", 11"IT C I., SP GARTERS i ts on- idin1g0IInii1tatnghld. t'silalt asa osleet of paper all ol:th sok a ooth as theskin. Mao f pureiillCIkll I sil ls i abingo Al etlpt o l ca\ y nkIIIIIIII . el p 111l olbrs-. 27Nres a pair, all dealer A.~'. orlbyimail preaid. ioliiI F oi thsev,10prfera11~ C _IIIgrter, we oifer LOCK-G M IP\ BRIGHTON GARTEURS not11111 11re'thefiest hlose'. T es 1110 n Ftl:z fats iptfi PIONEER SU3PEPJDOR C;)., 7111mrIt.°t St., Phlal~tphS 1 f Freshmen! Sophiomores! Juniors! Seniors. Professors! TIhe best is none1 tooooCd lforyou. You1callt affoIrdtol Buy a Self-ill11110andllreist 1 Cwi1ylwe rctCica1111 "uccessful CONKLIN'S SPEN "The pen w11thlie rcl' n Fl leI'or-tlle0 devCTileta t made self-filling 11p1nsj poible, prac'tical and perfect" 7'- Don't be deceived. Acceptlntlihin~g11111111e'genu~in Conklin~. All otlher self-fillers are il n e 1)im~llel7tal d stage. 'ree Conlklini s perfec--beenon 011111olmarknt I for years. Usedi and recommlnelndd by th~ousandsoaf I students and college pr~ofesos. Po0s1sesses all the sulper- ior advanltages of the best fountaill Tenslsupliemented I by the following dis'tinct Ind desirablle featu~res ils and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother, No joints to leak. No clogging. Nothing to take apart.Il/l A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to writes Why take any chances?1 Order a CONKLIN SELF-FII.LING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaranl- teed satisfactory. Bnnk Free upon requaest, telling -" aboot this wonderful pen. Manlufactured only11 by The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold In Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. r 1 1 i i i C Bijon Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE Amateurs Wanted for Friday Night. A breakfasnofnilS1 R oro Vs'iEAT BISICUIT. swith hut oeraiod ilk srcrawl supely the eery r n houT' day's wnrC. TrRISCtIT is the smerasthe Bisruit, txerpt that it is rcompressed in a aerraned is used as a TOAST far any meal, instlead afswhite flour bread. At ullTrces 1111 ~.'I''R.X . 1 01)('). NIAGARA FAILS, N. Y. i - -.j - ALWAYS AtHWAD) IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING