THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sal Bllrchfield's Fine Tailorinig Trade Cain Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET i I IL ,i r COLLEGE IDEAS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS Furnishings for Dens and Frat Houses U.0oI M. Banners and Souvenirs in the Latest Designs Mack ft Co. I i We Carry the Largest Line of Cutlery IN THE CITY MUEHLIG & SCHMID Ii 11 WEare Showing' this week extra grand values in Corduroy Trousers,, made up swell, especially for College MVen. ALLEN, TilE aLOTHIER, MAIN ST. i 1 i I I I I I T~t FARMERS AND MMCIANICS BANK MAIN AND) HURON STREEFTS Capital, $50,000, surplusanod Profits, $65,000 Dosa Geral I0tiankin inssa 1 0 Paty 3 per centIntereon Toaieanod Savig Deoposotts. Safety iDeposit Mixes to rent m1 02.00 and upwareds It. Kxmi-t Pre.a . i r '0 on a, Vice-iPres. F It. lmtat on cash.I f. A. V5SLAMtAs.. 0. M, .Martin ECOR Ofie20911S. t4th A v0. Phoine 98. 1eled ice00112S.5tli Ave. 'Phtne 3i4, j AMBULANCE 0N CA.L Drug Store 120 IiAS' .1_1131.RTY srtREE." Come and See Us One Week Only WE SELL $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS --11 79 CENTS WMt.ARINOLD, JEWELER 2200 SOTHIll'LAIN SI. Rowe's Laundry Thomas RIowe, 1Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Ave. co on e 4jooo '4,' Bell Pio 47-,o 5 Students' Supply Store 1 list O~penled. All kindolif iStutdents' Supp11les . 0,1l1and lsee Its. 1111 S. University Ave. UNIVERSITY SCHIOOL OF MUSIC Instructionin to11 isc for all classes ofstdets. Singing, Voice Culture, Pianoforte, Violin, Organ, Cello, Etc if you wishlio make the Glee, Maidoit or Banjo Club, it will paiVyyou to take a course' t te School. Null iiformuationi at the of flee, Maytiardl St. Charles A. Sink, Secretary Rcntschlcr, Photographer Moe's Barber Shop . A. MOE 705 North Uni erity Avenue Hot Lunch At Tauttle's. 338 S. Stt Save a Walk Downl Town Gt your Watches and Jewelry repairod at the Right Place Buy your U. of fl. Pins where they keep a full line at the , L o we st prices. No poor stock in our store. a Not h iag charged for e looking at our goods or - g e tt i ng prices 00 repairs, etc. Alarm Clocks $1.00 ad up Call at the ight plae opposite Lawe Buildig. .iJ. SCHLEDE, 3stornth MONEY LOANED OIT wtes.ooiaood iJewely ad 0al110I £00oClas htte0 andColIlaerl scuriy. W. J. LOURIM ti0t 4th Ae Opptoste Curt Iouse Twadoorssoath of new Y. 1. C. A. Orrca Hotan; 8:9oto 1ti3;,I1to 5; 7to 815 Buseies Sricty cofidntil Itin Paker 1agfl ll c no nic 1by Av 1 ill the0ooovicty of Ioooo lo to ye00 Q 'tootlo'Unt000 Koo'l ockwhto .0 int S lol ' \\00' I 100000s itcsc an to;l '1, 0 1 otto inotot too s gla t ,c lpol00 0001 oos tthe ookylittle0 00ato It a 000 i 000 00 O lollea n h WI'. toll panic. He ois 0very lspeedy toot ledC1 ah 0000as0 sping to too'ie hooiast he000 o00000000000 ter tck f wth000 n tot 0101hethe hr0 will0h t rial at0 quart0erolat' tt is pla0 e h boo 1s000mateo f d1, It.e ltl 00o and inolt expectd toI flyO lo'o m 0000 00'0'0' 1 00000s 000000tis oo. The two) 00000. The0 000100000000 00000 falt ;and ilin wa0000 100,0 r t 00000 ) both tooolt eail fatti00000000 ,\ ht th ol0001c0'00000 000000 th0' vane, '11000000 apdl r-ni l at" l starl .000ltd h c to+ot o 0000000 ~0t ft.00000000 00000000 to)lo me00000 .Ilaopolfoo 00000000 ", theot0i1w0000000 ec0t00 and 0ecaled to e0000000 her0idt- Ito n il 0000 "K d- lobh 0y ' journ0ey and Itested. rGot'g 1111 'o, )Alaoin strolt. 'Itcc '1 11101 rIl 1,1, oIO lIl't I.Sl agm s rceiing a 0pc000 n l coo l oil 00.00 00.0f' 00 000.00 000 000 i '.ot iool '. 0000 I 11 ich alI la0cr 0ro1 r 000 00a, al .ill Ihe lat oooo gam ll 0 0 00 10000llooP)0000 too c ll r c o~tlc0cd al'oo l~ ' 000 0100 - I Ic0 0(I ;,' \-1 il lt01 Ito 0 i0000 0 1.0 00t oo 0.00ll the .all0o :0001 00i 000 l o t() oa t 0a- oolicils 00~ ooltd Iale0 ill0 1 '00r 00, 000' 0t 000e' O0 0c 00 10th 0'r- a000licat0000 a .\t 000 "0 0 IIl t' f.00 N 0 00 0 olol a000 the N0 11000. too' 0.c1h l o o' c ie (' l' 0 too' 10000Ow 00000 1 00l l '0lO allltl0ll on" 00,' , oo1ha0"No01 0 O'0 ,000' 4 Ito '.aoo l t oo o 1000 00 00000m. (f th000rlllal 010er ''0 0it II, I'. \lalo a 'fe t, tl I 0000' 0 l 1' t 100001 'll t ttt l o 110 00 0al 0t0il 00o 000to ' j. c his ooooo r 1111) I, ) t o'. II l o' (I.a o' '0 00100, oll \v. lO c 001 Otcr o'o''. ilot 000.00 tintr r .u ar0000000' I 00I0'' ei 10,0000~c M~ii. o, A00 mo l to 1001 Ito I 10 0 1' 'looplo' o n A", 100 I'. I C 1 1 ii~rr 111 0000 00000 l~ 0,00,' -20o 3''.o 100. ohti~w lly Md o itsl l l li, oo'oooIoo .00It elop ;too tlCtr r~ 07(0 , . i0 i' cx . t' ir- ti - f c to lr' toii f 0001 ' J' I". oooo Itsock 01"'r tting ln00000 1 000a t oool' 0000's II 10000000 ( ' 'oLIl '001 ito" 00 ic a so c~na Itoo't 000001'000000 ' l'oo'ooo' c) 0r; It1 C.oo c(Iro'oo' Ii )'O"ol 10 lto 1l l r- 1 I It t ,tir n{ tl i 00 1 (00'0000 '0 It c000 ; 0 . i LAW BOOKS 35th Year in DICTIONARIES 3t eri Ann Arbor QUIZ BOOKS Annh YAror LEGAL MISCELLANY Callaghan (Q Comzpany CHICAGO0 ANN ARBSOR BRANCH. Sons, S3t., Opp. Law Bn.iidir,oi Wl Gas Study Lamps F' I ~ I TH 001 Genuine Welsbach Incan- descant Gas Lights lott l at' ott l o'ooopei thansto oil o lotrl 10101 large Vatrioe1y it I,ooooPriros. Ann Arbor Gas Co. 7 ( ;L' t --- C/ever cl oI4e r tfrefill, Jf/ranr" 4t-Caonar Our Fall and Winter Line of Clothing is now ready for inspection. Call and see the Latest in Suits They are built on popular lines which means that every garment conforms to the very latest style ideas. They are tailored in a faultless manner, assuring a perfect fitting garment. They are made of materials that stands for good service as well as good style. Come in and look at the different styles. Always the right thing at the right time. WADHAMS (f. CO., MAIST: [.~0 A T I P Iie 1.B SIT ofIVI .NE'1' ING and I VI I.YTl1IN(O for YOUi BILLIARDS, POOL BOWLING ALLEYS NIak thk l ace 0100 your IIeololut- ers0. 0V ott ae e o me.00 :ioe themii laty andto l. Returns Received on All Sporting Events 0001 w.ill uIjy it.'oMost comtfort- aboleo oi i 21 iithe city. 2022S. State St. 121 Washington [ RANDALL, TILE PHOTOGRAPHER Phone 598