TrlE NICHTGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HVRON STREET HAVE YOV SEEN THE NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is now displayed and in- cludes every new and natty fad of the season in white and colored Mven's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 MACK ft CO. THE17 ARMiZRS AND NMECHANICS BANK MAIN AND) 1URON09Silolilirs Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Prof Its, $65,000 at d :11-11 ft. k itr t N. Stty t u't xlL ls. V, t I 'tot, 0. MY. Martin 11 Al TO Offic 209 .8.10iI A 11'. '1011',I 9. Itcoidettt','302 1S. 7th Avc 'l.one111 I4.1 AMBULAWCE OtN CALF For Shaving AND Barber Supplies C.ALl, AT' MEUHLIG & SCHMID'S 205 S. Main St. jYou Can Find What You Want In ~ O ~ e 1'S A t S o re l~thBrushes and Soap at the Rilghst price at 300 South State St. 110 E~ast Liberty St. Brown's IDrub; Store 120! E . I Liberty St. Annulal May Festival MAY 8, 9710, 11 IrIOMAS OCHETRtlsIA CH~ORUIO N 10 A. A. Staley Contorsot FrecderickSttck, RiderK lsy. . .......tcy. Sotpraoo SSumann-Hink rttt Contrats JanetiSpencer Edtwatrd Johnon ttor Camopanari iBaritones Howtland .... Withertspoo .. ....Bass Lotkotod Pianiti Krame r .. ... ..... .. iotlinitt !OItSIAti Choral SAMISON AN!) DEL.ILAH C Works Oe a todm isn .. ........3.00( Incilading iDesoeedSoat . $4i.00-t$5.00 SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STRETl THEATOR 1DM The Wrestler aild ihe Bull The Squire' and the M4aid The Barnstormfers Moe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue _ilINI:lGI(RLotS W(IN' ('11 \\l 1111'1"", 11 itI'lRCK 10''I 'I 11 II gir ls' t1ck 1me 1t111ld 'in11r111 - h: te Ju ir w o tiel ose, were I points 1111head 111f 11he ir naret .rivals,1 1111110 '11gained 1the il'1 111111 io .10 11101 11111111championshli cll. VestIcrday's met ashed s 0h r 11h f pots l 1cd aginst the 1oe of 1a0we 111g111 lI 1l1was ll1,, on 11111 th'eIfreshmen1. 0 1 I ac I 111 11110 1.111 S ~n I 'llMar, o ',j Psottablishtedl 1858. 'Ille college jew- llrt I iles, flaller's Jett tie Store, Maitt Rigs-I~"t vucdOd tt IIst; ORDER AN 101 1 1111jump. 1111111 Star 'I ut . Ilt1 t e'' 't' thts I c Cream Sow w t III' 11 '1111> Stark, ()8, i feet0 1 inces Sandwc '11111 .1111.1 '1'o1001a, *11,5 I t - i rst: Maiet Ru1 an,second:. 00011. Iz StarI, IFor Your lDessert Sunday 1,tfl1 1 111111 W right,11 to, firt li,'iottdessertsl. 'ITey th ot' ally CI al l1111 of w l h crlal c'1 i tatl ,tntl1 l 'r tt 'ittChop e I I:.e~tyrare lt'n iy fnshlen11110 lny intd. 'ITey trot'e11il11 re- - ooloiot from oont.i'ior' are1al1 0:x, 1111read101plac on ervr1an ca Ofiias: 1111an Wrc. r b utt eBB'So t 0 e i Rentsch icr, Photographer BAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 E2AS17'IBERTtl~ Y '11?;?iii FIRST NATIONAL BANK lOv i'AN 11 s, N"lit It 1a1- S . W. ue, icePi ' tt1 (,olir NOTICE Nl E r111cc 811111 'of Amlroil Pipes at Cost 10 and 20) off on all Bt-tit P'ipes R. E. JOLLY Bell Rhone 572-L Mine 96 i \lI\'l' 11S1It an ,1 II ra111110 fo-th toors laa I'aI( I 'tktfrtrof shampoo)Is $tIoo Rai, 'ittle o '1 1forlt heI oho mores.l and I c v1 I 'tt, Ito ( r t asL I r Cket1gooti, forasltato- ()ln Nl'll ll, I l ItO. 11), ta 'ttatd 1110 a "tttctr faial o ,sclp ret toeot 101 (5 lottot , o rIl thel freshmen, tt C.Mtof atg hn 707 N. i~trI iv e , Ity aeooe 11110 -prnia ane" fr ter lr\rJ ). prn Icodw R~K FIELDERS-' tild o ndtt rt w a ,In tiv t: Aoo i toisto t 111on0 lr 110 tt, THE ttItIttloo1y 'tt Ittt't1111111, Ite111.11 IIIiIt 'itlitt ll. 11 It,, III' 10 11111 III Itt , , H A LL atrticle orI It,(tt0 0 II.' 111111 0 'ol I o III I OS io,,,,,I I 110 t lt' ,,,,o'o it, "Al/b 1 1 t, It'1tt (;I c'alBal ofth" A t Pi( tr t otoot ' I. ! Elecriit Supplied to College Men and Women for All Purposes. Wasliten aw Light & Power Co. 200 E. Washington St. OUR ANNUAL SPRING OPENING of Suits, Top Coats and Cravenettes Special line of Merchandise for Easter. Swell Easter Shirts, a com- plete variety of the new designs, colorings and styles, in all sizes. Gloves, the correct new styles and shades in such well known makes as Dent's, Perrin's, Fown's and Dempsy & Place. Fancy Vests, all sizes. Hats and Caps, all the -newest. WADHAMS -(Q Co. See Show Whidow ,Freshios Store 121.1235S. Main St. THAW OUT ho~tt I 011 d 1 , ing, ( Strenagth, Vigor, E xercise BOWLING lso(;tot aS p 811011 'Tott it'. BILLIARDS, POOL TOBACCO CIGARS, CIGARETEES CANDIES, CIDER SOFT DRINKS hot yltcs t 11ryi)1 id Most Comfortable Room in the 'City 1B. E. ]REYNOLDS CO. Caterers TO MEN 220-222 S. STATE ST. _ IiI QATISFATION FIRST, then a Con umners dC11Ahing fCompn y u iSat to Orderenaom$14.00 to $3.00 AIGOF $10.00 to $15.00 UUihths EII LiP llII~lhU 111 berty St. is WiHY we are selling tha goods. .T.UEK.EUMaleolmIU1Mgr.U