TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO] The Summer 4 Quarter, 1907 N Ni NN74t. ALARnI CLOCKS lt,,"1""" a Cnapman's Jewelry Store 206 501 IlH MAIN SIlTE BRIANCHI S1OREltAT 204 South State Street HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE itt. iiall tra, itw 3t l e l iti ii o ti) t_ . lit f (,(,li . itleh tonk 2; Net, ld i i -ti~tict-, -,ccn s ' i-it 'IlKisT NI-A1-SSIT NTI7S it\ liii NI N\a \N , fr tic ft t ! 1 A 4 S n V k I I i r K' X t) W N.'11; WNNI I - () '1i ;l IAN \\'11) l1x tiS K\N{ iNN Q UARTER SIZE COLLAR D]., Y., A. A. ra J. R AILWAY a t i-itered n t' ievettit itan th r le t S1 oit i t- tiititN --it iat it and th lat nat- gi-i i i the nil l waslit ld.i im! it "as iiioltto tii ' ttthe ttttoe Nf il N Ibe I'i N tt t 'Niprn n 11; 11O E t' ,i lt~1 11 111):1 ial p iii ititscd t i'itlwii l l-i t stee tWlt1. 1:111 1111v iii.- cit Ii ue n x LAIDIES' TAilORING. S~t;1 ct h)I i- tnlit 8 aN i andii Latlest -tyIes fall 1a1111winter siltis i-itt S t t t I tr' a t!Np m. loatksi madltto torder at titterat reastl)i- a i~l rr ac Nt ::;o rt.1.1 , tile ptictes. We tave the latest designt iii' " '1 tit 1 1 }tir nt iil :0C . ' an.ll Illla-tsitghonds. John J. Schtanz, II' r lm t ' 1'' ', IC ii liit ' earl1103 E. William St. ,{ lt t I t itl( ti :t i "1W it I w; l t 'r i e t+) ck it W i-i-l, jewtelry antd eye glass repair 3; .11), :til1). M. ig hy skilledlwsn kelnt. H aller's Jest% 11"iii , urni I ciof .1lii CIII;Siter, Miaini street. eodt Atntpltyer twill tell yi-i i'tat unrtsikBaliaie tall it leire tie lbs. We ase otr lilt- ces,> light or eaty, to sit. WNN EI N -A~t gotilitudettt Ittitt>- ;ge-rit-J 1 11111 & (Co.tf Get youtr electiotn tickets, ifance pro gramis, etc., at 'IHE ANN ARO PESS. nits, Techntic, University News-etter. S. (7 A. IHaittlbook, Yost's Great Bool. itt Iootall, Hi gh School onega, elc. W~e don imore printittg for tle stittett itotdy thant all other shops comited No i-st our tine t btiuilinug i-urtutteu steet, optosite Gratgers Acadetmy ant just nothel of Shool of Music. f fCittse,rvepfai ri-ti ses etare Itul it teL~d and test-i. Satisfactory tailoring at satisfactor,- prices. Fuller a OConnor, 619 E. Will am street.t Glas ses retaired Eyes careflly fitteil itti testetd. George [faler Main street AT NWuBlllS ('ANDY S ORE ile re littl serving ti cmtttlie lite of satu ithtanitbundancetof itwhippeducrenm.il. Suitt tressedl ape trousers, lo. i-llee & c'Connor tf -- hliti I Pndtt ld-irnuthu -1 Ni C base. '"o11 at Rul'-Musict- S l itt 1 t ilm>t i.it Codi Rowe's Laundryt TH-OMAS ROWE, Prop. i 326 N. F t Ae, N. Phoneiur345' Beu littloe 4.7-. Hopt Lunchi At T.,attleae 338 S. State The Michigan Seal T e ittiuitiseal of thitt'iu iu't' NWit iii Arn'e lmi ft' inilr, oeituuied tl i f 'tell tinittgthe Sval itt tun, fib+ andilwal iielot-ttins, I't-l pice-is Bijou Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE A New Fad illtihe Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Wood It takes one million yards to manke one pound (of Art Fibre silk. There are twenty filinients to each thread. No wonder they wsear like iron. The only house that has thenm in the city. Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s To Engage the Assembly Rooms, or Orchestra, call at ranz fs Aadem Offce.As the re'edence is con- _____________________________fncted wsith the building, c a lle r s a re r e q u e s te d to a n n o u n c e th e m s e l vs . P le a s e r in g.B_ G, FLAT-JCLASP GARTERS hatelogbeti t di I>t cetgarter. e li e tfl tat claspu ci"a ttt itteicmfrt ndne tnes ad iniutre sikelasiticebnlt g. iANI me tapr t itt r. -ai' tiickeleti. 251'ent atpair, ailldealers oreiy mail repai. Fo men h lipeferiarctrd ter, nti" ave peefetted LOCK-GRIP , WVhile theyuaeiquickly andeasl ily detahdvet tienhavetine hermest gripi of all i-md grr.11 Th e 1rulerdam n grips with a hbull dogtenatcity. Nowa ort rofte ocs C'tsrig loe orcomue acdnalydtced aeo fitnest iqiality webthbing;all mtlii r he (l nce pae teass. 25c andt50c atpair,allido fifrsorbyn'..pepid PIONEER SUSPENDER CO.,713 IMalietSt.,Ph ladtt pit "" . ."-. +w J ' t t 1 11\\ I , : ; . ,. VAN R. W ILCOX CLIMBING PIKE'S PEAK Ev-ery tIet of srrettgth-gix-- ilEy, 11iscinkl POWER is glyIN mt byla SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT It supie ts the' greatest X1t11 uttnlt of lbd-bttildittg mtertL'iaIlu'with the leatst tax tlte'whNle~r-W5heat gr.titt, Itadie dligestile iN ste'tttt-Ciookitnia srtcddittg attdllitkitt tiltPa., iuth iii'thebo k Corrcet itiiiitti itti 1,112 tatti the T t s fi itt Otitit rm tI it c itat himse lo heaN iet fS hr -teded WhoeXii at. it 11li; i Ruudti ointe d it h ud o ,r Freshmen!I Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors. Professors ! The best is lon too good for you. You can't afford to waste your tme atnd patience ti tte old-style founta-in iteti Buy a Self-Filler, attd the'tt'ias oly oe practica' attd successful Self-Filling Fouiantaitt Pen. It is 'I I CONKLIN'S Self- E "The pen withth ie Cretent Filler--the device thtat made self-filling pets possible, practical and perfect." Don't he deceeved. Actept tuothitughutt the geinuine Conklin. All other self-fillees tire ini the experimieintal stage. The Cnklint is perec t-keen on the muarket for years. Used atud recomnmended hy thousand- of Ii studeints and college professors. Possesses all the super- t for advantages of the bet fountain pent suipplenmented , by the following distinct and desirahle features fills and cleans itself. No dropper. 'j No inky fingers. No bother. No joints to leak. No clogging. Nothing to take apart. A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb tm nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guarati- teed satsactory.Bvnd Feee upon requesttelling -- -. about thin wonderful pen.' Matnfactired otnly hy The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. _ Sold tat Anna Arbor by GEO. WAIIR'S TWO BOOK STORES. .- /, /I fr , . 1 A breakfast of SHREDOPO StWHFAT EtISLttT. .withth noneraod mitkhr neawl supply the energe lee n whole dny's nork. TRISCUIT is the snr as the Biscutt, ~ept tht it iscompessed into anwaereand is ued asaTOASTnforanyteal, inteadlofawhite feaur bread. Atnal grocers. '1111,NA1ULRAL 1'OOD C(. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. Amateurs WanteJ4og; td Night$, Mis sei Ii ALWAYS AHTEAD) IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING