TIIC MICHIGCANDAILY .r u /11~41 A College Man looks as much a fossil in a suit of clothes made for his father as a Vassar girl would appear if she wore a dress buil for her mother. The difference twixt College Brand Clothes (Just for young chaps and men who envy the youth) and usual garments, is every whit this much;" no price difference. Fine Line of Spring Hats and Furnishings 1 a WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.50-FOR MEN AND WOMEN--$5.00 'Pit- strongest character of the XWalk-()ver Shoe is its scientific construction. 1aie, wero 'sixIe tl fit rpt rset aquatt teItof \Valk-Ove r thirice ihe price that wAritdoibeter.I Wa lk-Overs arelasted to iast, built for keep, youtkiioxx lby si lle hiti ih Walk-Over Shoe Co. fitS.Maiin Street STAEBLER WUEKTH 11i d Ailnual May Festival MAY 8. 9. 10, 11 A. A.Staney Conucor Fre-de-Fck Stock Rider-Kt Isey ..........Soprano Schumn-e inl't.k (Cotraltos Edward Johnon Tnor Theotdore.Van Iior Howla d ..... Withersxpoon .F........ ass Lockwood Panis Kr r. . ........ .. Violonit SA8iSON AND 1OF FF1 AllC Works Generall Admio. ... .....$3 .0 IncludingReserved Sa. $4.00$500 SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARDSI) 51"F THEATOR 1DM The Wrestler and The Bull The Squire and the Maid The Barnstormfers Moe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue X --ii)V1IiNi; S('('i SS" Stimsuotuu.iiuDucan Tietrce' Mauicett 1. turn * 1 ,11 tiillI rm l ttitite.) '. X iii 11C 11 Im t Pil ip ..'t'111'it Pt rodt j 1C11 ";o11 1ub o1 Co " cm11 1 t. N t1 1 \t I t 'ul tr i ' . i i J~w c~s "0 )('rel" tok s, Joe dC'tisrrg r ) tillitt c ti~ rrc ii harry, "CStittlct ii111 Tornb uu I lan" (b rn halm n: P l er 1111(- lil itiittt 111 1111riain: t y r I I 111 I .11 ttit ti ii Imt'l'Iitittte- Ia r itit11111hattr 11 S clt J t C 'tgiuttt ChapmanX 11111 S Ila.'. Workmt an.itCt.tt Ciitr tixt (m k' IoI, Ju ii tt it i ___ Xrt tuuunguut.tu-Pat~titi" a t. "Charlie1311 gtat Co;i11,1 1f iK'Ka m zoIC11 '(X I il XX ulium HewilR , Ialc"ISohuis. firlS T tNit. cixt).Xm.: Matigy, torn argue that (good 'lothiug canntituhle hioulit fir the rites we charge. If y'iou are tf his opinion, for goosies sake try' S. Buyis your Spring Stit here at $10, $15 or $20, tiitcotnvine on rself that 01u1 merc'handiiise eat- it lie exeedel esewh'eire fttr a .ird miore ttiote3'. AtL[N, Ihe Clot her MAIN 5l'RI([iT Rcntschlcr, Photographer BAILEY & EDMUiNDS H '1 EAS I' lilR1W*X'RE I LI FIRST NATIONAL BANK lOt Ass At 111111 t i. S WX. Iirkittni, (tisliitr. NOTICE MY (;ire iStockitofiAtheit-'Hit, Pipes at Cost 10 antd 20) off on all It.It-It Pipes R. E. JOLLY I Grease Paints and Fixings For MINSTRELS i AT QUARRY'S THE PALAIS ROYAL N4.209 East.Liberty Street WAGNER & CO., State street, sell the Stetson Shoe becatse quality, workmaship, duraiity, fit, shape, design and geteral satisfaction are there gas ' qtaifications is expetisive at any price, for it does ~ "t Sign of the Big While Shoe' O s MON[Y [OAN[D OnittWothe 01 Dimns,ee' iry and ollHighi lass Chteli ad(Collateral seturity. W. J. LOVRIM 104 4th Ave. opposite CorHos Two doos sutho ewY. 5. C. A. OrFFIC OeURS; IS-30 to it:30; 1 to 5; 7 to 8-t5. Business Slticily Confidential Mandolin, Guitar, Violin and Banjo REPAIRING trtictiy First-Cliass Fork. SCHAEBERLE & SON FF4 W. Libety St. ANN ARBOR U. of M, BARBER SHOP Vibrassage, 25 Cents Shower Baths, - 15 'Cents S9hine, 5 Cents J. R. Trof aftowskF. 322 S. Stat. Next. to MSheehan's IBookstore. Eivoch Dietertle Embalmerand Funeral Director Ambulancer 0n Cal 210 8. 4th Ave.: RIesidence tsamex Phone 454. Ann Arbor. $ 2 "Sprinti Term $ 2 At Scott's Academny Asseniblies.5-aturday Fleta us 1lean- tiLes s1o1s by Appinhtment, 536 South State Street COOK HOUSE Zhie edligHouseot F.>.tho aCity Oppos it. ifut tHus. i.Altlxittue II $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 We Cater to ac o tr oFallCogePeoplei A. S. cG e di. Co. STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Both Jo. .V. Sheeh0an Win. Arnold Or. V. (). Vaghian ,Jan. iI. Wade IE. 1F. Mills N. J. Kyer Juahntlaarer Jnoi. JKoci P rof. If. S. Carhtat 1tjtury %V PlaiaChristian Martltn C)ant- ine-'.(/r snlit Ideal Barber Shop 717 N. University Ave. JOIHN TROJANO0WSKI Everything Just Rtight. J. F. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F SCHUH, 207 E. Washington SF. SATISFATION FIRST, then a SAVING OF $10.90 to $15.00 is WHY we are selling the goods. ]Colisulners ClothillgI /1 Suits Fa Orderfrom $14.00 to $39.00 jolu'pan 1lI3 E Liberty St. Oll~~aly J. K. Mvalcolm, dgar.