'TIlE MICHIG0AN T)A TL V Samf Bllrchfleld's Fine Tailorinig Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAMI BURCHFIELD & CO. I ~106 EAST HUVRONY STREET I HAVE Y OU SEEN THE NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is now displayed and in- cludes every new and natty fad of the season in wvhite and colored Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 MACK tom.COO ii 'lIP ~ ITlE FARMERS AND M[CHANICS BANK MAIN AND HUROON sillklIrs Capital, $30,000, Surplus and Profits, $63,000 lla,ta (tia,'ralIla itin*I a c lIt y atV'-w and alawai'ds F.lynopEI; , Cret. 1.. I N lltt'l i l , 0. Mv!.Martin 1uNUOR. Offiee 20118. 1111 A Ite.'Phonet' lit R~esidetce 1112 S. 5thl AvIe. Phonte 31-1. AMBULANCE ON CALL EYou Can Find What You Want In Bath Towels, Sponges, Caps, Birushes anal Soap at the Right price at Brown's Drug Store 120 East Liberty St. For Shaving AND) Barber Supplies tCAL,Al MEUHLIG & SCHMID'S" 205 S. Main St. Foster's Art Stores 300 South State St. 1 10 Last Liberty 5t. i Annual May Festival MAY 8. 9.110, 11 ITHOMAS 1ORCH11ETRA CHORIIALIUNIOIN A. A. Stanley Conductors Frederick Stack Rlder-Klsay.. .Sopranoi Schuanna,,aiai Cntrlto Jaet Spetncer airli' Theodoiir Vanliiort Campanari Baitonies Wilterspoon .....ass Lockwooad Pianistl Kramier . . iolinitl SAIISON ANDIDEILAH Woirks COUR~SE: 'lICKETS Gleneral IAdmissaion.... . $3.111 Including RIeservda "ttt .l$.045.0 SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNAIII)STREET-il IlK \:\t'l'iI i ii ; \l"K i' ti iti Witi i i il ii at i ttbu g uvl 1i in A&I"thaii titicity nthel evoing t, t' _ 1'l"M c. T e M Y ( t ln l av iuni wc h t ilt iM I cit ii te ;t( -b l avt yti 'Wiilli K til it tic lc cilt M rl l. cmi' iom \'i'Ti\illmI A wn I ttthe i ', i t icig i iii' ii'iii i w i h I iii itheiiW liii itlfieraryisa 1 'iii Ihall i e 1a t i'llii"lt l t 8 ii 1'k oi hI 1t. t his t1' iittcs t he i ith lino aei llte geit' ilb , un 3 lir ii th i bivei mih e t i 'i Estalishedl 1858. 'Te college jew- I ler. allerts jeelry Store, Main .\lcr ~ ok c~< ,rnciittct ) cri ORDZR AN fortnanc ii i l trl Itt i ,ari~ lrn icc Cream tillit mI tttltt t iini j i' tt Sandw ich plal,. n il' Vcttcitt,"Ilt 1)110 In or Your lDessert Sunday ai l~ ll c 1 E1 i ii iiiii hu'fro'mtltltl''.' 1111 tllst ii' cro in F_ llt iktv' itli\\1111 ei''ltr'llly liti' ill clc l it r j ti I to ti l t col '51tivio11 ll s k ti.s 'l-lly' t lt'ey i.hav it'y uii si ti it iiii 11vin( W 1,n c io1,1t'u t ltlrtttChoptil ctil I-ii, { iinlt~r u~cel r~t B n n ,1E~n n rn o it' ''pit ii I t1rIrala W )'itolilt ati an i dih y ari'~ 1'rY Il.1( lni m cc te m s f i. uo o ~fro o tan r ac l i Rcntschlcr, Photographer BAILEY & EDMUNDS FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oi ANitAttio ,it ,lt it F- 1).11111' l'tr'idet. I latrttitt Soule, Vicc-President., C t'af~l, $ iili,ii at Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROw~I, 1Prop). 1326 N.ifthlAae FINE LUNCHES W~e tarry the arget i utoft''lltIt tll huOM E5'i'il & IMPtOl'Tll'l'k (larnti i foe I)MUTHi & o l., ItKAtNa & I'll. ald .111 111,,alsoa fotr ;'t'W'AW'St & tSCtHA J VVI'.L R. E. JOLLY. State, Si. riii -'ta ic (> i tc tio nailii Gas1 ai t ' lrn c ( in 1 ii hii .1 A pril re>1n liltll t ill lit t't 1 . 11 Kiat rl' A l 0t' , tir Sl n atIoI, tili2 sitita1 t~newst elwile it le a 8t, ILIMILDDN Bell Phone 572-L ldome 96 I 1llc 11 thc. tlcr n' it' i I ' ii tf ri it iii~ ctl (1 al' Js-tiiilt Raffles, The Dog Scoundrel's Tricks The 'Varsity Backstop teMtlusst he Pig/ , (1 liii illy deendaupo 15ttliabtility f dohl h al. Thetailolily ofi'Varslly iBackstapslike ' temjort f theKtret Le~ae atchelrs atwaysitell A T ACHE'RSi's lITT ii tt lii iifl li BALL hs ico adopedlbytreaon PtiAmerican I'13 [*C(I tirc t tettts f(Ir oItraIIck. tt> tltc mcdIcal echo of at Nebraska l'wv( rsity llavc Iw".11 rai,:cd. kc;innilt; Jars, t, 1OO8, olic VC ,(I, of coll(,4(e work will be rl n>>r7t l 1 it) a(lrhtit>>> to the r>>rr--trf ar { -("ie's Ba___ ___ - i t ter lash,. l',tclttitcktt goodl foir tsalti- 0.1 oe .sB MrEr1 Ii\ S"I"RKISS. S X II iI-61.. II Miss Vtaugla, 707 N. Universityavne 705 North Ilniverusity Avenue I lDAAT IXXl'\t 111S. cod di ii Electricity Supplied to College Men and Women for All Purposes. Wasliten aw Light & Power Co, 200 E. Washington St. OUR, ANNUAL SPRING OPENING oF Suits, op Coats and Cravenettes Special line of Merchandise for Easter. Swell Faster Shirts, a com- plete variety of the new designs, colorings and styles, in all sizes. Gloves, the correct new styles and shades in such well known makes as Dent's, Perrin's, Fown's and Dempsy & Place. Fancy Vests, all sizes,.fHats and Caps, all the newest. WADHAMS (Q Co. See Show Window FrekshiorL Store 121-123 Sa Main St. THAW OUT hlat Ifired 'cI nf (; Strengtha, Vigor., xervIse BOWLING Is Gid a 'pi nt T t S" BILLIARDS, POOL TOBACCO CIGARS, CIGARETTES CANDIES, CIDER SOFT DRINKS 'Ilie teas t LPv(,i'ytJlifriir';+ ri Eve'iytldiii aflit-'')ll' Most Comfsortable Room in thie City B. E. REYNOLDS CO. Caterers TO MEN 220-222 5. STATE ST. Filtiit Allay t iri l~r it iii 'i ci 'Itt ie 'oaz ~ri e l ii' arst i SATISFATION FIRST, then a (1nn n m ivri (11nfhi n 1 nln V u alit orer fro $14.00 to $30n001 AVING OaF $1.00 to $15.004 111 Iir~% IIIIII~ iIIIfhV 118 >;Lberty St. is WHY we re selling the goods. I CA U LA A ~JA~~AAA J. K. Malcolm, Mgr.