THE1 MICH-IGAN DAILY s. u~I -AWN '> a! What Style Clothes Will You Wear Easter Sunday?) T I IS none too early to decide and get wvhat son want now. Shall it he a smart sack suit? \'L t style overcoat L will you wear? Of course you will want garments that are fashionably correct in every detail, lperfect in fit, andl that took as if toilored to your special order. NC) matte r what yon fancy, we can give you pi eeiselv what yon scant in styleinaterials, workmanship, andl fit in the famous College Brand Clothes wieh we have in the authoritative styles in such fabrics and patters usually confined to the high-class (tistomi-tailors. Conte antd see our splenidie collection.i WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.50-FOR MEN AND WOMEN-$4.00 SPRING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED /1~ Some very pretty de- signs for men and women in dull kids and calfskins, also a very complete line of patent leathers. Come early while the sizes tire complete. Walk-Over Shoe Co. I11 South Main Street STAEBLER (ft WUERTH Ii'r' i 4 I I Anniual MyF estival MAY 8. 9,1tO,11 ll105iAq OlRbill alRA CiIORItION1 A. A. Stanley onuto~diirs Fredritackttriit Janett Sner Edward Johnsni + enor Theodor Van 6ott Howlandr SAtISON ANDt) t Ai i ,All orks,. GeneralAdmision...i i3. tt ttciiidiiiiReservedSea t $s 5.0 SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD1 Si~l' THEATOR IUMI Raffles, The Dog Scoundrel's Tricks M1oe's DBarber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue Intercollegiate Notes. \ tudclit tit Ydc Itas beets expelled frcJnt <,()11(-c° fc)l- mutilating a newspaper iii ct' the rradiug rooms. 1'r{,f. C'harlcs C. llvde, (If Northwest- r.-It [,atw rh ,ul hits bran elected to tills r tllc c I;til- of iutcrnational law it Vale. i \t N-)rth% k,,tern the women wi11 issue .21 pac edition (If Ilse studcttt paper, 'tc prc>c"cetl, frunl the sale of which will addkd to, the settlcmett fund. f I1 tc trustees of IIrinccturt have re.- ccntly a ccepted tt handsome gift front fIr WIIiam .\l athcr, M.I" It is a cop} f the f;un~u"; I'ttrnbull still dial at Ciwlws Christi College, Oxford, the cri.,HmI r)f which was built in tom;. l hk ntanttgentent of the 'o,; (;opher, tits ,cnior ;(,>treuir publication at 'Xfitt- cs ta, is its troulle because of a debt i :St.o(Y).o2 which was incurred. Jndg- wcnt liar heat scrved against 27 tttcttl- lwv- Ff the da,. whom the court could reach, ;Ind a writ ()f sntttmons has been i, ucd too (-ach. J'hcst, people refuse to i)a\, ;111e-111" that it is unjust to hold diem liable for the entire debt. 'T'hey c-laiin it is a partnership affair, which iwikcs each metnl>er of the class respon- ,il)lc ftr ill(, entire debt. The court is ,t s, tMlicd hy till-, explallatioll and tyre;ocns to couliscate, if necessary, prc lx rte cif these members to the full ;11111 unt c11 . the liabilities. Plane, that are not excelled for dur- tthility and elegance sire the Becket I1ru11t °r.c, 1 - ,c rs and Pon-d, ffaddorfF, and 1. /S. C hasc°. -old at Root's :Music I lc use on tcrttts tc, suit. 37-e0d 11?11kABE11.-1("-,t It ttUSi Frot i1 tthe 'll- ihtcti 11 it> t ap atu-t- I-cell i sald i h lcrc llbw sequ nce . 1 i -.i llems 'especilly -.1- der d tten itttgt-clit t''tt't tt a I Ii1111 tage of 1o isIconidered dangctt I itand ti tte l,-I. trII- Iilt I tn- r m n ls p tl --tili n the ,Snti ll- Itt-itt Ittigitt .vol1 prtdtce intta , an pin lls Th itt ihl tns, as atlpsen.'ht (setup i 4 1 ManitseIICilargute that (Rood I Clothing canitot bte ttught for the p rices we charge. If yotu are of this opliniion, for gootdness sake try us. lBit'-yttour Sprintg Stilt here at $10, $15 or $20, antd con~vinice you11rself thtat ouir merchandttise can- nott bte excelletd elsewhere fttr a third motre Imoiney. A[[[N, The (i;other i'lAIN 5 RIF_ T Rcntsch icr, Photographer IBAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 EASIC LIBEiRTY STRIItl.iV FIRST NATIONAL BANK OitAsN Atttttt, MICHit HittrsonttStatie, Vice-Piresidetlt. S.XV. (itrikstn at(tsiir. Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWEi, Prop. 126 N. ifth Avt. t's P'honer457 1'l14 ~t-11 I FINE LUNCHES Wet cari-ybil the irgitlst tti of iiiitRClsl Dost~sitri & IMPOTEDCrIitarttl i f itt tiiat l-& Imlpot Ci fals o ig rils oar'ttea' , fttr OtiMUTl & lil., LI NKMAN & lt10 titt't.c1It PPES, alsotiflit STAtv-S & SlllAlt'lFl':1,:'N is titestcoate ET ON-liONs. R. E. JOLLY. State St. I I Grease Paints ant ixineti _. As agents for the Brown, Eager, 111111 - YPF'"'RI'I'lNCI. Co. we are in position to furnish all kinds of their celebrat(,d fraternity sta- l'hc >i< W01'k ami all kinds of type- tionery, banquet menus, dance programs promptly and accurately done. and engraved cards. Printing dojw. 1(d itTc c Iy11"/IIII11Cr. Above Co-op. See ts. Joliffe &- Kitztniller. Above 13')th plvlllcs. 3,-cod Co-op. Both phones, t35-etxi "UU 1 LAlll=, For MINSTRELS QUARRY'S THE PALAIS,-ROYAL No. 209 East.Liberty:Street Hiard Fin ish worsteds in shadow weaves We Call Your Attention A remarkably lucky purchase enables us to ..r make them up in twot-piece suits for twenty- & 1 to the new sack we are cutting, it is taking Wvagner & o. with good dressers. five dollars. IMPORTING TAILORS j An early order meatns delivery when you State Street Ann Arbor need it. w Mandolin, Giar, Violin and Banjo En~och Dieterle CO OS MO E OA E EPAIIiR.SNe I COOK OUts tem.,delJabrS o MONLY LOAIIII-.J atitlty irtiats Work Embalmerad Funeral Director OpJiecutliI ue lt tl Modter0n o~ .Unvrst ~ Oil t SIIIISDi i a IvIvy ts SCHAEBERLE & SON samebu02.00 42.3I071710A stdaltlt l i-. ','214 thbAve.:t tesidenesae it- W Catr to and frl atCteetPopl JOHN TROJANOW SKI td Cala ua i lley. 114 W Liberty St. ANN ARBOR phne 404, Ass Arbor, Siday 7>it'll tWe- ttntttts fsor alt Everhn JutRg . ___________________________A. S. Ontle Q' Co. yhn utRgt W. J. LOURIM U fM ABR SO 2S rn e m 2SA ESVN SBN .F CU 16 th Ave.Oi pposite 6Cort tHoUuose.BRER SO $Dpin e m 2SAT AINGTOS: BN .F CU Tw or ot fnwY. M C. A Vbrassage, 25 Cents At Scott's Academy W. J. Iaoot Jo V.Selan SANITARY PLUMBING 1 o ssmbie atrdy vein. rvae es R1S. VF. ills anand IElectric Students Supplies ts-:ShwrBsShine, 5 Cents slns by API tsen. N i.IK ii1 Jon I- j*S Crbs A SPECIALTY BsintesStricty Csnfidetinal J. HK. T.-anowei. 322 . twt@Ihtiry w. tougtas ist irtanN'arti _______________ netts Steehan' Boosstsore. 336 Sovith~ Stat. Street llnF immit'iermatni J. F SCHUH, 207 E. Washington S. ___________________/_ _ '111 t 3f- SATISFATION FIRST, then a AVING OFt $10.00 to $15.00 is WHY we are selling the goods. IlA~fl1VVAVfl 'I~hild 'nm nuiSts to Ordertfrom. $14.00 to$3.0 UUII)UIumesIloth ng U L118 EViberty SJ J. K. Malcolm. Mgr.