New Sprillg Woolells 1907 6.11. Wild co. 311 Swath State Street If You Add A New Jersey fe.lots i 111m011t xiii of it all 1 tlro oh 1 tie sptilo.z a14 com in bi Ii i awhitti xiiifac i t $250-$.75 SHFEHAN &CO'S Banners and Pillows 140Off IARLING & MALLEAUX ________ltisIUICX\ At TJlE MIC~iJ AN DAIlLY.j,\l~ixi ,_i - I I Rapll ~r~t t~ lManagiing Eitoir- Arthutr C. Pound ,t titxix. tBlxiii' anager-C. E.\Winstead. \lMih ,at i'n EDITORS, 7_ ',m 1.. i vfr a Laa a c°xsx. . . t. . ar id F. Stevenson E xxii I I p rit ;l ccc \uiltiix. . .R...Fobert H. Clauxi k< ?al: ll, i lct~n t D). Bradley' Iln rn Wil lim I'ii itwland iiii iixiiiitiiLockIwoixxx ill axhiii ii i II >i t l i . alw - Iti 111Ci Faciityi c r tctli.Ilt illi ce cnar~l h l. 1h Blin fe tlrc " te tiolll- i ll hei i ilm ands 1-1)(itic1) ~f A voe Fili7'S NluIc xnxdxii ramna..Paul S. Mowrer \\men' ixetx ditor ... . Louise VanVorhis .titTiOtAt. STAFF. tii 'I ixrge x. Osborn J. F.artlCOgle. Jr.' Harold C. Smithf iii c xxxi xl tiirt r"<-c> xit I, M lxx i al xx. II1i i ' It()\' ;H I~k 'l f{t', i i ti i titl( f(, IIi xx iit.1 1 f c lI xxiII to i txixwa l cxx e III, tit t&Jlccr ]m~c- Ix ii' I h )Ittt ASOxCtAT! !tEDIORS. thati x lxxix i William A. Mulhern Ployd H. Jones :(,,,,t,$i 1, xi ii xiii F 'tilitIx' CaliiIi'i1t xxr Iiixix ixitixi Ix Eii 1 itcixxix i ilt irtix l'. Clracxx lxlixi xi ii i ii. tl tr xxti xw i t!+ l atx'ir i1 !31\ xx -'xxntxii(i :i lx.. xxi i f xltli lti~i ll'.ilix ii tk'lxi.. 'tlxx i 111x at the \ux'iiiial ixdingixiii sRFOKxiois Cha~ouncxx' Hiiher George lI. Hobart J . . MCandllexx Guy P. Bliss 1I, (r.hR, Williamsi ixixixaxilC. Reid Inl XX'xx Mrz larry Ililt Carl 14. Adaum F1lixitr todayis' . Ix 1 1(1l IE CALENDAR. Ailx II F;1 111\ xiiir. xi till ,}t ".11 - I 1 1-1 1". 1'- p-, '. gm c:p~ i i ini a rxix xx '.iiiii i t I'lesc are n anlit~rttn sonm xxiii iii m iterill lii ', vain ni in ii xxcn tn~ the xxx xx()ti n tiii'xiixxi lwcix'~ iiI'. lx Ix r i.... i ti ii s W idii xiu e ix i'xiix lixionW xw tlxlxxiW lxxi ii 1 xxx itl xxxiii xxxi tl,. 1 ;t'<~ cli .lixi xr xi x . .iiini ent'ii... X '!t xi xc xxi< xlix .i ixixixixir ix xxxii lix'sfor I \1)1-1 i }I ri lx 1.. ~ li Iiix n ct' :1t i xfu iii.. ftiiitxei axt,nxxxi1i 4w xl iall\ in Apt I Pro . I(lc iii Iqw th t idw ci Ii al ii xxiii ii i ts ii xxx\\~cr i rs i', m.41 ' xxiii ~rlxxx hxii ix xixxii ill ixi.1-cal loon I ix xxxi..thex liii' lxxxiii tox thelix .\i xx 'xxx lx ii x.i\ ix I fal'xxii i l ci'i'iiiil iii . as xlihIe Un iiin lhaix a LIsix .. xxx xxixxi xxx xi xxxi111\X'x xtcxi1c..i xxii ..iVtru xi i dent xiil ti yn . ix.' -4. ' i cs1 \ f a l x~~i c im' ..xi xii ixiixiit xxxC ( l:i'i.. :I i iX5.'lNiip ,I'i .Li'hL'XI Liii li.xxiiiof I I xx11 t ix c .iii lii xi . x'iixis 111 ofIlxiii iixxi' ii'x'xxiii rcxxii ix ii11t1 i. ))n1 lcltc, Plt l xh'ix1t lxxi ..ii~x'' txti .;(i.X) iixr' ti''t ici.l hrc,73 .In.ixx 111iii..'iiiirll() x heceii'~ ttl1 Xiii lro: T XVsi..iixiixixioxxx}ix tinan 1) oi hu~nso 1,.A. xxiiiiiixxii. te c xxxi cude ,1)(1riii ixxixi ixI i i h i;d L 6 1 ('ii..'s'' 5:,..x..r i x1xiii xii x11 x i'iient i lxx...ix-xxxxxxi buti aa l~ rir h ll-I xxxii ixli xx from. theii lii ixxxxi in x Xix'l m bas hso ical itixxl- x Cxxx iiiixiix , I, f xllIi ixxxx o ttc v'xi d ti' srl- ,(Wk\0'o xx1, t th ; ilxil xI Lx\xx(1.1x thxix ' xi lxxxi.. ttls oftlln xx ; alls ld iii li. . x Isixixi I ixx'.xxlxxx'i. i the xlix ix'i ix'xix andii Trsxi a rn tm \~i t lo eIxi l (i.x xIIIc xii..iiilix.. Ilii.. sim s r>~1 \IxxI IxsS1iiig lxxxii be i., xxxi tox l I ixixi c\i('Vxx I f lxixxixxi. xxxii ii i Apil I x iii.t lit1,v l11'-1- ,AI)IES' 'TAILORI~NG. \\.xx'i..xx.''.. 'ixixp(ifxia 'xx n iii xxs, It I)etro l Iii xi lxxx1'luc Latest xityles falland isnsiter suits .asnd xxiiiii i ii.allsie, xof I ',xiiii xii lxixi t xxloasmasde to order at snce at reason-{ 1111'11.xslle prices. XWe have the latest designsis Xlnit ti i 3 xi-l xxi as ' Cicixxxtx\ ._M ih inilxtstxigosm . JohnisJ. Schattz, xiga. .\i'ix.axiillcld. ixdl6o3 E. Williamt St. ,. ,i 1 til 'xx iii.. iii S liii.. lhe I:1t d ctI. \xIxxxx ,Apil . xx.. lk~ i lxx4 xii itsiiiiecen i i\c~i Y()rl iitcnc ".1Cadxxix x i x' . igix'.. i it- xx xxxii -() durti()ix whichitxixiliii salxi,. c i laxx put ()I ishe i lxxaI ince lxx iii J xliii - c'xi lxiii ~tlix xi i4i chh xiii \:lnd ift} t xld iiihre .. 1 I xIIc rs T e cl r :tiii ()fi cIIx xI xIt ii xlii.. 1"'xcxiicxI i a- iii i i I iith iiat iit c . i rI 110 Ch ii 1 ) xxs.. i ix i' ixxi i xi ix ( ili\''i:'l lal i tIel V 11 s icil'X'l' S x)~rIiii l'... iI i a'iixxi' 1 (14,ii)xt xii 6rl(1, xixitilixigran i lxx I.. ilia lix ixixixixisi. c II rkxix ,lxxxiii.. x I " I '- WIIIi lxi..edixII the 4c( xxxix (f therii. ('F 'I,OTIiNllS *)ATS l i ~i ixt()r xxii.. xi exxtxht x1iii I xxxii xxi xi .x ()l lg x Iilillix.tI)l1()()kSx1x..ilt li~ m s5. llri'x panicsilixix anxit. )tiler x11le xlii .IC M- 1(tr a iti(c 1 til Take Your _ Spalding xand Reach Baseball Goods Xi pOea tirstilelI ofi' lxxxi ll'Base Balls, "Ileii li at i e it ili th itiki l e1theI Prices Atways the Lowest WAUHR'S Ce . 3 ARTHELL Medical Der%,a BOOKS Text-Books Dictioriaries Staltutes Cotmperids Etc. CASH or E~XCHA NGEl F or Old 1Kooks C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. State St. Ct K SEND YOUR NAMETRAO SS1 n Y paiig MARK Fora Ca~a,1ogxe of Spalding Athletic Goods Sher Sp.tdtmg Ath tettc i Lbrarxy 'ixl hooi , oxi eveiiriixii lrxixi ,10, w Cop . - ndfo tOm1]t0 ist. Mtalil OdeerIDept A. G. SPALDJING & BROS. 26 Natsau St., New Yotk. 1411 Wabash Ae.. Chicago THlE LATEST 5pring Syesn Inen's Furnishings At THE CO-OOP rTe store q/ te Stttdets, by h/ e Stttdentsi fo)- the Stttdetts. TEACHERS You are needed on the Pacific Coast. Do you wish a higher salary and a better chance for edvancement? Do you need" a change of climate and an op- portunity to s e e the wonders of the Great West? Write at once to The Pacific Coast Teachers Agency 164 [. 48th St., PORTLAND, OREGON r I STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION Booker T. Washington EDVCATOR APRIL 8, at 8 P. MI. Singile Admission, -' $1.00 I________________________________________I i1- f% - PI Washinoton E. Ut Wasingto THE Phone 598PHE Phone 598