Samf Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade
Can Deliver the Goods
Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is now displayed and in-
cludes every new and natty fad of the season
in white and colored
Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached
50c, $1.00, $1.50
Capital, $30,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,000
Does at' r al taia o Is-too s lI lay
3Iptectnttteretto ltno STinrcgo
tDepositosa tfety Destt' 13.'at IlsLO rcr1
atoS2.00and upwartds
FIf. ii aIlaisoloCash., H.A.I LA tt ss -t..
0. M. Martin Rt k
I ______________________________________________________
For Shaving You Can Find What
Suplie)F ste'sArt StoresYou Want in
Barber Suple I O t BasesRth "Towel, Spongs, Cap,
Brushe and Soap at the
I ~L.1 0Right pric at
MEUHLIG & SC:HMIDS 300 South State St. 110 Fast Liberty St. Brown's Drug Store
205 S. Main Sts 20 ites Liberty St.
S [ L \ f ) I I I , ,v S lO R Y n ttt ott withxtk o ut t n 'tttiti gt it ttto tt s ta ititti e d 8 5 8 . T he c o lle g e Mje w - lb £ 1 .. 1
I . ii I B i~ S I I IN S A Y utt ottic t i t, al the n ut' ittt tt tt avotitng c irs. ialler's Jew elry Store, M ain A n a t v i e to tl af i ; pe t i in 11e 1e , i ~f t r o A oc il d ei er h , d pa trt
hi t o ta iesoffoutttc ittre xt t n ivetttortity tidittgs r owa -Photographer
tttl i. f ot t i ttoto r} iai'i it- tooti t tirelycriaidT heti. rthquakeORDER A N
M a e tv a 'lt t i t ofItri vlctttrt-sgivenwto mcntlca-,tttvietttsot hananit oBAILEYr
ti iar It ottitit-ot5-ate Sotttcattottagitt.' jBA ~I LE D M i~UNDlaS
M AY $. 9, 10,121 lbeltlnnln It . S-Il
A. IiAIStani ,.e~ oa m ile -to pile l s ntsFIRST NATIONAL BANK
Frric o Stok - ottuto, l a t il+,l y t\ htie~r ii _________ Otr 'A ttttttt \A~ it t
RierKlsy1.--Sprnool, , te ittt:\tttt A itor ot t ota s ___________F_________ or Your IDessert Suniday SOD,-kinne,'Prettiottt
Scuan n i nk trpsnaef tttl oscit- Ie-itton fAttt i eItarisotocttSu lie -Psdet
riooor tte itttpttyctoogtists aot itstttiittc nec leiate.otes.Ittittto Scot-IIc ''atysacteot
Edwrd oar en Inetclte iattNoe(.ThedortVattr itteorset oatt-ct- ri.sidrettttlthritttoorthsnewit'-ndroot d- C pitlti ooo$
lM1ots Sit -ta- *t"tdttttitnitttottt Il dt ser t s T htyt avtttyiS rplstrnoProii
Caltlsropo i tt >Ito , ttI ' t ttI-fttIttoo(tttt lttt trc. ~ ~ ~ w
iLranworod t't.t.tianIso ci tt a tt aItle 'all o aitt I t aeataprpitoIfrIru o e sM a u ndW I r y
MESSIAll c~htttto rtcontin r, att atl 2t1 N I ilt, Ave
iot Sf lL ll t tttacki t o eowit atit it5 ontt ke tt est ern'ItipttcotmpIet ig i itoticu ostFI rm 8 o10 p t No h ne LUNCHESlIlo.t,
CO RS nTa d - IKT S t tt ttitude ta t hath- nri ty eteott11Yg-
-$3.00_______________________ t t il t-titttitt 5-iitt ittoty tt' tt io-tt Ir a lty~ ns IN V C F
- - 0 -it os~ma t & ts ttot t7. A tott
-"od ta - -tt 0 tttenotn"ott to . t eho lotrt a d t he pt u ir'p ttitci tejttnior tass att 'tttdu tt WanrdW E B B.IiI [mtsofo l t oRliot totae t--e. Cg ts e ro n~iae t tt
wlih tot ttttt tttttt~lat Ott- 1. :lt : e St e ter' t 1 i latrltyitc I ithe fr Dl on U o, LtNKoArs & 00t.atltttt:
by it ieut tttottt l fauly av Bell phone 572-I.LH ire9( 1 ']tPIlS, asttftr 'AtY':t& SCHttAVVttK";
MANR FET-- ... - _._. - _-__ faurs fChcgo. E. JOLLY. StteS.
______________________AN________I U-. iSI' -N 00111I ttoBtcaus tt'ig Ninet'sch oostefued heteac
to rcotgtnize itoeigiiity trtintg oftheit (iaranlor f1sl f"ur59f pL d fEC1
Si i t-tryi tti rerly at tembtetr Nebiratska athlte-ti tttoatdthetatt er has t at. t tot ttt ,
toot iga yfaity n I LlatotlcanttcellttIit ftttialol gatott;o with is-ot oo tourot ~uLbn"tr"gt notegm nlb
T EA T O R IIJM jtrqosta ta io Att Ariregutlar.o attulotan fhtltottihetiiotttettttkiont of5 wotl
itn h c a o e ork ,sai t -: thtttf'o rtttttv ettottt otttn tp cttesratted .t tttny tt
Thaedfote Cage olatt tingo h disr hSvns ftclbatittot-iwatt'tthte t gke._
1 1d fth Si p fid S -c g ormt pretsh n ono f 'JK lO Sir na,,i t hto utiott r~ t1H IA l FtC A OAi O It 1~tt -c ott
e, ortanitsd bycAndrew Car totc-.comedy, ;kitteltbttttttprtgtat -
o , Ier t stoCli frni at the ettt ut iso r ts ,ioottl act- gn ii- ii ttond It rco t willcrpot.eksts~ott ot f ftoettI
I Itooiticc t p atttlgto aclitDaility Sa-the seguactry tilrn asiftory m. .t t stt c t7113R A Ot/tt tot -t ttto RIt AN tcoor Ot/o BALL
0.kA. MOE t Safoo d t vtettttncho- Wprices.F ulle as'Cgnnor t f.ill -1 A.HE REACH FCIo7 AL BA S ALt,Pttad)Etphat
705 Nrth nivesityAven e I-tter thanIad- tected, istioaos Catreet. Ef ast ~un saw-"y'ta i bu .fie1tu.,
T11 liiatc s dlighfulandthe ern-dry 217S, F urt Ave ,36.38 h .rStrentgltthceV. uor,,_ExrerINii
Mo's [ h~ m- f hefautyar mr tanOF-n BOWLINGa , 1 d,/,-
0.Ad WOEn Sliepe ca ie of eMnier cas.Fler fnor atr 1. WllEstrShrtA. oRECHC 2 iRS,PCilaeTEESa
fo orhUnvrsiyAe petleAci ste aie yofthe n esat-ign str,clrng n tylsnalszs.CNIS IE
Fac ess l szs 'asadCashlltenwetaot TiedomlofaeRoom i(;n.
Washtaw ity &trength, Vgor, Exercis
or BOWLI .
Power Co.Is4&GJodJaA a SpringflTonEN
SUtS opCot ad rve We 220-222I5.DSTATEPST.
See gtn I] ShowWWindow Fa h on Stor 121 125 Sn Maint cusr ee!-I7 r,
SAVING OF $10.00 to $15.00
ils WHlY we are selling the goods.
consumers VU4ALLmflcVV pany Su tto IOrdetrm $14.00 to $30.00
211 E ibety tJ. Kt. Malcolm, Mgr.