TIE MICII IGAN DAILY Eastei Coeds lBeautiful Fiaster Post Card: at 1 cent each. A large assortment of Chick- ens, Eggs, Rabbits and Novelties at little prices. Candy Eiaster Eggs, 10c lper pound 5000f Copies Sheet M'usic on Sale at ftc per copy. HOAG'S Home Supply Store. , I I i E E f. PEATUTS ]Fresh Roasted, r .- 10 We buay Ina car-load lots anad roast dally. DECAN e~. CO., Ltd., 214 S3. Mai St. A i . LL High Class Clothing The largest display of Fine Clothing ever brought to this market. \Ve are desirous of calling your attention to the beautiful creation.- we have in blue and gray suits. These snits are mostly of worsted. The coats are m~ade either single or double breasted, fit so perfectly that we are a sotire of great atnn~ance to the tailors. It wonidl be a pleasure to talk clothing with y'ou any time. Reu le, Conlin & Piegel 200-202 Sousth Maina~ t. 14 f i IJNivFRSI'I'YNolriclEsj - t1n 1 rf .l t>c . ti 4. a . V 1444 a" 1411 1 Lill.l (1 .t ~t I r")h lt l. rtl .14il 4111~l ti tl 41.' I:t. 1{r44 l" '(a 4,l~ ,111 44c t 441 S lmc il kil. Th 44 4rrit ;~ c' tlI tI r t >r r l wil lra Api t''r 1irl 1 f. r Occidental Hotel ; We Cter to Banquets, Fite. Hixsol'lLunich - Ypsilanti D., Y.. A. A. CA J. RAILWAY 11 i11 1 oI 4)4 ti14 +4 : . III- '(11d -\ti I 11 i h tI.' 1 11111 1 ).21 4 W 1) _1I; 11a Ill then 4 44.1 f l I 'r I v 'Prk and all kndl f ' e 1 )'.1414, (41111 C illerlar4' t 11C 511114 4 Sk' c rod You Cannot Get Strength from BOWLING tinlessyotu sttpplyv ma- terial for repairing mu1LsCUlar waste for \V9elcrry a good lae of ig- arsIC illdItblacco, always A & fresh41 Our leadersEspen 44 (e.4 Cler Havana Cigars- are iCe. atisfatottgar 11an 11.11 tall Bros, sole disrbu tora. Try111m 4111111es.. (11'le J .. H4411r411 o.14 I f 4 Get yourI election tickets. (lance pro- raIIset., (t 'lugANN ABO PJISS. ln, echic~, Utiversiy News-Letter. S. C. A. H andbook, Yost's Great Book on Football, High Shool Omega, etc. \Ve 11o1lmlore lprititg for te stdent 11114 14ha1 all 0ot1r sIops combited ,treet, oppoite (Granger's Acalenyand 1 t 1111rthl of Shool 1of Msc. t1 1 ah rcxi( c4 1(11 It Milllitudfadil54111 'a Homese ekers EiXCULRS IONS A Very Low Rates tn Roun Trip i 1CHwAN CL,_1 TR 'The Ngaea Falls Roof- ToVaios PnjatIn the iouth, Southwest, South-. east, West and Northwest March 5 and I9, April 2 and to o. W. RUGGiLES, (Ienanal IPassnger Agnt. Hot Lunch As tT'sttl.'a. 338 S. Stt. PRIZE CUPS TANKARDS, STEINS ANDI LOVING CUPS Wi. Arnold, Jettweer 220 S. Main St. Bijou Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE Amateurs Wanted for Friday Night. replenishing the energy expendedl. aja}htthmai engine muvst have fuel. Strength co~mes frt,)t a nitrogenouts food that is easily digested. * SREDEDWHOLE WHEAT I HENRY (Q Co. TAILORSHigh Class TARIO RS h i Merchandise HATTERS ToU C Popular Prices Diretly North of Law Bt"Ildlri, 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE IL - l s r The Harvard Medical School BSOSTON, MASS. inr~edcie nt str eyCOURSE FOR 14 141THE tEEOF M. I). Al re nt Aol i rofat l i te5.100 rataa are thlsoi rsine +"nnT~nrlrr n he pl tlihig~lban 111101 Monster Minstrel Carnival UnierstyHall v i i e s iyAp ril 5 a nld 6 ts richa in the protcids that repair the taily- waste of tissue' and nerve force. It con1ttains ball the htody-buil ditng el- 7 nments in the whole-wheat graina, tade tdigestible by ste~a-ooking, shred- ding'aad baking. No jprocess as11ever5Cbeen deeised tkat Iwill mtake (1a11 (ICrCcon asOC~iIO nurtou ra eoile digested as wh'ole lwheat - the food ol' the khnman race for 4,000 tears. A breakfaat af SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- CUIT with hat oaconld milk o am' was' ill supply theenmy fora awholeday's swark. TRhISCUIT is the same as (he Biscuit, racept that itis comnprssedinta a 'afr and( is used as a TOAST toranyasmeal, instead at white flour bread. At all groaers./ The Natural Food Co. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. "IT'S ALL IN THE SHREDS" i I 1 All Seats Reserved, pr ice, 50c I r ALWAYS AHEAD IN .STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAB ~OR ' THE BEST OF EVER~Y THiING IN TAILORING