,VIIL Nt % CT5 N AIL V 'UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALAW'1ICLOCKS HACK AN!) AHHIAGE HIRE The Summer QarterI1907 CnpflnsJcdI tr St rv tan 2041 South State street S Ir Ittl I{ 1 ; I t N IV IP51II N O'IILS i ct* 55 91W 5 Is t catIs ? I' t h r i 10 }N FOWNES T] li'V Wl' Al i" > { I';i r ARROW CLI-PECO SHRUNK UARi ER SIZE COLLAR r'=4 :v ii= i nE Att f76Y & ft7. 4, f f r. Pon S 1 I , ' D., Y., A. A. ft J. RLAILWAY S ! - ~.la - i5 , i3, 3 i a l t1 . i 1 I " t ; i You Cannot Get Strength from BOWLINGO Uleltss Nyoul 41l)plIv 1t- tc1.1411lfor 1lJ)aIi111igi IIIIscluI 1r int tc llttrlr c \)clhlCtl lit luiitti1i (u1rile Ilst havefc tl. Strength Comelts froIm tht Is'ci1vdost . SSHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT is rihInI the ipioteiri thrit repirrthe dai wstse Iof tis,,ue itand netsve isrce. It sot-tir IIiSiitilt:ld\-tni idiiii ele- niit ill th1 eholie-\vhceir ocnnnellade di-ctbl v-teaim-cokiing, shred- \l 'ICIt : S in trelt _ 1d , 1nd 1t linI1tile sktit. Madle softture silk elastic webbirt, Aulllmetalipletssf 11ie11y niscielpltedl isass. 25 cents a pair, all deairs erb mlprlepid.l Fr hstlelwhoprefer acrd garter,eeoffer LOCK-GRI BRIGHTON GARTERS Thectneatest eaie Iand motlfotleiordgaretertsmade.lThe g PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 MarketSt., Philadtelphia. Makrs ofione 'ipnes / A New Fad 111 the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Wood It takes one million yards to make one pound of Art Fibre Silk. ['here are twenty filiments to each thread. No wsonder they wear like iron. The only house that has thene in the city. Lindenschmitt, Apiel & Co.'s To [Engage the Assembly Rooms, or Orchestra, call at £ rla n'cr's Acadmy O ffice As the resedence is con. 1idlt~_Lk~IU~ nt cted with the building,I callers are requested to announce themselves. Please ring. / v:4, #(u1( (luia ~ ~ A breakfast at SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- CIUIT ewithhot nr coldf milk or ceeam wil saeele the energy ter a whale day's week. TRISCULIT is the same as the Biscait, except that it 5ilceempressedt intoaafaer and is used as a TOAST tor ace meal, iestead f a whitetflourbreead.At all goers. The Natural Food Co. IN THE SHREDS" a Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors Professors ! The best 1i nne too good for you: You can't afford to waste your tun1110 d a ti )1 eeswith the old-stylI fountain 11en1 Bay a Self-Filler, ant heYr uisy c onpractical atnd sucessful Self-IFillitngFosstin11Pen.It 15 CONKLIN'S 1 PENl filling P N , "The pen with the Crescent Filler--the device that ma de self-filling penis possible, practical and perfect."- Dell't be dceised. Accettntothinlglbct the gencine Conkslitn. Alletiherseif-filiers Ite in tiel esperittentalf/t stage. The Conkin~ is perfect-been cnthtie market I far years. Use 3d ad rectmmended by thocsands ofIl studenlts and cciilleerfessors. Possesses all the taper. ior adeatttages of tile best fountaill petts supplemnented by the follewitng distinct and desirabtle features Fills and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother. No joints to leak. No clogging.' Nothing to take apart. I A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to" nickel crescent filler and pen is full,; ready to write. Why hae any chtancesi Oeder a CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaran- teed satisfactory. Baod Free uisen reqcest, telling - - nbc t this wonderful pen. ,Manucfactued ctrly by ~ The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold tn Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. "IT'S ALL Y _._,.. ALWAYS AHIEAD) IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EV -- THING IN TAILORING