THlE MICHIGAN DAILY i Ir - HOAG'S Cor. Main and Washington The Largest Assortnment of Students'lRoomn1itnisings. Lamps Waste Baskets Fish Nets Brushes Pictures :Books Stationery Ilirrors Razors Knives Scissors Leather (Ooods Banners Pillows .Soaps Jewel ry Playing Cards Lamp Trimmings We Cut the Price on Alarm Clocks H OAGI'.S RAHY RAH! WAHI Fra Michtian Photo Net. , I )jhiiasg tr l fl fry ou, ,t. 'l+rki ,Nas ity yo rtt.d , o t ) ,l i I it ya ddrs 1. S.I INI)QI 1 Bc14, blin, IOhio. D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Speiaol ('C arst tits aaa., att ssiavey two hours uttaiA1. ta. Sial C 0 (i arsIitkii, S:30 a. Ia., and every Hc o kwaiilserice to I. rt :5i.Ilt 9:I.5p. ra,, ilers 11: i5~ IL Student Lamps Big Stock $2.25 to $2.90 Our Red Star 011 hais no eqa t)quaolilty inethis tnarket, It gives a while light, clues not smonike the cliiiites tines not fill the roomnn with sickening odot. Sold it n 11Arblor only by DEAN fe. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. i I UNIVERSITY NOTICES. li)E1i sill , ~ ~ i}1 a Al (,' iit ,' it ' 90ti a l , II a l c rtcr Sllt ca iiit ~tc ii 'I ll, 1 lt ,~ iai 2(a l I'' ic ,t t , liii 11i11 iltli 1 4()( IIi ( S rit}1 1 1,Sl ,at I(-, k I : l' 11111. C11)d1\ al l- i c 111 111 l 1ll r IT111- (.1 :t 1I lii , ii l1 )c11 c l~ ll M ltr li, int li 'lt Ill f))ti i 111 ;' l 1(>c 1 1 ();I 17 lI1- l " 'l t tiii ri I I)i 11) Pr i r \ iillt 1 i 51 llc dl ~tt li I l (Iiii I 'wi behull 1 t ItchHl ~ St iiii 1 ii I iiic ct l il> t f1 1111 1k li 11W 11 r Ie r' lc c t) r i+r I I i~" . ztai l h t 1i it 1 1 )c tii t J ill aie i z I t t{t ,{ 1 isl 1 1 111.111nt Ii ' {i p' -[ 11~le1 1 6o1(1 The Stin-Bloch Fmous Clothing ONLY AT Lindenschmitt, Aptel & Co.'s Our Business Sacks ready for immed- iate service and tailored with the skill of Stein-Bloch's best workmen. We have searched the market high and low, and these are the best that money can buy. High grade Woolen Fabrics, skillfully and h o n es t I y wrought, with a fit and style that sometimes makes us wonder how it's done. Always Look for High Grade Goods at Our Store. Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s it I it I . mp) fou ii 1~ 1 ") ttIllii ha toiFl R, THE ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIRS, 1906=1907 -, M ic . As it i iii IA tt.,tl>tt ll ttA 11/4 t:)(, Twa - tIn iorlclsriet acsn7 7i.m WAITING Ilaacs. SITHON 8I'i. WEST1F MAINI. 1 0 1in1 I thcf 8 II 8 ii 211t IFINE LyNCHES 9 iii G i8irs1111 111 hi t t l11111