TH -1 "If I V AIII.Y Easter Coeds' Bteautiful Easter Post Cards at l cent each. A large assortment of Chick- ens, Ergs, Rabbits and Novelties at little p~rices. Candy Easter Eggs, 10c per pound 50001 Copies Sheet Ilusic on Sale at 10c per copy. HOAG'S Ilome Supply Store. Ii' {S Fresh IRoas.ted, 10c We buy in coar-load lots and roast daily. DEAN ft .CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. it !.. 1 _ __ ... , a i I s , >_ is. . c3 s c3 : . t . ,- High Class Clothing The largest dsl-ofinCothung ever lhroutgtit to this oatkt. %Ve ic-ae devsirotus of calling yCouiCatteintion toithe beiatutiful reaion:iwe5haei itO1 anifrato uy suits. These sJt5 a-e to 1)stl}, of worsted. 'lTe cows are ti-ole vIithi r Isittylvort loittic blt -id, itl soyperfectly ii tt t,-cate a scat- c ofi Kit aiittN ootto ithe tailors. It w..itiltiIt) a leasore t i lk elotititig %vthIiyou any ttiiit Reule, Conlini & Siegel 200-202 Souith Main~ St. NVRSITY NOTICS itt i( 1 tt K111-, r t it t r ii ;1 11 tX' Ict it-i m 11t [ 11.iriti 1 ;11 1(r i 1 I st- :i ;, ti i *(3I iti i lt r r; 1 ii t1;111 }1 1t 1 it t I i t 1 0 11111, ;Ik ll h lw k i - tt 1 )t1~ 1 11.5 i i - v, t t tt, ii i h t~lt' (1 Iiorge' lialter, 'Mai tie It. t' 3ii -33i t lx'11 11t"i , u tl1 ). 111.t t - h - tA tu id It iitt ii ac yt 4 30ii a int - i) 2 t- ha d l i t it u tilt8 :i)t 1, it7 in- Ca t tt i t, i tt l " it Y i'ial scr i I , td wii-ui hi i V -it - Sailfautytailotritig it satisfactory hutV Kt nit tntice. liii I& t- wii - its fori 'rh heisi work li>I tit>put.t- - \tttf - , i'ttn ~, , tiesCity Nets-ho~tter C. A. itttiii iadbo,'ost'stGr-at Bousi trcct , ospite, Grantgers Acadetmiy andt is northiiof Schl tlof Miuic. if i You Cannot Get Strength from BOWLING TAILORSHigh Class IVNSESMecads'ToM HATTERS ijipj Popular Prices Diretly North of Law Btdldih~ 709-711 NORTH U NIVERSIT Y ,AVIENUE tileissyouitppl v nsa- tIntisetthtr x\-ste fo r rt pltnIislstug th1e energy cexcetd.d. IThe humflan e11 rfl~lt must lhtaefuli. ., Strengoth eonis .8frtlm a nitro~genous food that is easily digested. SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT is rich its the proteids that repatir the datl1ls WatSte Of tISSUe antd nerve force. It eo)!tt~its all the bsody-huild itngele- inc >tith ie whole-wheat grrain, mas~de dli cestilsic hy stetn-cooikittg, shlred- ding and hakingr. No p, lt i tateter Ibeent is t a iitiltltiake iis tir corit ast iritious tar as easily et edttt as iwhitle it hct t h fotdf fth e hu tuman race lfar 4 ,00C ars. A breakfasti of SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- CUIT swth hot or coid miik or cemwl supply the ornergy for a. whoilecdays ork. TRISCUIT isithe sameris theBiscuit, reocept thai it is comrpresed inoto a wafer andis ustest ias a. TOAST for any meai, Intead of white floor bread0. As alii groceurs. The Natural Food Co. / ~tt IN THE SHREDS" Hot Lun~ch At Trsattle's, 338 S. State PRIZE CUPS TANKARDS, STEINS AND) LOVING CUPS ,. r The H'arva rd Medical ;School BOTO)tN, MASS nmdiieapdsril 5and Allr year'sco rse.oe oIos(arlierved, repi ,o 50 r ce 2220 S. Main St. Bijou Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE Amateurs Wonted for liriday Night. 1 NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. "1IT'S ALL I ---.A ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAIL-OR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING