T1IE MICAIGAN DAILY Samf Bllcbfleld's Fine Tailorinlg Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM B~kHURONL & CD. ! Ir l r irr!®rrlrrrrlrr r rr riisrrr raur r ir rrrrwrwr . ... HAVE YOU SEREN THE NEW !SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is now displayed and in- cludes every new and natty fad of the season in white and colored Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.59 MACK e(L . CO. ITlttti i 11 S AND '4i CttAlNl"S tANK I MAIN11'ANt)tHtON S it Capital, $50,0(10, Surpuit it d IProfits., 1,00 "r Ilt) t, o. oloo oJ litJ 'I , t T'11 ' JO - ;l1 ', r 111to ;I 1 1 ll 1111 I JJ 1111,1 5 0 0. MY. Martill- Off1 iJ09S. t11t \ vcI ll Iit . (eiln e:0 S.oJ:51,1 . c 11111110, I AMBIUL.ANCE ONfCAt" You Can Find Wit You Want lin I'tt TIowels, sp11 go's, Caps, tirusties a1m11 Soaip lit thte f Righat price at Brown's brtigStore 120 E.ast i.iIlrrty St. For Shaving Barber Supplies MEUHLIG & SCIIMID'S 205 S. Main St. Foster's Art Stores 300 SoLItl State Sit. 110 Fast Liber-ty .ft. Annual May Festival M AY 8. 9. 10. 11 CHIJORAL. UNIOIN A. A. Stanloy Frederick Stock Conctlorsoo Rdelr-Kelsey . ...:...... Solpraoo Schauan 11001k ct.1t1 Janet Spencer Cnro Cam1panlari Howl) and z... ". artoes W itherso on ....1 .... ... . as Lockok,'od Pianist1 Krameor ....... .. ViolIinist :MEIjtAtI Coa SAISON Alat) DEILAHto Works Gieneral Admissiton.... ,$.001 Including Reserv1ed Soot $"1.01 0.5:00 Fordotai ' o ' ()1 1 10 10001cc00it 0 511' lely o ocured at I1 I SCHOOL..OF MUSIC MAYNARI) SIA"tI' 1. II ATIIIFT11,;1 HA I; t' Ilopc lint tilt, I-all>k, will I ()I T I)()()I: I'II \ I N I NC: , t rr..ca rr+.. . 1 1T t 0 0. l o I t~ oi llII I I 00' 111,1 1,1itt ltii 0 111 ll 1I joooj 1 tt,11 to Il Ir 000 l Itll. \\010 T~ ;1, 011~\\ \1111clI 00.; ; 1 t hc \\';[tId, I f 11t \\ 1. 0 0t I 111 . I1 1 lotoo otoot 1 11 1I( to to. I l~ \ 0\\ ;t; 1c k lt 11 t ;i-1111 ;01 te ,. 00 110 . 0111. t\00.0 15 t ,11 t 41 ft01,0110 0.rti1 I loll0,1 I1k 1.1.01. 11C( t, t oo. lw lI l 1111' o . t I t'0 m toO 00 0'tt 01 l o lo t )11110. loot 1.1t0ti0l1 t 1 0 ( ,til? }I fi=t vrc -III iit"J!1'1 i;it'tt'1' ' ?11 S" 0 lC an 1 l00 0 lo111, l 00 0)l~li). I ' 10000 i 0 .' .11t-u l t;w~l 1l'l ltj . 1 010l ti 0 0lc11 0 0 0 01 100icill,; , ( L .,...,1 THEFATO R I1DM Paying Old Scores ',t The Great Mine Explosion Moe's Barber Shopa 0. A. MOE l 705 North University Avenue 11,. iir Intercollegiate Notes. 111oo10, 1 11.100 10 iZ t 00 0 ciltc'c ' . boo 00rliti 1110\ t000 L11 iii 0 0.0 1til 1111 1m, i)l M oo't l I '7'rl. !o 000001 0'I I rl cr )'. 100.i 1'. 0j 0 loot lwyb I' lltllt n t 0 0 0000.tt <, r it ut a ' i to 00-0ni c~ clrc0 Ii 0 0 oloilo~l t t t o d t oi ito I" Itoh 1)c7 tw b' 4f 202,1_1 17 i t4 10 00 i 1;1 wt.h00 t11111101 01101 lll111, 1 0 )111~loilg :0 (1 Il:.. ~ til 4 1 1 i cvc l'tllJ 1i 111111t \1r>0 .101 l'lo sroll Stools' JII 011111 12of Ow ,till.ooo l lei 111111 & 01 to~t ooot' tft1- ti" too>l-. I1111101> Jooo I') to reolo :Hain 1rc.010. >0. 15.1' I1,. OO tdltschlcr, Photographer ORDER AN BAILEY & EDMUDIDS Icc Cr"c arn %porttiii oo~ 121 I ASS 111B1. 'I'ott11,1 jA ~alilw ch FIRSTNATIONAL BN IFor You r I)essert Sitrtday f I1.I too I ore iet ()ltoft ,',n1e1 oo .nd moitt(-oo I ato'10.llo'>oo'l , { t ]{'too fil('o 100 1101d 1 ot too blt l l ti 'tt > o 01 i IN , I t .I, 0 taut1 kind..1, too tato1'0 11.110 1Yii - 01000d frt otl 1 ltooi .10l oo 0 I ll T OMAS EOWl ,Prop. 1w011cut, 111o 0.frbo . t1 )10011 e P ie ." 01 lio FINE L"VN+CBE .5 \V1 o Ily Jt b' 1 er1w1 1 ,,o .c1r 0T 1 00 0t 0 . tOr1a1of 111 11 kir, ar1, I~1 1 ! 5 lor .ool01, Itell phone 572 1. Itonle 961 J'IF0;,aloo booo l ,, '0'' lo 1 1 F 't ____________________ R. L. JOLLY. S tmtte St. College Ninuo. 1 ifTh e1ltci],;i , o i t 'Ull~tolI 01 001 . 11 00 11 ~ l 0,i h bl l 1 0) 700100 1 00 0 " atcd to11t :1 1C tI t)0+h1 0 d " . .0,1 :~tl ,K~ .1 Ik;.l it : (>lla a 0.t 1t*" C'11ti 00'tc, ticil , 11 '{ .11 0 Ii3 . 11 ir C t ' .0dc 0 Pi )ob (]' I gj~t Electricit Supplied to College Men and Women for All Purposes. Wasliten aw L1ight & Power Co. 200 E. Washington St. OUR NNUL SPINGOPENING- oF Suits, op Coats and Cravcnetcs Special line of Merchandise for Easter. Swell Easter Shirts, a corn=- plete variety of the new designs, colorings and styles, in all sizes. Gloves, the correct new styles and shades in such well known makes as Dent's, Perri n's, Fown's and Dem psy & Place. Fancy Vests, all sizes. Hats and Caps, all the newest. WADHAMS Q Co. See Show Window Fne shion Store 121-123 S. V'lain St. THAW OUT I1h t 'ird1 "od 1 . (:~ 'strength, Vigor, E c rc Is BOWLING BILLIARDS, POOL TOBACCO CIGARS, CIGARETEES CANDIES, CIDER SOFT DRINKS t oo fIt looooooooI'oi Most Comfortable Room Int the .Ctty B. 13. REYNOLDS CO. Caterers TO MEN 220-222 5. STATE ST. ( funs o ,.A '0. tf o llol 0000o ATISANG FI10.00th1.0en af1I f1 ih~d fI~rnu SFAIGOFIRST,00the a Col$UI5l.l0U0l~ 1 is WHY we are selling the goods. c ,M~ u e s c oh n C lf a Suitt.o 1)Orrarom$14.00 to $30.00 118E Lbety t.J. K. Malcolm, Mgr.