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March 29, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-03-29

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The Michigan Daily


ANN AI i}()R, Mi 1ICIGAN, lIIi AY, ?iARCHi 2(), fo0),7

Nix. 132.

------ . ....

Professor (randgent Tells Teacher
Why European Students Are
Superior to American.
"I1 lo not ixieli'i therei, "'xc 'cx
xas alaga xxge asxi' xiffiiclxx it I xi x xxxa
Trench. IIhave been ,trnxicini i l xx iti
ix~lIfix butxxal fe'x' oflxx i1'
':l es~v ( I-iixi N i ntix I iix'sinx
xiixixx (xxckinx oi xl tt i fNx'xi'
ildes i nchxxxxlt xxxxforie theilxx tlgxi
techr. P ofssrC xxge ti,(xr
man of the deparxtmentx ( xofx modeii x lan-
guxxexxx +tx I iilip iiiamtlxxxiii x ofi t
bettr gnlilid todis xlithipildln
'icr i xi g te f ii t f la ea d '
lxiii' xix' "xxxvs sp( inxirnden x ,Iii fx
theii' x ii'xx'xxxxi xxxof mod rlxx I xxxix ll'
xxxucici n the kxtx m publc' "hook
Illsclew arcteI -tlxii xil xxxIv ''xii
"I lw m ny io ouxpii ,, x raite, x xiii
li i lDre ch xxix x ,x ii i ll,,xx lxxii f x ill
harden fiixlir nt xxii xxxiiift ix
comexifourx liear, xof i xi 1 xxthexxx'' xlii
illy tatxxhii hehai aquird xixcrxi
:( ihrxxxxfxx i' II fx 1iI ,lxxxix p
xx' l i i that, ixwh ililii iixrixixxx'
,oiii ha ixcxxgx 'i'ixx ii x. ~ ' x
In the arly p ll ofxi: liii c ro
ic-oxxii'c xiii ldclar xd: xxiii b ii
ment offeredxiforign x'x xxix ii, o w >
th ' Kex' °-xihxixii xxi ofi lxxi Iii xi i i n x i
i effetl o our'xxx ntix xi '' l C'ox i
xx'iixxxxial'xxixiixxxx ndicaix ,iwe px ayi fel l
cti~ i i x xxpidexxthatliiou ii ho xiiiiand
Birki renxx frtelbe iniiter
''\'iiwo'xierihow thixxieac xei, ixlij xxbeen
alii tixi clxii lxxx tiii l at ix llli xl"
Spekxixgx'x flxx he faxiii thatiii x iii' x i ti
xiixaiite ht N nt prc fil
lwxxc xxxhe xiteacher, ixe ldiicu ix r
knoiii the degxeii fe i iie lx iii ii miiiii
tieac xihicr i a xuilse Wicxllapprochil i"he
iihii in xdixe aL foig'n ton'gue''xhix i s i
stucying xiha lies'andetioughtsxoi e alxii

anuages, he callexd in Pressorx ii;rcxnd-i
gent In ihe ixattcer'sxciwn xcwcoixs
' Haven't yoxu ev'oi'exdia xeixxxxii

l x teieeimlxiii askd ime
xxii ai :A d c1i rne i lxxii parted.i saddxeirlbui
'xx Nelii xxi a i lo . f thxi
m r I te ppe iscus xxi' i Somexiiof thei
xxix'a. moatiflxiii niixii'xxia1' xxi t
1cIl o-; liii xthem, xxMeii,," iii for
alo li x li ii i i ii xdi xi x
aIi o en l11iii lxxxinii
-t~IIy.dcaiI a i1 dxl iii hxxxiihi
fil-apl t~iiI ithe xiitmliii I xiiiu
xx~m ito~,in xxll' xIx iiRom
dea'' ltx ix xx hiii ii i lx Ai lbriechtii. Pro-
fexoriii "'lx'', 'olf Nl ijix Clxigi, xspokx
:elcton crc tt ll i lxxiand ii i x
(l xxxiii" ,c111)I i lixc heldi n Cx i - x
vc t alxiaiS oxIhi mornxi ng l andii
tonigst At -1 t, ithi lxiir o liiia
e: i i I d iliai N1,axxictbN' gaii wil
xx 1 '('xxxxxxxx i xxi I lxITxIiiA'''
Prot.iR.ix1xixi xxxxxxxofiiche [Iixxxxi -x
le: :11 liRooxIii ofi thiii Law buxild-ll
xxxcs),ke iii ilix l i lenidio
the xii lxxxiin i xxi i toii xxxii xpro-i
lxx' lxxx th . ir ci ii f I iii' xx'xxixlit xi
at r . I I clxxi ii li i i x x"\ c iiliiiii i
1~~1: upon ithexxx' atxxxiixii alii'clxxing
"Theixxx xie-'i x xxx ''ix lxxx illixxixxi
of 'nixii 'x xiilx'xlix xxx % L t e i a-c
ad s xo heintelxxxii xic xx'ixtti nter-ixx xi
pret pro ery- h ' p lays. xxAlsoinixx
rcadng \ilto'4 \orktie houl p x'
'xxixaxxxi xxxii iiii ofitiei' xxi xliri- l
Ilt 11M xiic i l l i'i iiiii x ixxxiii'iiiii cxi
"\\ eliii lxinow theii ani whoi wr'tx ,
the material l ix rot iaboxxiiid e.x
anii n tolgi iix i ii ii whchhs h ihts erei i -ii
'canii th liS iwreti lldiadkauhorihe
i'i'iiix'' onlyx i lli a i studyxxl ofix tis, ii -
xorcl andxiograhic'lxxii xiiwxxx'i'c Sxcalix
lii hepei n dy cdr," x hxii'hg x ie lstimu-i
l'ateid ' xoxiente iii it ner lyxi7 5ing

ci ciixGrovcillxiigill' axSixxkcear-eic
enraiglitaditioni, liihexxusuatl xpio'
gram willxiiex'given.c

Uiniversity Training School Provides xxxixse andi
a Strict Academic curriculum in illxx li(,xii
Addition to Practical Work. nuringlxxi
ixig Schoolx forc Nxisceix xxilxxxxxiix i ii ili p,-
xxii x of i t i Iit, m st i xxxx'xx I~iiii lxxi iio 'Nf
thei Ilxxi i xxi x work xxi f x theiii I xix
andi ix ilixililandii inex ihellilil xxiii ii lx
cxixiii her trainingi at Atilt Alb"I now n ii be i
r i it i ix''xxxxxx hear ig lhexicl of xxxiii o
Tt u s ho ei, ixlocatd lm xictite Iii lnoli
thei ro part ofi te. i' i ;ir th
lxiii xii}.
'xiii' of thel supxintendentlxxii he par-i
lxxi ilixi xxixiiiii ixiixixx ii xii i tii lxxi~fii
,I xhe xilii xix arxxtxhxx kitchens, i d ngxii filxii r
xiii' iii'ix' 'xxx
'I~ i l xxx '''''xtinii' xxx x IxIxxixiI'g a. ;ie n tl
the cot ic1-i tA x iuix l fora liii xxxi i nni' h
tranig. :1 f, \ I; c ac h ldon th elxiii xxii
ix'xxxx' x x 'xxixii xii xxi cl x
U ,xii!,I,', it'
co'II ofiiii pract i lxiaw litheori ca i n- gill li t. si
xl-ii n xii cxcni ii xxx lxxxpeiodixxiiof
- txxiii liii ii xxan
th roe ecru ; "fhc ch um ear b gin I:ii o c
xxi lxxiii xi xxxxtxawix xxxiii xii l iii xx I l b
Th'l ull xl i s ix ii cxxiintoji or xc xxx ca
xxx 'ati 'xnili xxxxxxxx Axixpui l iii xiiirnat
;er~ e il ,, rill r o ut, a n x n o ceifi cae ~ c
of I ' ia l xxiii lxxionx of'thexxix xxx isi o k p ,
ki (, no i; ny ceditgive forwort
r i ii iiiix iiirl r d c I s n~iii I a o it , h i
given ixxxx liii iiif liite iiyeariilxwi
xix xi lii xxi xxxii ii xiifiii ii lilixi
xiii xare xb ingii iiiiii toii provxi de fri
ofiiaplicantsI ', frotl'xxiii z ye rs.la n silli
xi xi, if theisupeintendentxliiofi lxlx xxiiilira
a<,ktan superntenden, lxiix hea
xxx~cc i d iin xii ito iii iwhich'' xxfiiird
th linicaixlxxIii iiil-I I iiixTheIIiix c rxxiII teii x ix
t ii rcervxiii the schooli, xxiii i liii re th i
lx lii l i xl ieu r s pc ciio a iico tr l. I ilil nxi xxii i
to heilli xxlxxl-xxindux''xx'xdties f7 N-,xxi
ii xh ii i p o i a ero isitwo I xxx i t
month, at ihe icu o xxwichx lxime cthe fnxrep
canddat, ifii'ixl'iiareestoii iii' ii orixxxgx i
the fil) te m f hreiyar . gila-lowxxiin ito
dry, ibut inoiotherxxiii cii i xxiii iii lxi lxxxix
recix r $li ;'cx'cxxi irixt xxxlar ixa iixilix txxixtliik lii
beiai l ied to the ix xurc iiSe lxxxifoi m ,xxxii ,
book, tlld outixrxii xii i lx li rrent ai ;axci
lido, eixlixnxes arx prvi dedixxbi xx hexxtc iilixx'x'c
.sihoot. xii xxi xixlx li l oxex slxxii

ica. Nl i meh'lxitific ally reasonliii is lxthir
madci iup xit xtheiienxxxifxxiliitxcii. lNures'xnxih.iI
xcs' often' eailedxxifxxi-xdulxxiicxiiispexcialI'r id(:xi
lcs in thli hopitaxxlx, iunuder xxhichcix ix lx x-14
servceiote lx iixipiixxi axnxi educaionxx of Frost.x

xcxxxx~ixxxl. lixxxidxxxiiiI t~xieIGERMAN PLAYE~RS TO

'xxiiiand liii' liillixi offxii
i1ttto l by liii xurgicxal
"I itc t-i; las , xIr hdill i
Siecixi xxxltiii xi, ixxixh
Vxilxlx liii' ii ii
\1)\ I ix ill " iI Sil SN
'e:(an xoih ile x xxii lxxii
hxiir ' I ciiiiiiiariii in l i ve
ix ,ill hll xhe cn xien
,d l 11 l i lii, i ilx. cf-i
r iipal 'lixth i programil i llxii
t 1i11 111l'e;1 ml he xx itoxxi
ledxx i iin i x Irc xfxthe xeid
r>" xiic1the coxxxxxxx ' ix ter'ii
sna Jiy " i"ixixix xxx ,Iii
:1 'l xof ix ihartllx (Inc"o
liis i l iii a nlxi xxiiii i n
Ii ' Ni l xxxccinxxI llixliexviof
.dit, a n xxx f<ii x xxxiix iixxxi
klxiii ix xin ixeca;1
liii olxii sill I lxi aiiset of
lxxii xi xxxi npeli is
'xx' II xenxxlixe tre c
at illllalexx(hxin~ il beg
( ii5' i i ly ixixxx I "toxx 6'xpxxIlxx
'xii ad Ixl'( ilxxr I .unc
;n ;1' lxi I 'inIi lxxxiih1' huxll-i
irlac xli ii ''xxiii fiihiex'i' l l
ire ofIl~ Ia~aixx oixcxicof
,lingte xl pc xx x ixaithlexxiii ccex
lis e Ih''x ic N Nha I.h flx' -A
xx' l l xxxx'A .w i toicic o
cxc o xlxxxxicx iw'xix'ciixk.c(
xxiiica iiimx I ,'' iii Aml ilotheri

cr ()f leitxi xxxxxworxxk --Nti1if.

Wachsner Troupe Appears in Detroit
April 12 Uinder Auspices of the
DeritOcr i I liii'" Iy atc
i iixx'xxxixx'
Tleemperor of iriiililhimlfxia,
ai patron of the x xxiart;xii, ix le fo
thex drxuxx lvti''''oductii;'of lie ii Naxn xx
Wcvcr the lip ix lCimxn 55 xl
haxi I xieiii x thei l iii x ixxxtxxu tin x
n td in ii lxxiiicx I lix , I ,ii xxix
(tie to xxim'' giv'enxx xx I xxi'ii ' of Ouchxx
(da iy thtI I -I" f i h ,l ong hiihl
lackix xi i iingaydv xsialxxnowledgex
i sfn :iilxix Initxii xxxrci''' h u
Ih i deIi xxO'~u t iI icxxxx xxxi
dckrd te :lxi ixuxuux lxxcpan ixto iie
Ih~te nilxxxi''xxxiiithixiiigiiiiii'i
lxx 'iu 'idam ,inii he' lxxi i tm Iixhuii a ii
for whiile dw perc'c ixcnge oflGerman, ill
th olxxx iiil of '' 51111 I''i' xxxix' o
is ixmalxl. i x~it uhxxiiiihxx I xxin is lya lix
touxhei lx x i ns of ti I ile. 'hu h xx lxiii xi
shoul ii i ll icxx'xic ixx xxi xl,(he ix lxxo i lexx
ho ld il xxi ofit ?iili'il ii' xia Nx'urxe
w l pat pl - i n lly prfit, xliii l nay
:tcruc fow te prfcrmanc. ITiai
Ixkt tixiil l xxiii 1CC-x ill a fxin li a
i a 'ixx x'xxboxhx' I xx of txi''lhe fact'xxi xii xx
carne°" x'iix I flli lxx th i ppi ti on of ii li
bcuc i diti on to l Iiilic ridenltisxiixofx
Iwo hundredxiliclx iti xciii lxxx'rv
clre. clow ratixe uouti'l-ri'coxlca
tck hldxrslx andx as' itheiplisi ix'xiihe
cla, xxchn i ix'ixover l'te uloock.
xx x p ,N I lxix hiuxux' liilisi t xiii luux
her about a' week xl b' ef 'xxxxxx'xIxiixo lxxxiiil
ixix.i At' hi s xixxixt i lyl x stu iiitx'wi ll hav
ax x, xulti or-ix onatwthan
Iix c bxx' fficelxx l i fili xl ixix iMondayu
will Ibxc oiitisal atiWate',, booixuik xstore
iii cxe'itslto $2.1h0.
lxiiuxiiliconferenceii'x'xvi l xxxt in theli,

I)( xt a uimlxiIixll cat ixxxII'xxi xefillx t1
Chemicalxbxratxry. Wl. J. E I xi

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