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March 28, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-03-28

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t" VOL. XV II.

The MVichigan Daily

't. C}[.

POLLOCK WILL-ADDRESS t ali~tiT Y.r Ni. t. N.

Professor Hobbs Will Lecture on
Earthquakes- First Session
Was Held Yesterday.
ino h ich~iga14n -\actiofitSci
ence tic> ihel in te' uc 11Ictr
ic nt' 'iih t i cu t oday and to- ii
Nctccci pper;cc icr,prctclcd ei c
ia% sience in h tur c ll rt) "it
of the \etr Molitt1l ulitg an n -
( Iy i (m t ,I 'i \Nt itit 11111. i
iiThei piti nc iiip li ct11r ri teliii)au
\till heiPi es.i J met lf, ioiock', a i
iiisofPlnt ad iriii. u ig-i
Nil' 1 881%hic ibe;i~ e tdya
o'clo k i i i mu cmilNcturii HAIL
'i t'ee ti ll ' d l h i ll ii ii
in tenet eturerit i liiite I i<ia
lab rtory, (111"ht irthc11iikI \is tit liii
elecltic ofititit itt iitii,- t
iQ'A t tltiil iii ii it y lii) iii it
('och V-1ha iitild t cal to ;11
iliiir tut u (, lii iii iii piti on t
mehim in lithe dtirIctor' li c i tict it
o'clck. M~c rt'i'i'i ;1cu Ntc. ccii
tdly nex iiiYear 111 th ic' ait I ciii I
of igthe c a it ' ,rc(p (c. i o
it atilt 1,thu lc ititiu t ''tn t' m
Imi lt litheiiiiritiitit forei orlnii
Allt e i tti N ilc l ii, 1t11 it t he to(
hail unt adtecpct falcc
Pnnii' ciin t ic;tar t;,tr l t e ctih il ftict
ciiie Ifoobal ibef Ir, it itdll> iii cc
rdcinc inc iticli ~tt in thli nean
S(Nit IllP(INI; I.N)..'A
inttc c'ii i twl l h lioc m ii fo
\cciitc librie tltill ginc *ic t rlth i ii
fiind. 'tha t ue1 t iii iii I 11111(,( rc
(pcctpcn1dSuntileNduringcral 4 otr

1l a1talci cctI wItt 2 lei't ihu't'it
N' uttit,,' Nlcit' lIiitiait+ Nu~rc icitiititiOc


c r IIigIt I tt it t II!Ia11 all, 6:.it
Th 'lm it ii e cidii it noniat
d I t . ciil ni i i li Nig et om tc
c~tilti ppontcc by I 1 c 1 hui t ilt
[ ~rprc idc t 1 al" % i I i tI,'o4
iot \i4 pcic t W Zr . Io
I[]: t 'ii ilItt i 1\:11;citt 1i ' I Nrluti
Nilor I ~rr clc 1)11141 8NTci'll NN
hIic c cci t'll) (It tur litl , Iii Nc ts; i
CII tilli 1 111 110 11"C F , 11
ht i lic d iiaicro th l kel
chl itlpi i t, r 1111 11 matci witiiit
hif lict ~ill (i plt wct inii till il'' i
Fl wll tiii ii k il l irai, itit player,,
tilt <f it t il l pla Ic 111 ,Int ti
01c tamc itl etc pl c nttu ~p-
p-ing Icam ~dhlc icnt itkii iii iii
Ntl play' 1Itt ii''hus t11 h ivi gain"
of717., \i I laye :ntiItflg11c
littheit I NI Ii S i tt \,I (kti Il
rhii iii, lilt \ cl11 u hank,, 111111 I
iftilt 'ot M chg ntilpjcIx
hihiliii, of tilif0 iticand 1111 liii
1111111 11. S iiif m tilt also plan'i
match 11 I i I tititki, th e i
tilt trl, det ment,111 ,ti11ho1 huglihc111n
enac 111 tlt r 11 ) I rinI iitit1i
tell 11, It( i , t , If I cs l cr
A ncln .e\hl l. 11110 .'l'i iNN'
edin ti tic tt oNl f itsicipg ic
Th 1i itci Ic ili c uri ' t8 'ctlofck
ttA~~ilt' aIcIii'..

Another Session will be Held This
Afternoon in Sarah Caswell
Angell Hal.
li t c ic ''ciin h i t i t
C lii ic 'i rtuu iiiNel tii I i t ,e,
pio lu in Sarh1111 Ni tilt Iii
ProfssorI itiitti it s )iii ftccr
"P ill uii ti iipper, n " tirtilititit e of
1. ii). iitn nti o P ntnifaiir
an li ii 1111111by Or.Iii li ii B.ii Wood-i
tt ciit' 1 iitii rvd tlhe fi pol ar ii lit
till lli it t alktt ofi Prof. p41 ' an i Ii
\Iiicr I f li ittitit i ut1 it cil on "R
La in l t iom astilt chii hroatlet han'i
II ictlimit iinicae o h ol
pl, o h p upe Itt if11111iii I
ii ii tiltof the aicu1111 o tllI i 11111 ii
Siply the ita tiltm iir 111au 111of 1111
iitn. wa Io gk liiiciI 1 titid, Ili-.
(;cm,,,;Allenr, l'iill 1111,' i tilofgi -
c naI t cite c i tt i t ak m N m l r,111 Itit'
it'll' addre'i'ti'a't(,iII Iartv ili
iititr;lintihti~ ilt tic
fo ti n 1111 I.i iii 111id m mttititti ti eni
wer ~mIIitco t iltit ranch i lf i tilt
cbyiProf-iiClarene i tio cd-,wt '
al i dd n R cn rges i
Lai n St t " il w ichI llt iii it lii l-i
S-e o ie tnd i i n atin tiic jt-k
Nf Il IniI tiad tp tilarly l iiii-
cai, S mli, i, a 1'lp t itliciti t he tc
1Stucd it o iithe i'1 11111) lofIii ii It 111
ii' i cui.ttillii clti1vane. ofii he' Ch
ca~ a- Iit''lul'n1"The iii Iciii lif Greek
acid Lati i ititgin a, t'Pr tparat ion fr tc
Si tiu oftasty. D aliii h ,spk
fotilt iclitoint if it irrf he l4 ifhoo
fand itg Di ck f heDtrIbr
Ic It it thta 'of iiCh ica o a i llable
to111w ii i ii l oi hiI,111111 lii I 'c
kiluto N'cli iiawy crloft'Tutua ini iticu
fo IKnr icusionl ProfessNI ic 11 tckiic,
t fM ~ rikT heoutu lgialt 1 Sem111 ift'',
Chicago starte a liv lideate Pi ng
he iiiti kit iii iSo e i it astilt he kil itc
t f si ltra Iinini n prparng ior
\t thieve tn I iuion Prof Gord f
> 1J. Lai1,1 11 ft ity ofit i cagii , tntc-

o ilita!litr arit iit',littil) '. l ast
n~ltill I l~it~nd
it irt r t l iii iof iii ivs }teal i
Itratitl111,It 14 Ilii 111
Phliii I ~l ti, lt ocktll
io in >,r h Ci itiu lIt 111 11 I la
Nril i d l i ii ci ttI (lii ,fIIugut.
,ic ch ol 1cloi, s , I' It 'it'f ti'
he ii, iit
1 Cl asi call ubifi heI"%Ns c s ii
)f(l liPii iiiLfe iff j R
If lit I -ar cliii Latn. P of, l
Sh ud IliI cigi ,I IC u,,h
'. iit c ug~t I(iut t'm 1, h otf
Pr f 11(]I11 \\ 111 c
11111 ('1111cof il, tii'ci'c i'tI g I
ii littc Ypilati,11
I'h i Itit iii aII o m nd ti,
'Pet If l .\N liN i Ni iiifr 1. \8lwv
tilt' I'di~ ll ic 'tit)f i'tiittti'tititt
atit it ii lli iiilv ar i vi
lu mmn it ni i tlt i theli i on, by t
(lrad atr Orrcto liaid yc icrda
iii iii ) ithe tie, :,nlt ii) igu tilt
that1ccil g<~ ctlttiberhuh lii lt it(-cliii 1
II( ;t its con itie tIxtor c i' ii it
Hitt. C it' I ciii theu I ii l
lrlt ii liiw iltl ii t he ' 'll ill w iltthct
"ipvcli r(, art t( i me, 1 11 111ti'oll -i
and trak 1lntls"say lanagc'itlipid
ito il S lid) lu tui I Nli l t h
;ll uiltaire t~it.... lte at ice il i ll
i i t hrld ttuaI u the i roi ii 11u n tti t
NI I) Id Ii 11hi) er ited to #;) Iftli
N 11111 i i 111>1' ill ' i hua it ' t e , tigc ;
Iu1Caiiidat'y.ufor ctil t ai Ic k ii)'nu
i tiltI tutu)i liii o l t e teti iii ia.
112111 ci if41 cttu wethturiulfavor-
comIro l totcul Iti n ctu al>ti

(ive' Hilltory of Coference Ques-
tion--Tells of Honors Conferred
upon Michigan Professors.
'I'i u'uu ui'u u itini for14ii cu'uuuu i": n
til co an,111 g1 0 1m ctt Ill 11
!ali g tl t uIc iii il hi) otfr
hiT Atit) liic l li ii lull 11 w al a
fir i =i tliii li tl ii 1)
A oh r slii. u t hit tiltirt iii m I
tall ;t cmg he Imlc c ulltha t ic
cohunaio ,taken tilt aNiditreate
Nio tut Iiwide, ofulteut iictum l i
lo r w ihh t ict hut tutu Icuhr
tfte x ig ll ftilty lnu ll ,, paslti.fcNu
weks i I hiliti ,,I FcTuti tiittt tt t lit li
tlvtcd heit' ill oft he li i liii Tut'it ii
gnav~c As-cia io ti r. lamesI ' NI
Nreidcutil ictte A iii in f'tucu liii. it
"(('iiiW Nt')ttit .cI n,,uucc'uftu f tI n 7,m
SriNv, twIll N i5zii 11)mt11 1Icy IN
lit 1 t chc ti, f u i cm vi (c th
till: )I o it titm ihoi hNie i i de i
(tutu i)thucr tiit ilt crvtit ,hut tutu tt ht
th e t t 'i i'i, m c'tt14uutishi t h
thu~ nlt'I en liwiti n l i )i1-, c iluutiof
a, htr c Io hi
Ic intud i u l iIn; hrt i lltut,
be ,is ( iti-A t n vitt t ho l
dnN'cittccoftic'ci'ciiirade; acNfrii
c() cIItI-wn'collectionuci tucrl cc ti itl
uIin ieind u'iu i t" li 1>
"' I"'\ oin ;\itcc.t"iulu1000N 7i,
chit14,rf lc i)a .Ia ntc p
N N rriIIt I CI'N1 illI h I
It it :A i lu'I A I ii tutu tIit tI
u'nuh' cl'gu'uh (i ii g 3 .iii ly I r
4oo tihet I 114it it.g ih Ii 11i ih Ia
andgow gcotrctliii>,lipw11& i,'k tup
Ant it-.ldtii1i~hinvitu 1.1141.tt~i
tip iuuiKcayt& lo.,('tilttro~tit 'I
'tob tble da teteu;it tut w fie
tatul Igut. ht> ti unist ee lii' (u'1 itu'
liii' ta c'uit) c u'u'u thr ep riuu fawit
NIe iliit Auc f ' f ictuct htch tic'
,petku .m tfiictuuutdtay. N n Nhuiu

buuildinig. .cNuuli' usc> in cicuilfuiittoc-
tWeci' gi i p tutuy kanVtttgItttuu Iii. (tutuII
it;g Nh'. lu-i, andl iucvcnth cutni

Ju'NI) II'S (('Ill
(110111 SNl1l(i14R
'Ih u ir lii it'll)hldal -;t lt rinc i

Nfichotls IhtllI iFr 'tiuida. a c , 'uuiuiuug'cu'of 4 utluti300xB.Ih'. 'Il ru untjcccicifuit h isworktuct her'ec>5Iihe was
Tickeictutu' ihec cuututhfr'omuuuI Itut i li'f> w-Giti f ht u t ihue Cties uw'c'eilltts-. Iin ihip tt ttkitigs here'. Iccligg is
Jtacksouun rSuct tut l, f the commtti tit- ' tra tcb nt'tvttl iu'imythogicalhscenetih lii til'o f ll. '. katiney,'tatd till ci'
te iintcn cil uu ithlu tgctteantinmals.Jmin itown tuuntnil Fritay.

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