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March 26, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-03-26

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The Michigan Daily


AN-N vv--iiR . 1i,0 IIN TL-FSDIAYN. MARCH l26,.1(,07.

No.z --<).

ERN STRING QUARTET eels tl v-vfor the campus-ii-heavtinig and--t
CONCERT PLEASES ALL f11w mu r- iii Sveiivv-piiv ledingiv tvii
the Uiveity hospi itals, hi ch t ry
New'Precedent Set by First of Series v--vux.O~rtwoi Llsv-v-leweev~ e
of Distinctly PWvpular Musi- on the campus ;done.i
cal Concertis. yThevv exchalnleisi locattedvonliiheih-wer
ca ntiiilirta imlnt asii etaiii i ghtll wilibii y iiii tu tIoitie l ssit i n
tliii ()t its tilt iiiiliii loit itt1 ifor the ee ing. T e a lil iii alii ofit hi iv-
be it o telit ut vit iii i1 tv--i - v-i t ii desliitign iii I c tlt d bt lt- W ester
lecio o vvviu utg f - claics made ji u p a --v-. -vtic c l vuvi ,ia. ndi cnsisit ts rv- tol l lv
pr v-riy. tvtvt Alo Iiv-ves ofa ,vyltuuv ofv-v-w t heiii- vitjug a lily t l iiiatev m
numbesv itt v riedviuv. v--lt-e al excilv vi- The vtttitti- itill sl watiii iis . ov II

pearanes -ar so rrev astv-v matvitLi
ap lue ( vii iii tshe tutuli iw it itv-i
tvvli-known-iit X lii Is- vtliiC'I~ e
On l iii ii iV- i ti iitiit "I , I o ii ii
Itliant wayiyt - -ltz v iggb tv-tv-I, and re-
eleght Ititt ii -vii -i iivmas te Ofteci c.l
iht wich sesenlt ae i e
Erlntuu itiathoghvi iii li hast beenit n
v-he Iconcerthy s t l lii f eas
litvarriv-vmth ia b erll ~ad n
tugshowed hrtetfutu- linistii ftt rarevtiii -
h I .agntv- Itu s v-irIititti ti - rtiiv ili

Th urn m haging i ii it'g tiwitt-v
l))ad i ltintv i mri i lifrothi thIi
a itlteirna ii itittingcurntm i ofthe Wash- v-i
tititrito, i ret uren w iciiiic
to) charge a mora huh ittc iiio ll
theI ncudng pr ictr i rlaysvutand
iso r lv aried MLiii Titiitiliii
l r it\ h the c iiihiliii lhei ntrei os
vii lii ittiins tltlvi ion -has lviii a)iiul t 8,5o,.
Xv-lllifI-; luifl1i it\Li-
ntigh-t a etv-v ra -- l t iguinvi a v- zing
iclcltt grti intgivoitliii tielt~ ylrbn

Professor Trueblood Says Eastern
Teams Are Not Well B1alaned- g
Men Usually Too Young.
hat h cast j-is 11(11 -lpeiii toi the Iii
r II,1(1 fi-011tv-i itc tu -~a ~
iitv-vvvIivgitiv vitti-vi liviiattv- elv- for-v
m"' c(lls c l~tt vrid y i -t Ih. pIf--
svt-i- thtu t heli prevnt-v ti v i hilt i ittit ovf 1
I ill-I he -iett till- fv--iv-tvl a-til tavvtev-
gu en lns is- not iIt tcl lit v-tv-vt rt
111111iiitii-il l nd -cills fori liii Itln II
In-t t Iiltii tting iti ilth d till lv- v v-v IC
ttri i t-lll vi , lvitvthe I ; I tv-il v-I ia
I f iar li2,3 1111 iiv- li tv- t ight - -e i
Prlw [,tva(() -i~s d lastv-ig vtv- i
hos c v i i-lvii i I i lt lviiist it i n i
a i cii r til ()fi 11 wh ih Pv- iii v-i itlct e
Th t t i i 1()tt1111 l liii l -Fenc
ivtiltig - lisi li I iii ii fact1 tha
thi ivvtr , idlt iii It cd lviii ClII I-
liiig ii and 1 X i lviv( - v v-v intv- hv--ititat---
Xi iii vtvl tha t ivilt v-)io tv-gu i -v-f-v
111111 it l - i i lvii l - -nig tigrofv-tv-i
of c ntr;sti o ca ter tea s w t lt tv-f
t pc~ o titticst: Th intonii
elit- lci I 111lcc vil ii li1)[ 11 -vtv-tvo- ro

1 ;

v- ver -v-i-t-ni--visv goodttev vamita-ichll---5S
tv-v- it -it-tvk avgv-ivns-t PI yv an i a.-vi
v- i-Lvv-ityviv-ofNVrigiiait t-iLlarlv-t--
lev- v--vv- -t-eIUniveriyvo f IvPe-v-vs-yliv-niv, Mi
v-v-e a rvainltg tv-iWoodtvv-vrytitMorevs)vv
v-vv-vv tvl v-iof vat a nd--Itvustsv atv- tv- i t vl
Ifithe t-. t ourv anct or s--vitv viltetiv h e -itof-
lvi, We v-v-- -vtvno--tin-vg vivtv-v-u" S id-h
tvv-v-lc \v-Angll v--il iievv-erday vafter -
tv-v-i-aw vforv-dv-tv-v-i elvv-v- t iv t v-sitthe-
v-tv-Gea tv-rtain -I vt a -v--v--v-pIvcte-d
tv-t by-vmaing lIt-tIi vtv-vsoletuyrvei
v-v-vvproftsv-iwoutld u -vlt v-itthev-Ittheili
inntiit. Bt-viltvtvtv vIt-v-v--i withouati
the c ovulonuviu-v--v lie ivv-v v--v--v-d vf the
-tvtvitt vv-ttv-s vi v- v-ilth vte c ,i s ---tv- aviid- v
v-i tobsv-vanceitiof -telt-evv.
"b; 1tiv-it- I R -tvv-ilphlity le vs vvid, "wast-
v-v-v---Ie tiilh th t vlt -vftr eivt of-v I tv-heI
Acviv. Iliv v-atv-a typ-ivtlIvvsevtenthli
cet ury-v-vtv v lifvli-vn, nt-viextctlya iar-v,
btui hev h -advI -vvno ti f ttv- v--h; v--v-vnse--
Thei-li-iurv-tv-vt-vtvltvi vvhotuw lte tiMadat-
gtyutr v-ivtv-t-- tvv-Itlii seii-trv-ble o h oenr h ucee adlph.ft
v-aestv-lviivvgttuv ismugglrsi. Tv-v-vI
day, -f ihi-ht cltavw-LCapvai Tv--ic, fa-
tv-iv as- -Ititcit livr savui --fv a ittit - v
th1 i at etuf thv-v v--vtiL tug v-v-tv-it sv- lt stltand51v
made.vt-t-I vvtl vtv-itnvy- liely, wa
becau -itt-eIbooity atppeialdto vtelivgu-
vii ovMasausvv- tsv.
Hev alv-o-,spok-ve ofi- CaLtattinv-It-vcr, who-
utitvhifct-ufiifouri-v-shiv-umadev-ap -vturesvv
tgv-tvgttig v-uvtiluv fd;;ivuns.
Lvptin viddv-wav-viv-ht-d uv-it iiti a
v-till u-i-v-tv--ew vvf -It- vv-vv--v--v--vi- -f a-i
tuingg v-vvi ttei-tfv--s--v--lv. Nv-vo vt Ictg
anvirates, and hv- i-vtil -omp-t-vtvv-tsiationstde.-
pirae, i- capure-vv-t- v-uvv-tiig vevs. vOtv
hiv- v-eutunitot-vvAv--ve-ri It s- -t-vhagd
inu order- -t vhf lt e liame--v for-v--visicv-l-
hd vuct I vfrom i-v-iv- ts-n v--v--v--v-int vv-wv-ov-h ail
Iii li-turietwtav- i-v-l vreceiuvd liby tv-
tuvdieince w-v-hit filt-v-I-Sarahit Lav-wel
Anv-gellI tv-Ill va By - desciiig vt-these i-
li-vtvi itg charvactervs v-Or. Cfing-v set-- --
v-orth utvivpv-ioof colonvsittlistory -i
v-v-uv-u-light -t tv-hnt of-isl-hearer,--ti-.
-Itfif IT 1ItLtl -v -RAf-
v-v-fBEINvtS iv-ODAYX~
Set-ivvv racvvtiv forv itev-rit bav-i--
bavl s -v--tvv-I tiill ihe-cvom mv n c-vied- t-vtvis-n
Sothtt erry-vvplidt-h I iisvtrnoon,-v-vif i-
tv-i nttorm vv before l thati-vIv v-ti.Ti- hetv
iv---igibuiu-- tiill ii-vovnvtiue t v-li t-s tal le
faiv getiui lv-
Av-siv-sta-v-vtvoach Sanvvgvrywill pik a
tv-tvv--ufromui it-e econdiquadvitodvv--aptanti
thi le rn ill ltie-trainevu itv-imv-v-te v-vs
v-vity- isv- -v-at-t-i- games.-Atll ineligile

-lu- vartvly v-t-v-ail -vill lt- -etpermi--t -t t
ene vs Fevrrvvy fieltd.

ichigan Pedagogues Will Hvold An-
nual Session in Ann Arbor
March 27 to 30.
Ft-visitrNv-isvvI q v-t-il Slarchv v-vi h-
lvicifgan-Scholmasiters'itii-vcltv-biwill hold
s -vv--v-tta s-me v--tig -t vvisv-rm Arbor.vv vI
t-v-vtvl v-ub t-ev-e nill bei tvconferencev-is -o-f
usevuit-t-Il i-v-atv-v- t ,vvvss -. v-le prougrams-vv
vIt-e gnerav~l ses-sv-in ansd vtv-e vriuuvv-v
-list--v-s2,:1, II Un-t i vrsitvi ly l.v-
tv-t-v-ral tv-ic: W haVtal -sv-v-u ld iv e-.
u-vt-ilf Ithe igh Scholbt hey --sCol-
v--rf eA .ICanf-til.
itothv-e -ltavvpv in-lvtv-s-o f lt-eicolleg---
fole-ige tiluencett-t vtv--utIighi Sholv-ti-vI
O e d is v--iln. ivv-- vvc--ucviu-
v-illdayafvt-teynv-v-i5ov-v-ctk v-Uvi-
Musivial uprogami ipy -ittv-iersvv-of v-e
lvculYitof thy Shotol of v-v-usvit.
lTuridasy evening hI o'clck Satal
Cisvwell An-gellIfall.
Address:v- IDific-ulties-it-v-v eahingi
Modern Lastt nvge-i--rf hre f
tiy Hall.
Phlsiu ahingv-in Hii Iigi St-Iv-vv-iv-an
Cllt~vege- -Pro--if.J. O. Rt-ed.l
Atvwitv-ItIcvursev-t-fort IHigi Shoovul
vvvvPhysic--L. S v-Put-v-v-v-u-isv-
Ros--v-t--in s v-u-sting
Frtidayv auf~trnoonv i4:q5 av'v-vk, Baru-
Youngs lagisitvclavsesuiniiigymvv-v-v-stic
Fidal evenvvuin-giv- o'lovk,Uivesin-ty
Pv-opvuulat- il-lv-trtdlectivurey--n [Pv-ar-
ievd light - v-v-fI ayiti C.Miller
Pro-vgt-ram-u- -f the vlsvsival LConf-ev-nce--
(tll vesiv-onsvv-will lie v---ld iiSaitailtafi
Wedne-sda-vv-vvy mornv-v-inv-gtv-Itv-v-li27vi845.
Prev-idiv-g voffiet- : IPurf vJosepv-hi-H.
Vfvgfv-tLtv-t-seiof Ilik-tict-iv-iltv-erial -
It-vt. J. I. K intvtv-v--itv-v-t Retonli rtIvt-
Lv-e-sar iv-lv--re-Saukev-sv-taveanvlEtnglishl
v-A tvis-vu CommenatyviiiVir-gi's At vtvi v-IIV-t-
v-efsletio-tut tvf Na-tionavv 1ltttaracterisv-ics-
inv v-vv-vin -ivvvim--It-vflvFranik IB. Nv-sers
H illsdale
Thet Lamp-v-iof Sv-alluv-g : lIfts-ensvv
v-v-v-tv-slv Retor-aio- Prof. FI-v.I W-is-iShil-
Ivy, St. v-tvtv-tv
v-ecin t-rogt-vsv-in in vitSyntaxn
lii Lfst- -v-c ints-iottn t-v-vv-lu-
['rtesvidinvg officier-:v--- lion iei 1,. Bv--i
Thev-tiAvitue v-f Lutherto -wist-ilav--s
gutage Sv-uy adthe-Is-Teavhing of Latin
--v-r-v v-V W. ttlv-tev
Womtian i -ine Anciient-Civ- --yMNis
Etdiv-ttv-vv-vv-a Akinsv- Lanvig
2:v-o o'clocvk: Sypotsi-um tlt ilhe Valut-
vf linImanistiv isndl-part-iculat-ly Classv-v-
ital Stui-l-vasi a Prepav-r-tatin fiath-e
Studuy v-f vItvvt-eurft-sin : La.w
Addrless: t lie t vud-y tf Gretek ad

v-isvin sv- a Pr-v-eparastin fov-vv-vv-vStudy
v-vf l.aw--Mtv-i tt-Sv-t-, Lthicago.
liisenivio-ivv-ft-tvlitthyelPin--tv-f Veiw
(-C ti-5-ued onV--i aps Threse)

till viv-iv-iv-iiv-v-vI- o Iv vIv-vv 'IvIvy nevuvI I ti tic - ivyt e l'ic sty D no rai itu t - p -vvntatti v asit v-- euuv--
hutv v-ighlt inv I lavliy curtv-vly iuviu 11hfuly lv-lii itjiiv-ii1 ii :ttti t 1nmg1 alldvi hadi I t(o iic o
- vclub.-t g vui iivl u -y-y Iui vi
Quatetv t,." Iler'v-v Xili t-i Si-t- lti -ivv-v-v
ft vvtf-v-v-i-- vvt- - tr ivv-ii i gt 's Iii c i-t v-h('e r ) Il ilrt liv iv and i t ta-u liigave mstv-l
vii vlu v-v--vv--vh -v--iug vf ii lt- hty l asstl t oili utiityte ai h ue iw s fits li e tv-l viiivtiuvtio i vm stv ti rel
(in tv-thuteditringsioflthe lillyv tv-hut
Ii~~~~~~~~~ ~ ii ---tvi -t-hii - ii ituitt uft ii v-lll titvi t her t-i theltt u-u's ht1011, wh ii suuh vt-lll it -vC'ou o
toi ittv- v-igrtutiv-iiharhaniws-c nsdeedio ct ltv-thu tthev-ige a ried-l hviiier
Itiv is tvv-ltet-luothSh.,Ivyltthat li hilythev vi lii uuvigv-v
v v-t -vfi((t Iililvilnvi it 1ii i t i ' i-v wa-ylit it tol. "'~ I lt-,
two v-v-tv-o- t e s risst-v-v-uo ch Mr. -a . I C t her-v-ild hi heiiiuel rfun r s ls in co s
ItIei htihrst vintilqualitylii itheyi iiiwillliithatil rav-tt.
the v-i iuvvi ult b hudt 1li l iv vihey itis -vuviuhyi5 ha t -t atahull i ,f hieyyv-iig -lii t
Nf hevi-l-y-it-viug iy vht uuvyear.Ilii vii ui ii illy 111 lii I li uv liyht lii lv vuvvi-uvv
Yesierd mr nii-jut-utv-lit- vclouy--theXt Xiv- Xliiii t v-taill isb tii e h itlty id m l Lntli continuid,-lu i litvt
vvvi-g o vtvalv few --vvvuu vu s-tw - 1tich s th li" ca p s i s Iav-urtvtut t-t yi thosev"-]toikno/ws tlv t Iheuy o-vf vven u i haid t iigv-t-v tv-v-hi-tt -y tht iofu
lt rl tv-fexchge w avi-su-vv-" vut ui" ui i-tosr ' I o'C haunt;- was111111in- h i f c at ertaI Owii itirteam;I h~vyti heaId-u---
v--fe t v-tptlia gi t h vyUiveriyilv- iuii-g,,ti hIa vii v--v-ier than-v- u li- tv-vbtv-tv - ui s lti iv;m ivy-ti-vt uuvvvvvv-uv--v iI --f
v-he tv-ephv-nu ytem vuv-v- made- y uhevDemocatic vhl u vuvlio ztsTyhvuIiyv --il uuis tvuicilill Iinithu-1asturnuiyte la
bo hd of eeny a --vitvvl lii vvi iiIv vvitv-tiltal mouhstaoioisv-vht --voe n t rg r NIio sntilif iii iii uit'yItvt-ltlanced fthmf.y
ptlingorit;v--vac-hnstaructionu-. -v--iv- el itv - hi lliii iori tohthelub IIed v-uyu ge huvr In tee eii15a ll v-li-
vtder avay. u -i v-itsfbeen-v-nv- tv-i t v--v--yr c illanv- ayI X htlievtillgrtv-iu lv-tight lyll se o m au e id o
mnv- tvi vvrvvvu ft-t v-ille thlact altto k v-v-it l N- hn l -v-u illv-vult v-i ttli the iiii I fi ai m ha v-v- le lly vii i b-v-i tuvlv-v ih
lngvtv-- ecs sryt -it--vtara -tt iv--v liv- em cravrciivi- t ht- hands.-v-(v-u iuuy ii iv u i s v-tldii trtv-v- iv-i tv-vh -t-sr
v-v- camps- was itmenced.-u-tvyacv -- - v- -t -vht tv-ill pv-v Ittui vi)vu-h~u vg vt v-itd lijudgmentii vfil tiglii X wh i I iii t-ti
pihnegudistributed- abot thy hv- i- i viuu cl-n vievti u ill i-tow r v-r B yit iljvsaihuh h. T 'ihit hi u lv vii lu nd ered-v- i nv--vve-vu ttu l vu-
ThinsSn ce heeiw ebae allv llLnnvai -nty n 1 -v-lum , t ofv-vv-n Iv l ha he ~ (tae Ills uvhivgv-u of cu v tit-v t al t vvvv-uh -is lie

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