THlE MICIllitNAN DAILY Easier Goods Beautiful Easter P'ost Cards at 1 cent each. A large assortment of Chick- ens, Eggs, Rabbits and Novelties at little prices. Candy Easter Eggs, 10c per pound 5000t Copies Sheet Music on Sale at 10c per copy. HOAG'S llomy Supply Store. Occidental [tote We Cater to Itanqucts, [tc. H~ixsonl1Lunch a Ypsilant D., Y., A. A. (U J. KAILWA' S t d (,(" i 1 )ctrrit a. m , al "11 II I ' it l it Y Ild Walnut thocolate Candy The 40c Kind for 20c per lb. .r i I I i i E PRICE CUTTING SPECIAL wm DEAN C. CO., Ltd.. 214 S. Main St. UNIVERSITY NOTICES tt5culig of ast car 1 'oo lit i ~ hl 1 itit(fti lI, fll 1 1 1 g c()11) iii 11 tiii h i iii i, 1iii tutu >i 1>.ii l ., ii I ( tio h hitl It iI )IIl will t 3 i (.f1('1 ri 1 AIs ( )rl t it \ ir ( ii.iA tw e i( 11 t ( t fu r t h ihitios t11o 11()1 it ce dietgoot forsha. I i I iii it 1111 5 5 \Ii lii tttcIii 'ltt . fte i eilt) I tIat 111te 1 iStudtitis ire dlwt's wet- S comti at IIuttntTaros. Ifadiour tiltersiue tie telephonesseethse sore hitardIsiimieetiurfriendst 331 ireat youtright. a itt'at'lw it s for yio theiswork. Ji.' itKtIfmNOpoe;oa T. F- H 74 Heiere tea fewv if tile very gootinlttgs we have left for you Lo, t --r-tFormeririce $120.00i, notw-----------$45 l,it 2-----irtttet trie 5 tn eo'------------------- $10.50 ,1) ,3l Bu e ii ce $1I2.00,. hu----e -- -----$ 9.0 iiit 4---Ftrtner price $ii.oo, tow------------------- $ 7? g Severtysfile tilts, tbrtkeloeits fotrmerly sold for $t 8.oo and $20i 00, ore ilt this stile at $ loi 5i. All Odd Patnts 25 per cent cit. :MnIhaitttnSirts. 2i pe centt tff. Several lots of Staley if, V psil itwi Unttderwear tire elitirtitotisly redttcedl. .. Reuxle, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 Sousth Maian St. j HENRY( CO. prices. Felter & OCollor, hiq IE.(Wil j tn street. t: r ", II i AILOR.S Higjff Mrh Cadse RIHRMecadsToM [ATTERWS .. Popular Pie Diretly North of Law BSusidfz~j 09-711 NORTH UNIVERWSITY AVENUE (tttsses repitiredi. Eyes carefully lilied enttiesteid.tGeoirge IHalier, NI alitstreet 3A \\'l it 3 till. )(1 lirestdet e l 1- ill flei 111 tt'.it <111( real estat cocci' ("kure . Hlilei& Co i i Git you r ciectioti tickets. dalece pro- eat, tits. till. i TttANN ARStOit PRES inteI -of 'lii' Datilyi 1aid r l m is ulet.itieUniviersity News-Letter. tC. A. Ilaindbtook, Yost's Great Boot it Ftotait. Hitgth Scthool Omiega, etc Ve itoiitotreccprinltigfor thle studienli t et poieGraniger's Acadtemly atti ist nothi of Schotol of Muisie. tf I ' I i 1 1 i lit ' It lilt Miss Vtitt911ts. 707 N. Ilticersity acenuie 1 ii ii~iii iieotl il l iStilts presstit 25e ; troutsers, l0c 1;'r i itirr ."1, III I-o ii liii isi f .lenoiutii l ller & OCotitor. if You Cannot Get Strength from. BOWLIN...G ltsttillislietl -8. 'he clege jei clers, lillers jewelry Store, Mt street. eod 'W- ain i tunlcss youti supply ma- terial for repairing mntsctlitr waste for replenishing the energy exjpend%-- . the humnanl enin~le nmust have fuel. Strength comes from a nitrogenous foo~d that is easily digested. *SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT IZZ \'\T'1E.1t15 ((Nlt S i'5 1(1(17the} ar o eittig a compttl'te litrte itfsanul it tis itlith h t cttlt er i'or cli lt'" with alt itt ii tti liit ofiwhiiipeidlcreamti f W 'tit'fitt t't ' k-. ttil. Geort~getler M i1 Hot Lunch 3At Tvttle'e. 338 S. state PRIZE CUPS TANKARDS, STEINS AND LOVING CUPS i M The Harvard Medical School BOSTON, MASS. sit-u t rneo f medii ne tisittiii l y itid i ti out .O tefv Tuemhos i hall oinffr hnanopraitlnio ntull imeiieapt sril 5and Al Sor ea otse s er v hred, Pof rtliue, h 50sochrsine L is rich int the proteids thatt repatir the dajily waste oif tissue and nterve foree. It cotaIins all the body-building ele- umetts in the wxhole-wheait grain, inade digestible by steatm-cooking, shred- dingttnd httking. NoJprociestslhas ever seetidccised that trill matke oat orti cotrntis nttitous'or as easiliedigested as ashole. isheit - the food of' the humitantrice for 4000 ties. A breakfast of SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- CUIT with hot or cold milk or creams siltlL supptly tho onergy tot a swhole days work. TRtSCUIT is the samet as the Bisouit, except that it itsotpessed loto a staler aod is usedl as a TOAST for any smeal, instead of / ~ \ sthite floor tread. At ati grocers. The Natural Food Co. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. "IT'S ALL IN THE SHREDS" Wmn. Arnold, cliieeer 2201 S. Main St. Bijou Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE. BEN LASKA The Campus Magician Is appearinag at the Btjtitt this aweek at a htight solarN-. Amateurs Wanted for Friday Night. i I I' . _ P ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWAIW, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVE~RY THING IN TAILORING