THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fali Tailoring Who toaketouit lot -s Rather a pertinent and pointed tquestion, toiltse o, rut our o- jet in aking it is to interetyo i our Superior Sort of rPLi brin. If yonures not alreadv a fptrotn of ours we w rd ike the plea- ure of making tour Pall Suit a a tet of oir alilir to fiard please you. There's Nothing Beyond Us in Garment Making. Ouar new Woolens are a choie seliectiro front ithe et f Foreignr and Droesthiculooms ,,Wishow m~any hatndsome and ori tori i-oe pattrn croniined toiuitfor thisi locaity, Yrru're jerfety 'afe in pa- ing yorir eoetiiar trirvery high Sir when tortleaeallurdeorlitwith n, fire you wii inermeet wiitt any disaprotintmenllt. You'lli intlourr rio un mder ate anti rieaing iner faitter. If re miake yorr triosithi season, yourufrtre atromiage will itake are of itonif. G. H. WILD CO. 311 S. State St. Again The Jacket Sweater With vest collar rt inut tons ofper oritgill, or wiithl vest cllar ard seamtlessr botly--Kidrfair to be the- pular stdtenti garttitnt Maiteof fneto Atrioan )yrn inn whitre, grety or blu, iis brt utefuliiardattrctive. Prices $4.50 and $6 AT Sheehal's Bookstore Pillows, Banners and everything in ROOM SUPPLIES at DARLING & MALLEAUX TH-E MICHIGAN DAILY. r;t ,l i ill cr o iiiio i ieiiur igIi l 1. tlirt:y.ii i:ros anrerral recwdinO A Arbor Ptrrtofiice. l'I I roha, iii:wrks . AN-clrrriromaingiro frierndl. Yetinill itil 1 , Publisheld daili (Mondaylxepted)rrrorlringi the collegeyeaur, at t r 7tFast Watinrgton Siret.Belt phone t9t. tHnoephisne 76.0 iei E dorrtihur C. C. iri i ii Sun1 t io ...........Robrt 11. Ci ('hu Nerr.........lDarvin F. "Si r eoli ic'ilrrge ,...I res yA.'rrlrrigiiireri Msisriand IS. 'Morr F ris N, Sunit Gerorge A. Ei shot J. Cnn Ogle, Jr. l ueI fn Fseiririti' Harldriri C. Smrithi (C1arece E. Eldridge JohnrriF. V'Iii 11liliri1.lJiles1111 Williamr A. ii rn j. N1". ict','rr l s Coil 1i.; l(i' r A. F. lliih]( Jcro eI). Sjiii BUtSINESSi STAFF' Juhn F. 'Sari H. John WambotlndI RATES:r$2a5o per e yar, oat taoifitpaidin io adtvance. Aiddress: CHIAS. Eo. WINSTFIADt, Buissr Manager, 220 S. 12th St. Phine 707 L Oftffre tHours: 12-30 it 1:30 nd 6i:30tto 7;i0 P. M. Dlatly. Atddress: ARTHU. IC. tOtUND, Managitng Editorn, 715 Mottne. Phontto940 J. tOffie Hours; 2to 5 P. 1t. taily, Exceapt Suay. layr d li r e l' t) our10 ii 'l wry117 1111l s esiril ill ofi wi h 11 M w ; 1 l O iat. l iieaI okaii illVI , K1Alii tei'rr clirres. \1:1lS'1 III ETS 'I Sit T ES IN ilrie I 1 1 rll 1111C evr lie 't'i'\N 1T N IVE o NEW MNn III m1atl) li ii iilo iill he rnril' W ilircl d el l attetndedti eti ng;iis oni5' at-1 _ i mir i~ryev e rin. lii iitwent-fiv111lenew In t ( lii i \lifi'iiioii Th e i e' iii ii rriwere liot e i Iof r ifteen '1 iir- IN nwi l V opig loeie 'irii SNerrinlit n Snirtd lsrs .Be.ii . s} Wichl malul i llii 1111 o i itsbs frwlst W rcte ad Q Ire N un 11110ifo wif, k no (1 hm i (h onNll 1t11e.111irolili liriw"" iisiti r et ont it a. 1 1 il iii 'oil (3 irtherrirrI its Cmid" R vl" ht ti onr t g fitn i in icclt ueto is wru iis todayl rf o lr heving111 e in ii 1 1 h i ' ring of ih ritil'rds traitsi ii iuirst.rr"I F i 1 1. i hits ae lny ig h.t(,u t er , f hich aa relioin rri y i drill, rc- The pr-or n al dwt r ibteals 1a erieipal .featires. in~ Or, sti n the1. . and iwes'1ii'ii !E< 31I t' .., t< i , r <1r1 ad{,a jtdicitrs electon o old The iead irof he ir;l s luiii'iis 1.1t r icia Nv"mol h aveii ino liibjecti os. ilannouncei that no favoriiriti i ll b11 he MN am agrele I7 "CAllie. withirioure liiivet iisel inig men11 o rplaces n l or -l "i t i ii in i ticture on i c thcl ub. i I t si isde ire i Oileren a 11~l~ inile..iA th ilsir song, loth rin 001 clubad t aeon it ien111 %A)i ouli v - n ti S 'ulslllg ogn n k t a hierlrihyi Theils r e i n c uaities fning1 .it ito lbe ipasse ha ncesi for ai osi in a11 i re xeptiiiol ly h " 0n 1111 ne cl n t ianotheriiiiiun i i'oo .I leiii i'iii 'i'- r ge thatr all111n11 m heii e Io tie .lIt muistin in rehaeeoo vices trn o t11111 ii ii i C i 1 hes lmityii and itre ialc pi st s1 n eedet i nipi ano1111 C lyer ,lii f he co] i' tm seri. mie .'ire l reii d to5liil t un n(M it ir 1 liinoton(, \%] it nhwhere rriieide: ih- Th0ri asti ro 0o ccu rrrrr' 'r Tuesdayi z II i ot i in iomes tfront i=islong 1as it a atrno nal 4ococ ne.n , _m II' pi ii nul . ii -Iulir i llilor-nil I lIML .:11 od me wil peas Editor Today-HAROLD C. SMITH. IWll 12 ii SN, (In smokeicol rshal Wt. 13 Athic-ii'Assoeiationiieeciini uiviersiityhall (le 21) irtoncrt oI f Col i O111 seies'>UiversrityH lll13 pIt m NI ilhti s issue h0 D i11 n'nI aii new system in1 the ii iii lici t of itti st l. ; si r llw o a e h>i rak~ asiii ie rnn ofu a inp 11111iasilafli P i ln oirtiiiriihirriiii li lisii Il i i( 11111 1te 11awr po th1 aso iats te " tcii iiofiii 11 i after11111 1 111 iii thei reporiti al' ustfilla iii I i ll cligi liiito piii t tn the lr l~r i st 11 of1 a o 1 N(1 llitwIi' iiiiii s1111 trill ll ho ai ntedri nn f ir the iofl 1111111 ltho I thelii hr blent i liiliti s wil l e mad 111111time0to tin ot he111 i st 1111 ili or - 'iii.'~ lis italenoloCngitiisline, 11111111, tnnh to et ot 1an 1tryfoitheiistaff. 1' "Ail 5 rxr. II- Nd''11111i A S Ci gt 0111 O(F SIC Ntr thati the 111 fori iiticlsnr (n rirrsrc i s o ftrr'ririiii. t 4.110 f{ l.r iapo . c>,a ioir nrni }u' inot nI 'eirsck.Sl l C iGerrde Wiiry7 ofth c I1 Wiso ircrii 110 iii tot: initire facultiiofiitlieSchoonrl oin M ir creill g~ lirit 1 ''i mmii lteclic o rni asr lecture in F i e or i al hai 111l iim l i cr wll he Nf mreit iilrirc I"i NN'iic'sa l ine iiiarilrli (re iii i Iri " <; 1 itni ; il'o t ,ic Scirliicif o o th in' 1 'III iai il I marilir still ll ri e adn ehdrn l o d c In iwtcll play foobl'r iliishoud1 con1 te i ' pii' lirp'lii ofs r a i n .irinrg tseachrsfr hir gi Inl tilslrrlca l o riram. 'la er-eI s I. Nil tpeson;lis iii Ill, 5111 ll the ll; athleic;il l be . I l s t i s t 0 s impot- I il in Imothersliiarc cri alyi i .0111 ii ol ii 1111'bei'illursltr lted iiby t iiihition11 ofifth 15 115111 used inn inen ig c1as0e10 trues lN or' ins-sInrinarei achesilni >1.ii I I. 'ls'c 5''5 555'iiii b \arn ~ tb liiteno11111 basebal I in 11,>roi; Wligall art iiii111 ic i is ts liihise b(I rligagil s etin " hlI 11 fie111 1 sriere op slo' gillrisl iIl l, 0bgutri 11111 i 110 i in ce~cdiatnwilihn i r -r ir ilo'i''ru s'Iiglll'C :arti TI I I ii. I'1 i lb ito C ier In I r. Interest-~ i the 'eigamesiandit 15 thing eclat that. :Aestheinertis pre, schii thi ra e fortin hI trali t i illan'l-e sh ip ill 1iiiIl'. 12-1I ti' eno c'nr ~rc l .'r s. 'resis i~ la lI illi'_41t' AI .irlr1-i atliete Suits piessed ape; trousrers, toe. M 11t 11 )I-(I ; hisha addeiiie aliidnt' run Fulisir & O'Connrrrtf 75 cents $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 $3,00 and $4.00 AT WAH R'S Ill Booksliore iiat'sNever Ui idersoild C, E. Barthell MEDICAL LAW DENTAL BOOKS NEW AND SECOND HAND Ciili of Ext Iiaurge four Old Boourks. C. E. BARTH ELL 11 l li~e t;Ii 32() SmritStiteStret. Spalding's Official Foot Hll Guide Cotainitg the New Rules wihfulpao tpitorisi SCA.)I a llO r i no rc iFoot tinsim 1 oit I I t l ii de rrs published. t i+> r irFle oecs il te Schdul" :capai s inn e s i'n riturue. ofoe .i plaicus s r ice1 ets. .U SA tNG & RO~iS.,Ntuni rkc Cicgo THE CO=OP STORE Undier thie Control ouf thne University of Michtigan Co-operative Asrsociationt. S. P. Weaver, 'o7 Law, Supt. WE SELL Eug ene Dietzgen Co.'s Celebrated Drawing Instruments and Supplies See thne(Genuinne Richter " Hoop-13oo- " Set. See thre Germ Union Set, wirh tine"Bolt-Thrur joint. See tire Special Attn Arbor Sets; dhrable cornstrution arid special featunres. REMErMBER Every RIestru.emnt Is Sold Uinder Absolute Guiar- antse. We Protect You. ALWNA.YS PATRON IZE THE c'd*CO-OP The Store ttf the Studernts, by tlie Students, fir'tire Students Employment Bureau ANID G[NEIRAL IN[QRMAI ION Al McMillanriHall -SEE PROSPECTUS" S. L. A. Announcemlent NOW OUT W. J. Bryan Chas. A. Towne J. Lincoln Steffens Robert M. Lafollette Frank W. Gunsaulus F. Hopkinson Smith Booker Washington Samuel W. Glompers Leland T. Powers Albert B. Cummings Oratorical Contest Creatore's Band $2,00 GET TICKETS NOW $2.00 -- - - CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST