THrE ,MICTTT~.AN D AILY A~?4 \ Ar ml:' 'NN~e) 6 What Style Clothes Will You Wear Easter Sunday?) IS ntietoo ceiriy to decide and ge ht latvon lant now.iShnll it be a smart 5011ksiix t ,it ttletovlicoit are fashioniably correct in every detail, petrfect int lit, and that look as if toiloreti to your sptecial order No matter x lwhat nfanyc a xi n give ii ii cieywhat voltwt ill sty le, mateialsxworkmiiaiiship, andfit in theim nos College Brand Clothes wiIchi xe hiave inithe authioritativec styles ini suhlfihtrics iand patternststsally contfitted t the high-class e tistoittti bilots Cometicandt see outr splendid collectioni. WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.50-FOR MEN AND WOMEN-$4.00 SPRING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED f Some very pretty de- signs for men and women in dull kids and caliskins, also a very complete line of patent leathers. Come early while thie sizes are com plete. Walk-Over Shoe Co. 111 South Mai Street STAEBL.EK(ftWUEKTH d IFN '\1 1' x:11 S PIllIOT If You Wish to Make Any of the Varsity Musical Clubs Next Fall A Semester's Work in either Voice, Mandolin, Guitar or Banjo at the SCHIOOL OF MUSIC will greatly increase your chance. THEATOR 1DM For Another's Crime The Flat Dwellers Moe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue IS O Ii\ til N'CilE 501' n in'1] jus t iIi1s e~t ur t ( h i _l (), an e ( ' 1),Ili( tiil lu tt, ti 'lt a r ilukdthte Cgrow t te Nicigan 'lit lly 'a~~id tli e lk l~tl r til .'th(rlg s c t i tl )( l li h :Ica11 )) ma y irif miir 1,1 ll il ci tll ii 11111 tt)) hm g,1 t l -ii)) iiia- tttlelts wer tml " :m t )O -I iii-t(d ter ls lith thlt, itI-itit i tlt) l c1'1 t1li1)1"tl11 11ii' "kit llow ditfc cntit ll s )111 ttiherli 1111 1 1'c(liiait' iii ii 4) n S u se te 1 i~l ht' ie l~ingll 1111 Ii thin s {t c i1111(m ltlere t, liilo t(-til s cac o i cati t tinE Slt1 ) g)it pStit 1wth a 1111h (f tnl t I liii- ri t-I till tilt i i i s e r -w r i I aiful jew seiy att yeglsrep'air ltg byledcthtworvkutioui ItallirJev f ry Store Mfauimstreet i ea ti. Ilii, iurtt l l i 'iit ttli~c rcd ini -It II I i tiht I ::It I N l iii i I I " t i nt ill Ith t c iii ii 1rnw 11Y 1c1 tI,}t Vc i tti iii Sh p. l'ha i Iup 11111111 ioi 11,1 i4 ccc ~ ttlt a lilt I It C(is ; p( I ii rlrt f(t r fitt it t ogauitig>c y Iot ic ,tc ie ill r e of sttllc h it s a prit i- It i iircr Slt icnsre unk1 d I r fr de.Cc I toIhavtc plaed Gn ' e t v iici 1) e e t t iti a o r b r i y tt;t f i c t n c (ic k t s ,& ia n lep r - o rii ~ Ii. at Inn11ANN1Antiot3 Pens Iti 'et littic, Unveritnews-Letter d.oA.e ailn Ils, Yost'smGat jooa enIttolalBs, oigh ShoeOea, etc. Siutr eu a lte t ersMteio n enh27Itte. near & ,Gls sie Gingluer's.taliitztyhnt ii- thte i o. cl lCfM ode. i Geit yourlelecionticksacepo If you are thinking about buying Spring Clothes, 41irect your foot- steps to Allen the Clothier. Once you look at our display of up-to- date novelies, you'll not have to do much pondering to niake you decide then and there to leave your money with us. We sell the strongest line of $10, $15 and $20 Suits and Overcoats in the, world for the money. ALI[N, The Clother nlA IN STREETr Rdiltschlcr, Photographer B~AILEY &EDU S 121 AK IBliRTviTiitjJr. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oi ANN Aimtz1, Mic it. 1, 1). Ksitice idtili S. 'V. ('larkson, (Cstier. Sit titalt-s , Isx$yei. Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWII., Prop. 326 N. Fifth Aver. FINE LUVNiCHES lWe carry ii, tho lrent Itneof 'itItIIKstI, DOiMESii't'to & tI M'Oiitt''iiti tinseo (,ndi tItanstie & Imiiit,eeig bain. A ci'iiijiie' tineo a ll til tittg articls. Wi' l W-t' fori tDn UTH&&iC., LIN5KMAN & Co, atndsI It fIVES, also tio' 'I'AovY'S & sl^CIAH'111 titleeeoolatn huON-liONS. Ri. E. JOLLY. State 8t. If youiibuy Chocoilatesiouanit the chnciilate tn be prosperly cooked asdiof superfor-qualtity. Youalsot want the he strictly fresh andiit knowncpcurit . These cn- ditionaresinbest foundin GILBERT'S CHOCOLATES The Chocolate Cream Par Excellence 60c the Pound GreatestNovelties F or EASIER 61[JS Grass Growing Heads Souvenir Puzzle Cigarette [toses, In Japanese Lacquered Wood, With the Michigan Seal and U. of MI. i i - f I lit1you 1 i-te t1mivixViictoriVic- Satisfactory tailoritig at satisfactory t E> l Ihtati' )C %"5/olt,"t>1utigliltlit tices, Fuller & OConntor, 6t9 F. Will- lit-r" it IrCauso 'meotiltr)wortld ItO street. t irit I- inii slr c 1111er)1-c i C 3 AT Decoration in (cold. QUARRY'S Iaijst(Wl'ial iiily n ____________ THE PALAIS ROYAL No-209 East Liberty Struet College Men appreciate snappy stuff. GECT YOUR. FITm Our line of Spring Negligees is in, These shirts while e have your size In the style you want. are of exclusive patterns, made up after our 1-M9AD! IN 4cwAA#1Ij we own specifications, and in the different sleeve W vagner &xCo..wItid We will lay aside your selections until you Stat S/ret nn Abor Y" Uti need them. IM~eNeed j MON[Y LOANED inWatciesODians, Jewelry and alliguCl tass Ohattel and Collatiraiseity. W. J. LOVRIM 104 4th Ace. Opposite LCertHons Twn dunes snuth af new Y. M. C. A. OFFIeCfOneS; :30 o in1i:3i; 1 to 5; 7 to -5. Business Sticftly Conidenttal Mandolin, Guitar, Violin and Banjo rohDee-eCO HUE RE&PAIRING h adra ac.le iaCt Si'iclyii t- lss i~ikEmbalmnerand Funeral Director S pioitUalrx tni its - All 'tihe oer r SCI-AtIBERLE & SON Aisann st $2.00 na$e.30it3is. 1 14W. ibety t. NN ftfoR i0S. 4th Ave: Residece x ilie We Cater to and for-allCollttee ople 4 , ibrt S AN ltPhot'tne 414. Ann Arbor.- 5 tiSuny Dsies-,' i..ianques tor alt ___________________ __________________A. a. OGkle ta Co. U. of M, BARBER SHOP The Second Tlerm of Danting Lessons STATE SAVINGS BANK are Beginning at DIRECeiaTOS Vibrassage, 25 Cents Aael W.Ja. Booith Jest. V. Shieeiian Shower Baths, - 15 Cents Scott's Aaey W"n. Arinld tir. V. C. Vaughan Shn,5Cns36 Lessons Jas . .Waite tE. .Mitts J. R. Te-joIsik. .322 S. Stte 3 LL1S -h _A + wV Jn$30Pronii f. art Net. ehst' iiixs.Register 336 S. State Streetiii-iey . .limimn ie an Mei Ideal Barber Shop 717 N. University Ave. JOHM TROJAF40WSKI a Everything Just Right. J. F. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBIING and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. [SATISFATION FIRST, then a AVING OF $10.00 to $15.00 is WHY we are selling the goods. consu ers loth n Co n anSits to order ti-si $14.00 to $30r.00 Cosuferp1ohllY J. K. Ma1Clcol,Mgr.