T1 %THENC'HIH\ N DAILY Eastei Coods bteautiful Eiaster Post Card; at 1 cent each. A large assortmntt of Chick- ens, Eggs, Rabbits and Novelties at little prices. Candy Easter E.ggs, 10c per pounld 50001 Copies Sheet nlusic on Sale= at 10c per copy. iIOG'S Iloin1c Supply Store. Occidental Hotel VWe Ceer to Btanquets, Etc. HIixsol nuchi - Ypsilanti D.. Y.. A. A. Ca J. RAILWAY i G F i Walnut tchocolate Candy The 40c Kind for 20c per lb. DEANM£C& CO., Ltd.. 214 S. M a i n St. 1 ' r E i I a ti # - (} . SUCIAL Ilcie w,(, a fcw of '0 god things wec here left for Yon 1i - Fo tner picen : ii o, V W- -- - -- -- - ---- M, I' lol110 Iii1 1 lii ti$10.50 LGMliii1'ii'1O i - - - 954) Lot _ F 1oitr 01$ i ii' - - $ 7.50 SerE'i1ti fir; '11til )ro 11 nlots fin ierl sold for *i8.oo andl X~2) 00, alO 111 1Il 0i; i 2at14005(). AHlOdd Ponts 25 per centt cff. \laIdi o ait lmtl- (1 - -(,nt off Several lots of Stale} <11, 'f sil3in 1. 1 On r 11c11)1 i-nouivi reduced, Reule, Conlini & iegel 200-202 Soujth Mains St. 10 I NIVERSI IX NOVICES ' 1 1# I) ' I 'tt 1 0a I. \tl \ ( i1 l . 1 111 ,I 1 ii h(IciPn ' 1 11 XT1:1) A i ii r '-1U,11 1 1c1110 I loaid rca 111cI1 r nt i 11 1l I~ 1 ii t {t 11 1 ilI 11'"" 1 }1 Il'+' '1 11l I I I \I ADIS' TI'iEd~lIING, I r 3 lates>t 'Ilt''fil lll 1111su1itiland ""oak I iii1w it ade to t 011 1r1'i'111i ill latst goo limToli' l.otcdanz, (,()(ino5 E.Wlliai t. Gla sses rep airei. Eyes nrlfll)i)tited 1tt tesed Georgel t al ler,111 in strcI TYFI IIfNC fciii' n it l i~ ndi'alii i' Iof lit rt {cn cn It' (.nice'. l is 0 A) atI,'.38S.S tf J TAIIOWSHigh Class F RNI WER S Mechndiei 1o c HA T1."Popular Prices lDretly North of Law Btzildim I 709-711 NORTHVUNIV ERSITY A"VENVE 1, L. tr3 #t Iil 1 .1 f , 3;t 71 , : " picetfir tone sfamos n'$r isa lli Iviit ,t'ii PFaifhtickeit giond for;shimm It 'iilli Oe Vingln, pup N.Iiivi'rsitn onenne 1 itt i'' '(ii lntrifilislieul M8,8 '('he College J O' tes. I ller's j exvierv Store, NMail, fint streeit, '1(I d You Cannot Get Strength from BOWLING I I CIII it101 rcP11il'iI'tg /r i I-CpI1.fIl ll I118 t hec ecrgv C'11(i f.. 11111at haxc tt C'i. Slt iJ'lh coiIcs fromn af lfltroirtyllttls fo()dt thadt is cally dig;cstcc{. SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT is1tOI rich titeptotteida thatt repair the da ily wte o ittissue antd nerv e force. It c'ittaill"'all th boidv-hntldtic ele- (Ilnt t ill tile whioie-wVheat grails, made diig'n'sttihle by teain-eookin, shred- ditto'n'fI aiul(. N_, 1 ' t ever ben dviii siiedf that will imake ii>i ii i iti osion a coilli digested as if ii -in ~ I l ic ood i(lth iiiiman race toe 4' i 'in>. A breakfast of SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- CUIT ewitS Sot oe eoid emiikorcemwl suippiy the energy for a ehole sday's woirk. TRiSCUIT is the sameisst the Biseuit, eicept thot it is ecompretsedito a wafe and is used astaTOAST foeany ealintead of f Shite fiour beead.At all grocert. The Natural Food Co. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. " IT'S ALL IN ( ITHE SHREDS'. PRIZE CUPS TANKARDS, STEINS LOVING CUPS Win. Arnold, (,iiltewecr 220 S. MaiSt CHEAP AT, West Northwest California Mexico Ef ci I (a}' flttin Nlat-clh aidi pil,p I iiii7, ito the \ dCHIGAN CENT,~A i i t u- iIi it i Bijou Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE BEN LASKA Ihe Campus Magician Is ippeirinig ot the If jon this tcr k at ahigh stila i. Amateurs Wonted for Friday Night. The Harvard Medical School BO)STlON, MASS. WiIII tlc cmI~I('Iit) I t ti, Iit w Iuit tt i l i n I I > t- i li t d p. ii! iii'5th Filesi'lu;)iIlowh~tfa i i i i ii~, eit it Ii. 'ii i'in and rese rch n i Thlinrfiae d vM ihi