THlE NTHrll tEADNILYE i. Ir Samf BrcfldsFine Tailorinlg Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM DURCHFIELD & CD. 106 EAST HURON STREET i C I i HAVE YOU SEEN4 THE NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is now displayed and in- cludes every new and natty fad of the season in white and colored Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 MACK (t CO. THlE FARME[RS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STRFlUlTS Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,000 Does a general Ilanuln tiegll iesnmild Ly $3per crG ntoerest en TiniAlernd "a'ieg llepoilts. safety lieposit }iww, to ,1lnt a.$.00 and upwards It. (ser, Pros. WY. iC. SlEnesi, Vi 1r ri. F. 01. Bl'soton. Cash. El. A. WILLIAMS lASd. 0. M. Martinll , :;. Offie 209 S. 4th Avei.Phone 118, Residence 102 S. 5th Avse. P hone 31.1. AMBULANCE Olt CALL I1 'oRx Ammunition and Fire Arms CALL, AT MEUBILIG & SCH-MID'S HARDWARE i iI r 1 i Foster's Art Stores You Can Find What You Want in Bath Towels, Spongsg , Caps, Btrushses and Soap at the Right price at Brown's Drub, Store 120 Eaos ibesrty St. 11 300 South State St. 110 Fiast Liberty St. lL~ 'ii I i If You Wish to Make Any of the Varsity Musical Clubs Next Fall A Semester's Work in either Voice, Mandolin, Guitar or Banjo at the I'Ki()\ ISstvFs lEA-' (ct inueiid NerPagle O e.) Ii l h i t ei ll tct Ii u l t i h l i X l e illlir 1411 iW Iii liii rt t11 1 .p %wl il e / )lu-clf . 11 No tinic ill A- United St is a h I'l( lWi r ll o hoiri ooc ' i 1 )r. C;c t r:r ;;l lrrrrlr. tic lrtt hr 1tc rrt 1 It Ilt 11*()ill ill(, Ilk er :ity fo r rl cmil- e ill (gdriilrrllllW,,,,y, ~ilich l,« tiro; rtc"xt Nhm- day Ilc riit'cc l l)r. _\lr, lititliti R()tll, dcllltmwtralt)r t>l () ltllilliltrltl 't', w h() r Im, tlkt"tilltrrl uil hi, \wrk with the I'& t t"r-.its. t" (1 t ,j SCHOOL OF MUSIC Iiiiiii1l sck .11-,i EIr I :iliiI will greatly increase "iui nil n~t . .....111r your chance..** . 111/1 T C iar i 1 Al iii Ii ii 1 'r THEATOR IUM I r11"I1htl' ',ar ~,ittit Get ysr lrti o tickets, dance pro- A Honeymoon at IsN ia r' 5F a., A ti tmi AN-; Atoioe PRESS, i 'int r 4 T e I~a6Y, 11all ii. alls11nt F lsiris, ecchiiictriiiversity News-Letter, Showing Whtirlpoiol RapjidsHuorse- S. C.A. N lli~biiiitYost's (;rcat Book shoe Falls, Cave of the Winitds, l'e do(more lit n tingS hestumegat trip ott the Mail of th i st, and ifht ber ie tl~~ other scenes of as ottchimpt ortance.'1 - i OW;-tVttilstot, s combisell sreoppsite Granigers Acadetmy andl do' Barber Shop ust.cnt of Sctiiiil of Muilie. 0. A. MOE Su t ircssed 25c, troulsers, toe. 705 North University Avenue I ihie & 0'Connor. tf ii iii i I lh() par icii ii ill ()lIil iIal ,iiiii. cA i au e slwt in tel ii- i ii~i X() c <, Xi I, im i ,aidi s al ils. irn lcho Xlhlis lii aip ly (, h(,c tat ih an iNM I a, Is( Ii )) \iii I l lii i. k 0 9 7 11 i i, Air Ni 1).c I~siir, A Iii iii Xiit Ai X ll i) Xlai .1 - \ah A i,, I ri , Air,i l.A l iii. I rsii al i i I i ilrM" I c um aiy W I'mi i"II I iMaI gcr i i, I. XI Sitisfactrtilorittg at satisfactory pces. Fittlet & O'Cotntor, 6t1g1E. Will- ia street. t I ORDER AN Icc Cream Saulwich F or Your iDessert Sunday iii t'l e ii tiiist an i otit deli -i laimoI'Ctts Frutti, Chop S-,s appe-al k i feit fruiits. o ttl recaiy to ptlima icin crv irandml!inl he aut to servi friimii8 itio 10 I WEBB'S Bell Phone 572-i. Home 96) Rcntsch icr, Photographer BAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 hAS r ihhlhhRTY STREET I FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Xi ANN Aimo io, Mimim F. 1). Kinne, Priden t. .i Wii, $Cliiison air Caiipitl rrx ,I i t si.~ m Rowe's Laundry MhOMAS ROWE, Prop. 30216 N. Flfth Aie New I'illone :;7 Rl i I :, I., F13N1, LUNCHES W~e carpy tilargestl ine if UI i l. ti)M 10011 ft & I MIiiltl'Pti Cigareiltes anid eoestc &Imoted~ini Cigars. A romplmth I neof ail smnilg articlsi,W(e are agenlts fur IxJstEis& 001., LinKMAn & liii.n(111I 1'tPl5, ialsio file 5lAl.Yi& 5(llAlilills 0l10 chlalilite lioNAtON5 R. E. JOLLY. State St. The 'Varsity Backstop tNe a K I TI rliii 1"x ra +CITCHERS' MITT11 /1 trn rrtto a dn rdrrph lo rrc>tr al aaa r%5ytIII(". Ot Ca iCOC itt01; art ss eil ~gss at!1 tIaBr-adItdl" Ele-cric, ty Supplied to College Men and Women for All Purposes. Waslitenaw Light & Power Co. 200 E. Washington St. Our Annual Clothing Sale! Suits1 401 Overcoats French Back Overcoats, Long and-Medium Length 50c NECK WEAR 35c--3 FOR $1 1-4 OFF WADHAMS t%. Co. See Show Window Main Street T"HAW OUT Sirengtih, Vigor, Exercise BOWLING Is (((Id ins a Sprling. 11111 ii BILLIARDS, 'POOL Av ci a leasu rs ffill, TOBACCO CIGARS, CIGARETEES E:CANDIES, CIDER'-q SOFT DRINKS th1e Blit of 1ECelythili1:1a11 Evelyt~iirng fo- YOU. Mosi Comfortable Room In the ;City B. E. REYNOLDS CO. Caterers TO MEN 220-222 5. STATE ST. lBswiingAi.,y. a1)(" ic lii ,,cil Ii clb o e ib~retforri iiji SATISFATlON FIRST, then a SAVING OF $10.00 to $15.00 Is WHY we are selling the goods. 61 t cosum rs in ComSuits to Orite rarom$14.00 to $30.00 'OllS8I1. Li1tbelgtConpau J. K. Malcolm, Mgr.