TilE I MICHIGAN DIALY EASTER CANDIES Huyler's Lowney's Allegrette's Oiuntther's Easter "Postal Cards E, E. Calkins, Druggist S324 S. State .Street. ID.. Y.. A. A. M~5 J. RAILWAY Sisicil carp to lick 'ii (-;:o ,.Il. 0 t vr ~ t.)h 1 11ii 8:,;o p. l 1ir lo al iivi to 11ai i 0i t a. lto ) t; 1) 3n , hen t :ii' ; . i '1w )ho r b al ji c toii. ,() 7:15 :ii 311 l t" .[ 1 : it . /P. M. A LA RFIC LOC KS HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE, Cnapm lan's Jewe!t ry Store i ,I1 1M..a i . o1.l c Iirrsra is nde .111 iii et it1c h ns h di, ,i iii ii iithJim S Kii'iiic liced Ii a viiug a iid iuueograiig ii I iy ove iii lar'i or small jobs, a 11arsBios.,i vrSheelimQvsbookvi ivo1-, Staiiv.' streci Sitiie i iiiiic 12;51, "(W i iO, indi s)c~t- , s oii iii - c in ii is w iu*i wc ands realesi ate i fi c)r-c . i li sc iii. if lalsses rvpsireviiEyvs varefulliyiiiivii tiii iteiiei. fviivgi IJailer, Sl st'reet ''li A1\ N VI\lI() ifSN'1 is \i()\r, SI \Y \V~I'iR FOWXN ES KNOW ibIS S URE'1 I A New Fad in the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Wood It takes one million yards to make one pound of Art Fibre Silk. There are twenty filiments to each thread. No wonder they wear like iron. T[he only house that has them in the city. Lindenschrmitt, Apfel & Co.'s To Engage the Assembly Rooms, or Orchestra, call at Academy Offi edhcedwwith ththteebuiloding, callers are requested to announce themselves. Please ring. FLAT CLASP GARTERS a"' ° 'p d4are 00c5orn ann iyyvsn4,000,000 leg-the mst popular garters for g3+e's wr. Thfe pteitedi flat cap brinmgs comfort-the secret is is its niii-binding, nion-imitatinig hldi. It's as flat as a sheet of paper ad hd;the soik as sootistfieckf. Made of pre silk elastcwbbisg. All metal parits of easynickel piatediblies.s 25 cents a pair, all dealers orbymilpepa'id. I'vethose who prefer a cord garter, we offer LOCK-GRIP 7 BiRIGII VON GARTERS 1 Th vetaeuexadnoacmorl e icord gartertmade The ruhbedianondhld~wthavce1lke ip tisatwill scv r slip Will notinuretefimtliue. Te 1smliest smossthet flttet grip ever u~edoa-ordarts ii if litwbini. Mtal p'etsheavy o 1l.t d s2 sad i~c ailSalersoeyoailpraid. PIONEER 50 PENDCS CO.,713 Mar ect St, Philadelpha. vS ,r o - .4p e iv, Freshmen ! Sophonmores ! Juniors! Seniors ~Professors! The best is none too good for you. You can't afford to waste yoitr time ad patience with the oldsyle fountain pen Buy a Self-iller, and there i only one pracical and successful Self-Filling 1 o 05dm Pen. It is CONKLIN'S elf. PE "The pen wsith the Crescent Filler -the device that made self-filling pens possible, practical and perfec." Don't be de ceisved Accept nothing but the genuine A Conklin. All othr sclf-fillers are in the eperimental stagelThe Conkin is perfect-been on the market for years. Used and recommended by thousands of l{ / studeints and collcge professors. Possesses all the super- for advantages of the best fountain pens supplemented by the foloing dstinct sod desirable features :/ Fills and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother. i No joints to leak. No clogging. Nothing to take apart. A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to" r nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaran- teed satisfactory. Book Free upon request, teLing #- about this wonderful pen. Manufactured only byThCokiPeC.,old,. Sold ini Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. You Cannot Get Strength from+ unless yoti supply ma- terial for repairing muscular waste fbr replenishing the Uncirtrs expendcd. The htllimani engine must lhavcftiel. , Strength comes from 0 a nitrogenous food that is easily digested. 9SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT is rich in thle prclteids thsat repair the daily «waste tf tissue andclnetveforce. It cntainls all the buods--bslllti. ele- ments in the wvhole-reheat grain, masice- digestible by steamn-cooking, shred- ding and baking. Noproicess has evie been devised tatf ilili iimake oats oisv orar s nti iiitiovsroras ecolic digesic'dfai wshole ssheai - thc' fodiofithihc' maniii a c vis r 4,000 scars. A breakfast at SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- CUJIT writShalotar said milk or creae-til supply the energy ear a wnhale day's mark. TRISCUIT is the samte as the Bisauit, eanept that it is satmpressed enta a mater and is used as a TOAST tar aey meal, instead at wehite lar bread. At all groers. The Natural Food Co. NIAGARA FALLS, N . "T ALL INTESHES 1'hcis workaiuir' i iiiindi, of lw i'iieww iers " i cpciel a ( ii' iwith us for i- siii hi s if \T' XXiiii'S CANi5 'ORRkiifthsey arec nowis esc-us ,> a css v iitv lie ovisaiii- witll an ahllvi ssce of siilipi'ii cc-itis. i; fn] it i al i iS i 'd i POLITERVAUEVOLLER B3EN LASKA T he Canmpus Magician Is aps- iiiig aithilic 3lj ithis sicCatii huhsalaiti Amateurs Wsanted for Fr'day Night. ALWAYS AHIEAI) IN STYLES MILWA' , THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVE; , l THING IN TAILORIN(J