The Michigan Daily Vol- ..XVII. ANNRMil I, 71(IIG[AN. T I MAR\Y tii GARRELS-COE MEET WILL BE CLOSE CONTEST Ramey and Coe Meet in the Half- Alumni Race Fresh Engineers -Seats Are Reserved. Thei Garels-Cac track meet Satrday poietobth cscst idor cn- teto hr sason . Ii pickigthe l team ti oliect ]tas ])(it it baantic thmso cavtnlitthat, o apetatr at last. heeis co dilercc i thec itumbeir af its that Will Sll ito acit tamtt Ery ,uet will futrttt alt s tirrigconts. but t tirtttof ttiemeeitt till pr- aby ietetracelittiaiat"Sideir" Cit milerun P~eln a aottai ft heiiilctract mee 1prpe 1wi lbethetireitaitrac tc- the smi-finlsi iin tte1 enitnutg tittrta- A bo ittrlay race is ath clash lbe- enigineeurs. liii fit: natmetdtiaggrgtint boastssuch sars as tx-C iti Ru- stock, G oint , atit Mi iltr anditti ii m :Aittit glili the auvtr almre arly ii tic tutpi iik utfttiotditin, iiiy sadil til ec lclentt citntue iof itwtrstig thu firt- Reevdsat is iforthumeturarc lnowi 011 sale at -ManageriBir(t's ofikc ilt staitreileit lTe ttrthiotanidi esttitc lleactirs itill b ldi iai ttt'ets asctI uat tic rulatr ptinccfiicets pliccatttiinteass mee iita wekifr taturd'y-'tig tttt't ftrn ontlt i e "ittit'ttk nginer tl t tea l cp ised rr. linPatr, ocan Sewrti dfet etiejnior ng initersi compbosd of Shit, ,bMctrth, inlust cittiandtt icu- Thus ltheghamionshtip rite'Situlsbe'ii 'i ~ ~ ~ ~ b-t i or t tgi eerl s andth uini orun tats.tTcis lafftoir tt thelng-dthrdiniu- actca ' tillf tit catit i ist h l at thei sa etite s thatu' ofty iii Sc hoclastetrst' utcl iu iti~ nsd act'uh4tt hs2r7, tt iltr- uuc sixfiknotluedgetuin the ti ertitr- etedte. peil i t hescist i utioyiroit inorledga.rth futrels ogiti zast iins Sciice tnth itdttt f im stiga tionicuitd the itto' lmastertttiscubs pdcialhluon, thatofiurthery ti uttiiroin iru. rc exstrtntritsincttetu8i9.r1ad irias ro irtiilli- ti' ituit tsro ra icudrestala t f iiii t th sr antittitsimarc tace.tti isittctuhtt iAsito fthett aptitar gir ena'oii ttey, arcts i, i tu titthesar t 'stcii thusuatlt ;t ,attim hu ostltru sectiis in es sio. he lterseion thAiisiea, a 'lit suil (nt Quattconucert tickets. pily tt secretary MihtigantUiint, ttitit Riatims, li 4pt.min. ty;1511cr eecoiimmistusion. TOi HEGSi''tL SN' tat SATills, ('tpnti ila illiti l utci ui re engged ti liiin n tithir oc;frthe chg aunor rprtitingi the ratrniie deprtm nts ilierrylaw and ei n- i eerng ne r~ i the detatmenit if In tll' unio litclas Jhee iari S t l m iii li oti ii ii t iiTittandi i lncli: ii'th taineiof'5aistrugiiiiibe- bihut iii fothettioia placesii lit ihc li tartint i a i S hiertutu i a s ul till' ititda rtmei nt s y\.i tt s l l ci t i Smi iiith gla t' tutic ii'T'li l itisitit mdic11 5 1 hatS i he' a 'fl iIepriii I tg itilts are leced b th ifr tern itis ititt - Serlig. lit; F anki . a niii ei ii iii'tg tittir tri i tc i) iSGra uam tiltgine. adtiti Juti blci. n biw uu u iii s iteld in i c M in ali.i \ii therii ei l tec tions iw l iteheinit i hcii i thr. ticp iitth iiiiai lii' j m Wy Nc idl -tutu itiiisiiieu ontic an-fcu' diate f r il'i' , ti iif usinesiis i ia- ;cent tt;ici to exis amo iuitmbrsthatheiur stude t rei ii b etitotrtis fiiceuillttthu Students' i ilurt Asso ciat i ieii atis -ut agemetoiuthaitioraitionc'umakiiesrthei "Th iteurecen t actti oftej n r - 'hut i thlle ii t'las l i ngriirctilthe Srpintl i l t t g com itte ito iiiquire't inio teimanei tichitotigthuhofics r o h c hltig ittuciia itdclsoir ft heti i thainlitrdti'ou lightiurntat liat~ic thesr,:lit r t isapprtt hi enioiiiontt his pairtitofumaiy tdenaitsi t u iii'- lusuitii A i lttciat 5the o iut itsntilof >ur rgaizat.. ioniitall shoF t h liat tiire arg iiil two esritioni is timacid intihe slectin ol fi cersiii(iii cthu i at~st for tfice iiikpres identucliiiotugfori two guiituiI iciyearsti comei tilom Ithe same111 idptmist, (hitthuthat hnh amore thantwiii ofi thei liii' o tr'g u t eesiiu can come tilsrom 'c ill,, clearili lacesinotrst ~ictton litoit ise eineersugasimemberiuus afithat cii liiiiteary a tila I tipa rte asilre Stiiuintit subiscripiitiions iforthurvarity' rowtaing crew' aticonstuittuutw a tiu"ti~ to $1,040., 01i 21, 11907. \ut i'i I 'ilt SbLL 111 T'i CARNEY TALKS ON bit.lIti ti :11 1t>y1G1'JUVENILE REFORM Sht' 'lr ~etti's lciii Ira't{nri this L'iitcrsitunPress chll ill ii ciuru'iMake a IBoy Realize Nis Responsibli- 111r -tuikucr at a smoliikr ''ucr I 5 -tic ity is His Solution of the had I lau11111t/ i I uiiihi /11)" i i t BENNETT WILL TALK ON DRAMA TONIGHT Chicago Critic Will TIrace Influence of the American Uinivers ity on the Popular Stage. liii us tis (walig ilSr awl :1ngc1 hall lii The tillrit y atit the \ eriartSta e,"hits fit fli year~s rcutwc iliiIthe 11111 u1111u1 raa 1111ft' ti hit itas c( tt at iiiwitilthelila s tilii atti iii ii biss jlihu rl frt wa sc;sls The, experience'he ga Iin''d(tuuri- id. tills 11'tim uw s v lu beas i g v him11 theu 111111ii111ity toiii li thor bitr. iRcmtt h ha aii i dctiti sutri' the1 'ii hitit of luu i ch t l 8 lughe I cat. H s i s lut peit ci ll hi tic jc~nrntl111111s th t ii f r ( tutu gu tead I illes liii i tn iih i has liii utah i tauind t I 1el Jubthtut fill till('1tutag() Jotutuii i 1)7 an tillntributedti eri es tiltcl hiatt is tt*if t t tat papt. huint he i rSt ttu h t in hut i nd 3wrot, sti ches of iiiithe iii(111 ,ii nd lti ao m Ii lit'he 'Sits t I 'iila I t oth ri te1 about thu Sihis ii c fctt~a t Stafr firt i ha Rcc111crtu TlwtaI'i fateriy Suwith'hut; hit'Smi tilt.t (hit N( II bb ii I CONSIhut iR Ni bb I'NIt 1<1 1 ISS ( SuN ii SI' It is proablti h at te plii b liiill alc , ilnoti l it j iii.(, fon a cm itit Stall titing oft I tutu hits' itoli I'ctrii liter ither ' s ihgctI't ,in re i gird11 t i tu huell ii ATi t h ii t til lit tit tilt ent t he 111111 spig in rvd h rty riace 'lit1thin the co tests arlier t11 yer thanuti t. t,luuauuiut IV all 'uc'tusa utst hbt' mad tiat rre, In 0'11 ta th , i y I'v 'l N iri it ill hbe int ieyi n i (,ku w m ll tk v4it t he f i ti c itc lli is he tii t m il tilt tI!Ove11 y t' lulri ivenatcd res lub ,fth (iii- ve ay , itatnd ils it iltexpetiltdhIi xi - cx nt is i i tti ii hula tiiie't'iiii hit listsylnl lullAln iiisan M ih i'' l i'a t ils, i eastt t+. 1 all cm - allut l l 11115 o th e msit'' a ~c II as'liii he ~ la t t uit iii- 'phiits Imt tne t14 a c i, I tt'ii ' ii- ineu in( bitt' it 'ltI" hit i t. andu in teiwarIfuSirN'ithopst b~iingtuoI \t s 11'' ahc i i ''i t graduat slit. dents, he lilst night iniii it iii ull gym1 of te Uix , by f' ldd ' wa l e ists 111111fi't hi oity asexprsse in ithe ic ititi Ih itttis t im idehi'an tutpu at (i)plli' n iiu 'ti l lt's te) an interestsi ii t ltic i t the ghtti tsitiyit , anid ii tii th ii titi sit li i lltut ein tu lulocte rl, iit ofi il/itt itnsi n ui si llilyt te ec.- hit bringing the liii ututiti ii into i nattural t1 is idelt was11.15 tu 1111 iii liii rep rt f a com itte titliststitig of 1_ bb. hF iid u,'uhn-uuuut, Jacobth t b uycu,.blu suit b. Sh wau',iu-I, i tutu IF. Bntli-thut "it tuge tu1 riiii s bruht t aIc titesunrtiig tattight reritualilitits. ith11ofiscSit NSitSd111SftheScuin, S I hite: I hasil St, I N icIN' ipihh Ra hia blck signals Is lifi stivt' itr dsc ssd ty I.SIL 'Terillbeo te le r ica l tS itnch i lithe I' tinelti -i'i sotyti in a mehitS' hug ltu Tuel'sday cv1111 hyArP rilttwhiti ot h l a lst tutu 1 iies h s tiltwn temployed ti ii ii Mtichii itrl lssfe hevr atsit i o n rf a Nis tut 1151, Ill, a hutru1 l ma ual, and he a toli