THE 3 (i S7 tS 15 CLOSING THEM OUT Wat? Schleede's Note Books To too this Nve otfer them at 2 5 / lDiscount, tt HIAG'S 201-203 SOUTH MAIN ST. Occidental Hotel NWe Cater to Btanquets, Etc. Wvalnut Chocolate Candy The 40c Kind for 20c per 1b. DEAN (U CO., Ltd., 214 S. Mai St. .... .., PmRICE AmCUTTING I ~SPIECIAL Hiceeare a few of thecver good things we hare left for you: Lo'13ico rer pice- 2.00, n 110W ---------- $19.50 Lot 2----ormter price $s 0oo, 1now- ---------- $10.50 Sevenith fix-c suits, broken tots formerly sold for $it .ooaori ;~2{) 00. are in this sale at to0.5o. All Odd Pants 2.5 per cent cif. M aiiitattanxir tts 20 per cent off. Several lots of Staley a:iit Ypsilan ti nerwear arec-enormotusly reduced. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 South Main~ St. L iNIvu~zRS rY NOTICES ;r~c1 itc~i }. iti- lettit lt< t t \\tWecartIo Sinte of rig- R 1 ,;.;tip 11)1)2 It 'a 7 it 1 )11 f(6 - 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE The Harvard Medical School BSOSTON, MASS. Withthecortpleion f te n~i biltimo . w ich ter -ltcicll]-dieptealtler .Sctl, 191*),111is oho I n~v as aoiiIit' anl elnI me 1r01a(- hi ltand res-re hIin] the vat-tts banceyo nidicinepn~tbl unurp'se in tilh 51iscu ty. 0f tile tire builin;.'s, ourare evotd etirey t labratry tach -g ad reearcht. Tihe tcuterttshosit~~so It~s~ afor ab nda t o portu itistfoti li)i l i tihOi tilti inttitti. tilt nt surgerl. COURS: FO THE EGRE OF . I A Ifur V~ea's ouretpentob het o~r ft-tOioteratMn. )~l~osyo ~n an o)prsn cfecu) ~ n t~utn.lcasHoere anrete o 1 )RTl deasons icjn p e raurger ndthpcal n O t/je 'Inperitr 1 You Cannot Get Strength from BOW LING I 1ii Itk° lt 1111 lic r, iolhipilcii ; -O111r tf ulessaa I erlal N11 tttt 'tppl v ma- ltor rcpairilig 11tts tidttttt wste for I-Cplt:'lishiltg the cllcrtcV/ C'\,ollItd. 111C 1f1ll t'In1 Strecng-th ct)nlis trtont a nltrtogentlns ft(t)cl thaI is easily (ljlc's~tedj. SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT is richilthettlc proteicis that repair' the dalty I-waste cof tissuie attclnerse force. It conttinst all she bocd-htilcitagele- tflclt-aItt the swhole-svheat ogr-itntacie iIigcstic' by steatm-eCaokitae slhced- cing atncibaking . No 1(11(101';lis eiv e]]endeisbed 1that iwill make oatsi or ella iillutriious or as easl iligesticda0 wholtle ii\I ti he11'toodil of liii]] it srco totu 4,00- 0 ictlO. A breakfast of SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- CUIT wi~th hot or ctOotldik or cemwl tsupply the eoergy for a wehole days workl. TRISCUIT is thesme asanthe Biseait, except that it is compressed into a weafer anditts used at a TOAST for any meat, inttead of ewhite floor bread. At alt grocert. The Natural Food Co+ / tt C! t AT31' 3 I 171CA NIDY S t'Otth tey -t' 11 % Sk(Io I illy-1icoiiiilic-te ine itf stnl- (111000 ri-til ti-i I. -Eoes catr- Hot Lunch Aht rttlea's. 338 S. State PRIZE CUPS TANKARDS, STEINS AND LOVING CUPS Win. Arnold, Ci tIwreier 220 S. Main St. Bijou Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE 'BEN LASKA T he Campus Magician Is appeitnctgtat theBijo u ti wecck it a thigth salary-. Amateurs Wanted for Friday Night. , g. +,;,=; . i . I I: i i- :_ i I I Made: It Hat Perfect Vitibtie Writitng. The entiref wriiing tine is it direct int o vibiat ofthe eperator and allt he mattr writtseneainsso-doet aot past out of tight undetraypail at thesociee It Hat an. Atsemhtitng Surface for the Type Bart of 16l;/ Intes. (Othfe visible typexotiters 412). Thisaamtsiftlheuofeaoiype br h 6oe f sat intchwide- lii idjas/a/'lc bar-ges the FeatVisllhe the duabilty and pemanence o alignmlent atfte" blind " iachinst a hitherto impossible thing io thte construction at vsilhe typewxiiirs. It Hat Intecrhantgeahle Carriaese. Thio meant if you owa a Fox that youada not hare to hay a new typewriter when yen need a long carriage lee your mnachine, simnply buiy i/he carriage, it in instantly inter- changeahle owith the one atready an thte typewriter. It Hat A Tahuator. Evtery machine it supplied with a tahalator, which lee hitling, invoicinganod tahalating figuresoin practicalty indispentahie. It in tarnished free wi/h each tiachine. It Hat an Automatie Ttwo-Color Rihhon Miovement. The rihhonreoqaires not the slightest attention Item the opertorfrotm the time it is pat on the mahine onti1 it it waonot. It oscillates to that itt em/ire surface is zsed, and hy simpty toaching a hattan insthkeyboiard yell print a second coler ao desired. It hat a "Speed" Etcapeaent so that by osiply moving a leveertthe moachine accommoatet itself to the opeed ofatast or otow opeator, (thin preventa a loll apertotr'"piting"tetietson aaslow machine.) You ought to have these features in your ITypewriter to secure the best and most economical results-they are all found only in the NEW FOX* VISIBLE. 0 I { I NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. "IT'S ALL IN THE SHREDS" They ptac the Fox away in the lead of Ott comtpetitots. Let us prove this to yea in yout awn office. Cataogue an application. FOX TYPEWRITER COMPANY Factory and Exeutive Office Front Street, {grand Rapids, Micho. Beanchetoand Repeaentatives in alCiies. ALWAYS AHE~AD) IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING