T "IIE * lCIe.CN' DAILY mEm AS ITER CANDIES Iuyler's Lowney's Allegrette's OI anther's Easter Postal Cards Iruggist ,324 S. State Street. ALARI1 LOCKS' HACK AN!) CARRIAGE HIRE Cnapman's Jewelry Store. 2036 5(33131 VAlS S"Tk t3. 1 1 ~ 3131 33I:(, 3*3%Nat1 - 5 I3I is11 J l 1 p o ]1 \ 1"I l 3(33 .~. - .a '1.tw lol ''+ 11 c 11ANSO 1(313AT 204 South State Street 1; /13 33'' UNIVE RSITY NOTICES lw !1 t 1 3,3 333:113 1-t 1I,- tr 4 ( t~ttt 11 1733 1l3 tt1 I 3r111 tl. - t t0. i ,, . . 3 1 Salt Si30 sit 1A 33 33 13 1. IM1 131l.1l0 . 113111 O-o31 Jsacory tailoring at satisfactory s. otlor & O'onntor, 619 E. Wdil street.t13 A New Fad ill the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Woo It takes one million yards to make one pound of Art Fibre Silk. There are twenty filiments to each thread. { No wonder they wvear like iron. '[he only house that has them in the city. Lincfenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s /13t \\tlY'l.11 13 a 3 1. 3113' 311t313 tt~ iI'tl llv s131 131 1 33 3 33 1*ire .3333 3111 ~ tt 1c & Co, if3 I -"II 1333 3'~c < 1; c 3131 l{143313 31 >31111) 133333 33illy.31 l3tt't3 E33 is 33 1.1 33 ,t t3331 I' 33333 ;t 3 l 1 11 3,1 "t' til 1 1 IM , t 31:33 27 33( 3 it 131 : 33333 33iidillgele-' mnts In tihe wxhole-vllteat (;raintlmade digoestihble'hy steamlt-cookintg, shred" d1*t10atut hakil . No 01 >r 11,13 03h0s ever 1been c 30cvi1e111 3)311ill ake 1w13311w11eat -Ill'e 13631 t 1133the 3human11:0.13for A breakfast at SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- CUIT (wlith hot or cold milk or cream(33 will1 supply the energy for a whole day's wnork. TRISCUIT lsathe samett as the Bisuit, excnept that it is comeossed ino a woafer and is used as a TOAST for toy ,meal, inteaf.d of wahite flour bread. At all grocers0./ The Natural Food Co. / NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. "IT'S ALL 11 40 f j (5I CHEAP RATES 'PC)'1't3l Northwest California o.sd Mexico 1~e %3 s ay la 1133313 0 N a nd3111Aptil, t 01W. 3t 5st .F 6. a 13 erA ett BIJOU Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE Always a Good Show 8 Ilcadlire Acts 8 TIWO Slt)WS NitiHTL) 7.31) 'nd 9.01) m . M ATtNES '1 1-.1)'S, I t al(NDAYS 1(1- SAT). RIAY, 3.00 .- I J i Amateurs Wan~tedt for I r'dav Night. WAI Lo tU 03 Chinese Chiop-Sucy Restaurant t~org 31Yee330ow33&.Joe, yorieto3rs t t 133313133 1 .11d .'/ 11 1t1/3 1 3 313ll' if'/3 . ,13 1 43.3 31113 +31 F1.1f-C. SP GARTERS (~havellongA1 13 ''3" lln : d25 cehtpg33cr. '13(313patete ilat clalsp 331033 13.1/30,1/331/3chating/1,333 n;-_dcacin nthe ltin33g. 'ThelBrightonl ciate '3comfort331and1303133063.23311ds3of pureilk elastictt'ebbling. All metal131p.rts3 of 13333s-/eaIc 1ckeed.25 cr3nts1a pair, all dealers or 3y 01631mal prpa.11 For1,1 0 330333133 o teer a cord (60300, 3131e havetitperfected LOCK=GRIP: Whil theycaelquckly adesi)ly etchd,}'t theyhave1the 33331.s gri of ll3cord garte. Thclei.. 15rubber1diamon1d grip with a bulldog tena33)y.No 1103)ortear of thesocks. aas 25c nd 5c0e apai,1al da 131131bymai11pepa1 . 31. PIONEER SUSPEND-:R CO., 73.J Maet St., Phlladelphl1I. _0 0 1s f 1'irr 3 Sr 1 rl s Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors ~Professors! The best 3is3nonel too good for you. You can't afford to waste yoaur titmcantd patience wilt le old-style fountain pen. Buy a Self-iller, lnd ther3e is only one practical and successful Seif-IFilling1 Foun1tainPen. It 15 CONKhII'S Self. rI "The pen wsith the Crescent Filler-the device that made self-filling 1p105 possible, practical and perfect." Don't be deceived. Accept nonthing but the genuine Conlklin. All other self-fillers are in 3130esperimentalt stage. ('he C'onklin is perfect-been on the market for years. Used and recomlmended by thousands of If studen~ts aod college professors. Possesses all tho sopor- l for advaotages of thle best foontain pens sopplemented by tile following distinct and desirable featores/ fills and cleans itself. No dropper, 33 No inky fingers. No bother.33 No joints to leak. No clogging.31 Nothing to take apart. 3 A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to I nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ; ready to write. Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN SELF-FILLtNG FOUNTAIN PEN. Goaran- teed satisfactory. Book Fre opon request, telling +- -r abost this wonderful pen. Manufactured only by i The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold tn Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. I N THE SHREDS" I ALWAYS AHIEAD) IN STYLES MILWARDW, THE TAILOR THE BEST OP EVERY THING IN TAILORING