'Flx iItt(;NNt t).XttI,, -i . 1 4' .t. _-yj1 t t It i f ;ti :.0 7 , ; , ,_. Zt " ; - What Style Clothes Will You Wear Easter Sunday?) T 'FI5 none too early to ieciderid get htt youi wam now. Shall it be 'a sniart sack snit? Whalt style verxcmoa xv il von wear? Of course son xviii xvant garnment ; thai ire fashionabily correct in ever-til, iperfect in fit, and that took as if toilorced to your special oirder No mtiater t viion fanicywe cain giveyei 1ei p 1lx %Nxiati 00t wan miniistyxleniateialsxxworkiman hip, 'ndtit M itie f lrin i College Brand Clothes xvhicli wei have ini the aiithloritativxe styles in such tialie s tiiid patteiris usually conifinieil io)the high-class iixloui ilt s Come ui'aiidtsee iinr splenid c(Iol leciion. WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.50--FOR MEN AND WOMEN -$4.00 SPRING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED - - , r, i" _ a C r i . 1i . S~ome very pretty de- signs for men and u-omen in dull kids and1( calfskitns, also a very complete line of patent leathers. Come early whilethe sires are comaplete. Walk-Over Slio)c Co. 111l South Main Street STAEBLER (t WUERTH I_ _ ___lIII If You Wish to Make' Any of the Varsity Musical Clubs Next Fall A Semester's Work in either Voice, Mandolin, Guitar or Banjo at the SCHOOL OF MUSIC wilt greatly increase your chance. TH -EA TOR IUM The Holiday Manners and Customs of Buruha Moe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue N it-i I\ Nl:ii(iiWiI t it ithe dccit h (- iFri' ,iict >1' )ctr it. 111c t 'll \ii- tt 1iltl I iiti'1'l'i 1 ",, ii tlteL i*i t~iti ' I t{ 11 11()'(i II II t) n (t cri inc pii - 1,e li it iII r a t I t tlIt ti' I: )It I I hic ii I'l ~oob tiii Iii;ibeit Rc,()I ilt ililT h t \ ci li tI ii n) ii.< lIcIi(tt ~rt( ieIteprt' 1. 1 cnl 1(Irai111 (f1 ll () A 1 n cvi i iiep ul icr"ii n irt ill al it, \a tic ,, Ittit~ttliictiiith tweItitiii l),blc i a k it)tieI t~c t i - titt tit (Itt' ii Ii ttit iicti omii ti)1,an ~e c tieth g ift ) \Nhe V tu bteant i"pt a i, ciic W a n icitillcti()1 n ial Nia i wi herebNyS ic cNi ii mi. t( ()li Nie spea (Iii ou r f'ik tilt O a citbe (N 'l~eIt> t i t t c the iFait Wi.it 1x i lrge orsmll;1 cibsey i 1)t.i t Wos u ,r Stetuns took Awl Stil s ici 'aictnei. 8, Al IC IWA GR 1t]' roil " \c cti c ell t at i i ,al itt 1 l, it"il .i - - iiiI i i ii N -it Ii ii t ii'I i t t'11p ll' i" i'a iw it-r i it itoi ititi a dittill tivc tdl iilr( danc and' I i li~ tt ii ii ii tt 'it Al tucI-i it t he li i I ) h forme tilct ill h tt xd h \tmlpiti ai t},} fittis mit)sinureis. I tat le' cii icy Stire. Miain street. eodt ('ti 'i II Ntt ti Nt P co ii, ac a i g reitidacitin. ht , clt -i liii' vN' aNi ilinein' i ctlWA it i tz, th , iilii-tiieit Si N i i If you are thinking about buying Spring Clothes, direct your foot- steps to Allena the Clothier. Once you look at our display of utp-to- datte novelies, you'll tnot have to do muLch ponderitng to tmake you decide theni and there to leave your money withi us. We sell the stronigest line of $10, $15 and $20 Suits and Oxercoats in the world for the money. AL[[N, The (lother CIA IN STIRl13lTl' Rcntsch icr, Photographer BAILEY & f-DMUNS ZpOrtin 'I(00Gox 121 Et.AST1' LI1BER Tt PTIll FIRST NATIIOINAL BANK 1i i iii,1t "( 1c i t ,i Pr,,ii nt sur it tlt i i i Rowe's Laulndry- IIIOMAS lROWxE, Prop). N'Ii' il' 11 ~ ,; 1,I1 1'i t It FINE LVINICHIS ii'it ryth'i en i a -stl t ii ,"If 1till fi l l , ti,11iii tIl xiti ii~ t' "' I ;ii t , c l i t int, l 'iI n t . ii i )ri i ill itii ll iNtiatli .. 4 R. E. JOLLY. Stt.tn St. Iii' trola ''it'' t1111 heacrd tI i>>(t-N it Ir N iti-si Nit tt ti'11ito ii tl'i " i'iiti'ii tlc w l NITNWiiltt';)('ANtDY S lOttE tthey ith ani aibtundiancie of wippitteid creaml ti Glaisses repatiredt. Eyes carefiulyfttyiied wdtexst. IGeoege tHatter, M~aini street. TIll WIi'llI iti I'hr-stt I'll '' tan llh in1111of tkie it tilit tutu'ontsho t noic 'itc Jtiiiiiii IN ittnitiiii bthi ii ll '; liltr C' opi, if i i i I the cc olaiti.e to he propier)ly cookedi ant i o uertior'quality. Yin allso wan~t the treato bei s tritlytifresh antuioftknown n rt1111. Thee n - GILBERT'S CHOCOLATES The Chocolate Cream Par Exceellence 60c the Pound QUARRY'S GreatestNoveltiecs [ASTER 61115 Grass Growing Ilcads Sottvenir Ptt,-ite Cigarette Bxein Japanes Lcqh tiueredott ittn, Wilt tthe MichigatttSeal ta t i U.tfiii D~ecorationtint tfotld 'tHE lPAT AIVDtIVAI I mU ® ME IL .ICtiLA I'.AI, l p No. 209 East Liberty Street College Men appreciate snappy stuff. GET YOVR FIT~~ are o excusiv Negigeesis i. Thse sirtswhile we ave yor wiretin thin.stylu youmwant. Our line of Spring Ngige' i n oues hrnnei are f ecluivepatterns, made up after or"Api EAKN own specifications, and in the different sleeve Wagner & Co. -iI Ilengths, Price, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. H lABtERDASH-ERS SH~ So~5,, -We will lay aside your selections until youI SateStretAnn rliru need them . ] Nneedi~ e FOR Od.~ oni ente CT"El'hn MONEY LOANED Mandolin, Guitar, Violin and Banjo E ohDe~l COOK n-oun IelSare S o tin;ly list iCiass iitik. Emalnmer and Funeral Dprector o(hrtou e, IA ll Barber Sho Ambutlasnc n tll ii n itil-ial i. 717 N, University Ave On Watches. Damonids, Jewlry SC1IAEBERI E & SON $200 $20 $30 and altttfigh CassChate 10 5,-hIA e.:iisiu-lce sme W Lcoretoan~d t,r int~ltee Peopti0o JQHN TROJAN OWSKI and Co'litetratseurity 114 W Liberty St. ANN ABOR 111amne4lilt.Ass Abor 1111 iilllI n it' 5(w. i iu tli it -I,,ial I Elveryhn Ju tRg . W. J. LOURIM U fM BARBER SHOP SAESVNSBN .F CU 14ttAe OpoieCuttoi U.o M.The Second 'erm of Uan "ing lessons STATE SAVINGSosteBANKt JreBF.iSCHUHa Two dors oth o new Y. M. C. A Virsag.2 .nsar einDgat11I llTOS: xv i mull, 25jCets. ,l, Bo-cVSheanuSANITARY PLUMIBINt OrriF ICEne um;830 to 11:3;to s; Shower Baths, - 15 Cents Scott's Academy Ma",.AruitI ie.rVCIt.Vughanio and Electric Students' Suplies to 61.o 6 eso s @9 a. I l i wxveIn 1 It.It sitp 1hne 36ns ESOS Essons N. i eKy re Jonutultrer A SPECIALTY Busness Stitlty Cofidenttalt J It. Shijne,5 e n 22 ts a te1 WEEKAS _ Ki, - $3 0 J,. Kit-I, 'a iii 't,.CaItul tg T..oln~som~rat. 3Z S.Stet a Witti - -Ill liy 'ivDlilas a-, tuttuui iiMatint ________________ Nuxt to Sheetan'smBonksore. Register 336 S. State Street Dilt F.i.lrei cull n 1 J. F SCHUH, 207 E. Washington S. 1 N IV 1 r7 Iu /'1 SPRING SUITINGS $1 $ U oIIsL1mOFsIAotllillg uoffpany GetY or Order in B- the Ruosh Season is t1 c 118 East Liberty Street