CLOSING THEM OUT What? aSchleede's [1 Walnut Chocolate Candy The 40c Kind for 20c per 1b, DEAN ( X CO., Ltd., 214 S. Maim St. I I I N ote Books IVRSTNOIES ore enx c ixjoy g xbiliards.x ' x r:iox \Viy lux ti 1'e tNi pleae an It^' x xxcy axxix xxx)xxi tixixi PRKICE CUTTING SPECIAL ltre area fete of theIvercxgod tinxgs wxe hav e left for you 1,o! I i iF rmer price 412000, O W-- -- ---- ----$14.50 1L01t 2-h i eprixce t 5oo 0 0 ------xx--- $10.50 I~o ; --oiocr 11pi-ice 0)21001---- ---- - --$ 9.50 Ixot .1 - ormer price l 0o o N%-- -- -- --0- -- --$ 7.50 Seve ntx fixvc suits, 1rokixxlots fovrmecrixsold for $Sooand +2t o0 ir inxxtis sae aIc> 5o. All 0(1(1Pants 25 per cent cif. 'xIiittan xhix lx 20 percont off. Sexveral lots (of Stale' a id 'x1)1 il 1 iu i drxwcr aro cno rmous'ly reduced. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 Malim St. HEN1RY (Q CO. To do this we (oifer them at 1rr 25 \~t D-loj'xeit, at HOAG'S ii 201-203 SOUTH MAIN ST. O ccid en ta l H o tel W ae oB n utE c Iixson Lunch= Ypsilanti ID.. Y., A. A. CAL J. RAILWAY llS I 1.. i1"' xi' x ti < 1 x Sst I tt . ool st stls' f i l5) ixnrilt l <:tg ood, ohnixJ. Schanz, 605 I1,. Wiliam'xiSt. 7d ii° xi allIx ttx t'l o I II',x '155\V ;(Il AS k 1 (i t > 1 li ti l r it tI x l xix 17 ' .iax tiil 11 tti 3 t xi l x r c r 1x; t It l l l I'll]!S i inlex ci x x llx~iil I'11 il S SI I xl ill 1 21 2.' Ii 3. 1 l t ( ' 3 1. 111. 1 lx Sh dxixits rxsixl 25,S 1trousers, Ii tri l, i.{rr x11 o L1 I xlof ii lrru ulle'r & Oi'Cuonnor. t You Cannot Get Strength from BOLN untless*xo u tI Itpplyx ITa- tCt.Yt 11 fbr l'Clhtlt'l Hg tIIxet culirl waste tt)r relel11Slh11'I th e err'xx etl0gille U 1t ntha\ve ttl. *A strengl 1h CoImes fro~tl 3 at 1Mittr cil)Its fod that is cotsily digrested. SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT irich ill tile protest that repair the daly waste cittisscle andunerxve foree. It coliltaiills all ville hoey-bxuildlingh' c- niell ts IIIthe Swhle-whealtganl madie udi-x'c-tille lxwstealll-coo kimv, slreci- clit« xxand~c hakill(I 10 " ( 10 tlthtwilWhl N , xI1 'x 'x'x xcI ) xixa''x ,l' ie lxxxxi a-x A breakfast of SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- CU1IT with hot or' cold xmikoi cei n wl tuppxly the energy forxaenholeedaynsxwork. TRISCUIT i the same as the Bscuit, exept tha~t it iscpesseinto lx ataer andisx uedx as aTOAST feor.any axeal, instead of wthite floar bread. At all gor s. The Natural Food Co. / 4 (t I ixxc T ictf r xi 'iishampoxx $1.(0 lxI xII ITO iwatrxuse. iixli(ix'flclitcktgodfxox'xhaxx- ,..i v odl 113 G t r lc lxxn ickets. Ldancei tro ,Ic :,ruw, rt., t ciF.ANN ARBOsRx Ixiss '1- 1; F- ashi t xxtreet; iriniters of -1 ' xli ic xxgan )Daily, Ixnlander, Alum-x 1<, risTecltni, U iesity News-ILter, X11Fo tb ll Ili l Sxcihio lixOmegaetc_ SI, i X (- xximxrxriting xxx lie studentx Wxx d ta al l ther sh xps comxxinxed xxx x inxxxxv xowxi ixxuilinxg, xMayxxrd .trot , oppite G ranxxgerxs aademy andu viii xnorh xf xcixol if Musx'ic, if lxiii 10tic c xi (i F xl t CHEAP RATES West No rthwest Calif ornia Mexico vI vc xdlx lxxi , 'x Ilelxxxui Apr il, i' lli ixi111o ixai' ii furnxxishdb Bijou11Theatre IPOLITE VAUDEVILLE Always a Good Show 8 Headlin Acts 8 TWOSHIA' NMITh 20c 7.30) and 9.00-a M ATINEES I Il-SIAYS, TillIxSIAYS SATl IZDAY, 3.0(0 . 14t Amateurs Wanted for Irday Night. )YAI kINOx 1.00 Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant {' xx . i xx'xx c~trr .x ° lxit-c' ix alxxi>.1 ALWAYS AHEIAD) IN STYLES MILWMWD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING