TTTI' N I II I C AN N' )1 N I. I 'ALALZ1C LOCKS HAtCK AMD CARRIAGE HIREE EASTER i CAN DIES Al legrette;'s (iuither's Easter Postal Cards E. E, C'*alkins, 32.1 S. State Street. D ., V., A. A. CaX J. RAILWAY CnpalsJewcory Store a 2016 S0(fiiMAlN Slid I1 IlilANCH S! 1:1.AlT N 204 South State Street UiNIVERLSITY NOT ICE:S 1J I ltCill' r 11 t'~ ') i . ltt< 31' 1; I ll ((l;1 1 ili 1't l~ l ,tlt3t~ l r11 ilit a lr l 1{ 1.;'(: ta 1"i 4 i' llai 'i l l,_Ir r'Nt I( 11 I 12 r 1 ' N~ii7 i . j1;a 2C C r IiI~ V 7 p C v fr us by'll Nor Ck(1, They are rigt t .,r1 l N ul% i t \Vi A New Fad in, the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Wiood It takes one million yards to make one pound of Art Fibre Silk. '[here are twenty, filiments to each thread. Nol wonder they swear like iron. The only h1111se that has them in the city. .Lindenschrnitt, Apiel & Co.'s 4 Mi 5 pinsfobs11a1d spoons.llr. ,- lcI~ J(-w2 11y StreCsAlai11street cIII Wach 1cery rn ye glass repair- ing IhY skilled1workmen, HIalle's Jew- 11w Nl Ill, IID11il1, 1Ilande,AIMum nc;, 1' clni< Uivrsile New',-bleter NC 11. II Yol', (reratl Iool, t 11 1'(, Iill, 1h11h Schil Q O ega, etc. NN d« more rintn1111g fr CtIlstudl~rent 1 iI I1111121 NY 1)'Conno, 0111)1E- A~ Winter Joys [. Shredded Whole Wheat 1ij(N II lInlIof N Ill~slt 'w rk o heat 1 11k lC'I 80 1111 'P o ild111 11 hr l tal 22 1 11,1 It iti s111 Ilrrol 11ss ands 1111111 11o 111.1 'fi IIIS11"Ak C Illn I Ivith flee. 'fcN111tr raliiFooldSCppl Nl,-fiagra Homeseekers E3X C U RS10ON S ATI Very Low Rates rFound Trip \\ICHIGAN CENTR A To rosPoints 0i tte South, -Southwest, South= east, West anid Northwest Marci S and 19, April 2 and to Geea as'senger Agent. BIJOU Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE Always a Good Show 8$ilcadline Acts 8 '[WO) 11t)WS NI0ill'l'lY 7.31)anti9.0)1)U j MATINEES SATt'Rl)AY, 3.01) - 10 Amateurs Wanted for Friday Night. \VAi 11151, 1-00 Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant S Geotrge Yee Bo & Joe, Proprietors, r ~ lin t 1 I" tI' 1111 2 . Nlrrr 11, 'To Elinage the Assetnhbly Roiims, iir Orchestra, call at i ncr's cla yOffiC s the resedence is con. Ac icinyuiai..L.nicted with the building,5 t callers are requiested to annoiiunce themselvs. Please ring. 4 I2LT CLASP GARTERS . ir' e1 4 Ian ual 1c140000 1 g-the11 1111t1popular garters for its1nn-bidin 1111 -Mi 1111 1hol. It's as2flat asla sheeiof paper and hols te sck s m 1 11 s te kin.ilMade of pure silk elasicwebbing, \All 11n11l11arrs1of heat y ickel plated1 b11a1s, 252cen1s a pair, all dealers , 11 or - ail repid. For hes wh prfer a sued garter, we offer LOCK-GRI.M ThGHO BRGTO ~Z aFR PIONEER SUSPENDER CO.,M18 as ~tSt.,Philanephia. Fresh-men! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors Professors! T.1hseIest 1 is oiito lid for yoa. You 2c11n' tafford to w5allte yiut tuse and (list)e withoh de old-stylI fountalin pen. Bua iSelf-FillseCiandfI ra i opallcCttialttnd successflsl MW O KLNSSelf- CONKIN SFilling PEN "The pet i1th thi Ct r tt t ,ilile"-tli device that made self-fillling pen1)2 11sihlespracticali and perfect." Doiitlie deiv~ied. Acsrpit ntinbiut thegeine CNonklini. All otheriselef-filisersare in tbe esperimlental stage,.'lbs Coniklini Is'fect-b~eenlon ithe miarket for year.ed, f anld212reso ms'nds'd by thousands of students atid collsegejprofesors. Posesesall tbe luper- inr advantages of the best fountaini pens supplemnented by 111e follossing istinct and de'Isirable features i; Fills and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother.', No joints to leak. No clogging. t'' Nothing to take apart.t A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to I nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. Wby take any cbances?1 Oeder a CONKLIN SELF-FILLING' FOUNTAIN PEN. Gunarani- teed satisfactory. Book Flee upon~ requlest, telling - about tbil swonderful pe't. Manufacture2 only by The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold In Ann. Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. ,s 7 11I i 'I I 3I14 S "' t ;I tv -; I. memomommommom - wmmmmmmmm ALWAYS AHEAI) IN STFYLES MILWAIW, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING