T-TNT T C ITC ANX T)A\T LY L IN 11 (UT Schle ede's Note 4,oaks '{";Ilo this XSC tttr thcni at DiSeiiunlt~, at iIO'' A G'S 201-203 SOUTH MAIN ST. ()c-cidentail Hotel ,'3k- Cater i to auxIquets. LAC. fIlixqiiioll _11c~h nYp)siilnti ) V., A. A. t"C J. RLAILWAY .. i i i I r I Walnut chocolate Candy The 40c Kind for 20c per lbw DEAN E~. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. Ij UNIVEIRSITY NOTICE'S I"'l- tltc Nli 11 rtl(kfN lt '<1- 11)0\ 11III) l l II rfcrIll 1lu tt. ;t, \'f c f1 "it ' * 1 , 1111 111 I 11itc" , t k ?'r r{fift Ill -1 1 ' t~II It-t" & ( 't). 1{ 111+ r "1 h I llr il }i1 l l l t+ i i ti11 t"C1 III 151)1-:S' TAiIORtN{, Latest t fes fall and %iter suits a1nd clakstimade toIIorder at once11at reasoin- able1 prices We lace the latest designs in flatst goodsI Jott J. Schatz, __.._ Win I II fi ifI f l 11 e i.th c ho tickffe orlcfocoslate, IiT h l, r1 Ph lc 07f lC tTi f I c^11T 11poot manlilce, facial or scalp treatttet. ,t fi1i 1 ,t I l' t) i 31 ll f :.3)I4tI , 'I f iss 5 llill t, yei,707 N. itiverstty avettte { it''c1 ilt c l i l I I If I II I enlI x i11 1till itI mg O lt ihllr fflile efl id and te ted. l 1lr , 1{; {f.l I. i 2II I 1r if IfI O fu Ill0 1 I Wi'nter Joys 111 f~ .(III Yi to ff11 5- 5h1111 ie fitfief isIy ab udaitt health andi : f 1511 d tl 'O(l fo1d1111111. ll t tiii i tttils 111111 ilc otats. Y ' - -° """' a 'o ,/ x - q ,, . Shredded Whole Wheat is t he 1111111dfatIlIit' uItllest clijpy ttet of ss ilet wvork tic lift flcatitse ifis tich llitthde heat - itt kitt .1 ttscle - tttlinitg elettettts aitibec attse It is so eisil}" idigesteif. It giv-es thle fIthleesStail Sttlfetness If lillit fliat tiakes Il t ttttmatt lm- a ti>> f flitwer 11a1al eatlts A ))real-fist of 511 REI)IIIEA) WHEATff1CIRCUITl'l tf ot totir cold tiilk oliteam xtv ill SttfIfifi lie c tiel Cy fora whotlfeiday S wotk k iItSethf is the satte as t1 e Ill srilit eXit It ltat it is coitn- fIl rs-Clfinto taiWafer intl is Mtt cl ia I .5j'for attstireal ill- SteadfIof wiite flourt fleacl At ill 1511 ilis. ()tll- tea%,flits- trate Coo kiBkoo1k is sentt ftrcc. The Natural Food Co. Niagara Falls, N. Y. -Homeseekers F3XC U RS IONS -Al Very Low Rates t, R ound Trip WICHWGAN CENwTA "The.Yapara Falls Rauto " To Various Points in the South, .Southwest, South=a east, West and Northwest March 5 and 19, April 2 and 10 Comnplete Inlarnuattan Nliill t I iiisiiii Il o. W. RUOiULES, ilenerat Passengere Agent. Biju Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE Always a Good Show 8 Headline Acts 8 TWO SHOWS NIGiHTLY 20c 7.30 and 9.0 - - tl MATINIEES SATUIRDAY, 3.00...-l1c Amateurs WVanted for Friday Night. Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant (teorge iYe taws8&Jor, Proprirtors if. hv'e of llf 1111(k11 e tthi frt 11(me I'xmne212. 314 S. State St. PICE CUTTING SPECIAL 1 Hete ate a fete5 (f thle vIIy golo flitftgs iseacase left fist yoOt f ,1' tI Fotilt rtI pri ce ifi0ll0, n ntilsis - -- -- -- - $14.50 L~oii2 lFortnei icei rfil ot u iivi ------ $10.50 Lot11 -FoIlli it ctie ;2.tno iil - - - - $ 9.50 L1. ollCiterrce tole i oo, -- $ 7.50 Secetil fir suttfits ilne it lts foiittert), soldl for kfts o (atif "2+lOll ac i Iithis salt at Sill 511 All O dtPantis 25 p ettl, fIf M,-nattl Sfirt s 20 ftercen t ff. Seseral lts illStale), tll jiifittnt i ITiferscii itre cotisntotsly reidtced.f Reule, Conlini & Fiegel 200-202 Soaath MaIn St. HEN'RY ~Co. TA L R ihCasFRNISHERS iTo I aifiI Merchandise HATTERS E Popular Prices Diretly North of Law BR.xldirtg 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE The Harvard Medical School LIosTON, MASS. I9.x;,tliis,< ho l noteIra..fa "I it i ii Iimi c i p rt llort ci ng nt r se rc I a".:;. - ~ ra :.h f ie i I t 11111111 i111 u s II t-lls in is II 11 f h fv I~uil i I, ire. rit-o i e tirely to l l Il~tnr i wt II i n ir se r 'i A four y ar'.. r un is ope to W- ll of Iart, liel ills hlvoh r icnc thfouthyrt/i F 7ee hly E ryfn"nte riysha Bseterncc. ~ewrra ren /ia p ' n my Ot/l~et I erze he it. loIant Int' it -l rtS ,I Ti ti,1t,tosenilin. i idfe fils a e loilltaa d a t artlelahiac tiii adni uHeetlarnethaa the R ieasins nWekkfhy 1nTfti. o Tpwie saBte t han latrhan Crt-iitn thuneat itpanaaF iat Il iitHaPrt iile ltfy Teeire wtritig l.ntis in iet inenof vsin ko f llthe eao nn allea e wlietypnte eman o de o asoto ig lasdrTa ala fth achEne. iri n inptn niha1aait nff Itr lulling, n se ingand aufacefor thersTisp autsaof1y Inc esib.(Oter vltiibledtypewieac12) Tis amtin.teue fatp brJo a nhwd 1110ft tH n tanaivesthn-e R iitleathedubltyan n d T ermibanenceaiof alnt o the "bl itnind ainheapeatithertnimpohsifleithinint the nshuc by IfptasItrild a -otin a in fictfee.Tis a ns yo f pint a wse ad oxcu/u t - Ior in naSpres im npy bry inth arrhyig.Ipytannintantleainterl nnhane sblenithaat the n lreayin the tpe wrI itr aa-aean ti ura Iat uHeasATa bulfa~ t.eryailma i an.spledwt)aultr hc Youbllng noghtndtoaeth iueseisfeatureslyinipyoure I i n typlihewiteoromthoecrerfrthe tbei s t n thmost n eysml ocoig utnoialretsey are o ptalefond olr t dinrh NWFOdISBE * Thty placethe Iaw ayite leadatofaaopettors. l -t uaproveilitahisituin pastawnaofice. Cat aogue n appicin.n FOX TYPEXRITER COMPANY Fn arnd E:nratine Oie Front Street, Grand Rapids, lich. trtnchh s and Repe:nai in a lliis. i E' ALWAYS AHE~AD IN STV LES MILWA2D, THE TAILOR THEii BEiST OF EVERY THING IN TAILOING