Hat7 M I CII A t)DA TTY New IVoolells 1907 6.11. Wild Co. 311 South State Street A POURnd of Writing paper the kitl atf taaper tIyo l'd pty 2i5ca q ire .- Br with- out a tmuarmaur--if it came illa:l ata I-V box we sell at 235c per Package and 15e for Envelopes SHFEHAN & Co.' Th I et s BooIl~ktre Money Loaned On \Vt 1Laa. a ttaouols Ar b xr rS trr t) N~itlis ndJeely e30 rd Jia~u i aeos P11 Di aons I THE MICHI IAN DAILY. ': a11 l}i}attcii 1t l(il~r - - rzl ;zlc ax,; a1-1F ait f rat- t a tttcr. Mtanaging Edtor -Artihur C. Pound il hart at t a a i1ati rt1oariatt i(,fk I~ la Si zlt \\ttc at Il tt a P ta i atcttt-, W\Vt- tah at ttlSINt-SS ST AFF 'tat t tallrattf at1(a ittcaot~t tat t at ta }t John . \\taarIHarty hill ,tadtalata when1 tilt, (aattta v I l It,tcatta ('artl Il. Attd aa a t atataat at at} the 1a ar tat raot a t ll 't ata t;, ta-a -. ~t a(1, Ii t lra l~t 1ic tta- ttt(- tc e1aka aflt lIla ttuare. hlt t a. Edtitartrorday--A.F. RITCIE11 1 t fatt ta ml-a 1111 -tcig theta-tat t1c Mitgha t aarr aa t I tattat 551- l' CALENDAR. alt 11111 tatattof tat till- atltt itaata1a ' t ati t t ad t tt. lt S wt t hi nk t l fc A rh alitrat.alt . at .ltitl- ill sat f- o l iteog rd o e wiey iftc WItta i 5114ity f t ail o81in . Sar atah 55-at ke t ain t t touhatti ttl t h t. as l sel l(t aia- t .mha I ttenlt. li tt 11 -thcat~mtit fIa this tilaper- It as t Itt tthe n h i t a- taatsiataa 1111 auspics the 1 rc11 11 laatataaat -tt tittiai S tt 11111 tic .1 a t es . a 4 = Xt heat iin tc n w f t e a p s on ar t-had hafor atataio .,whene 11r11at 31111Itt ttata ttatsit tll atat i l-tiM wenta sderelus ems tat-n al : t it.tInil 1111 al aa tttman ittt ifotat io arh1111 mopltat clbtenertina 4111111ined11\tttoatll a 1411 talarora att elat tat hea Sitta tit t, JttaS ara a talt Anlt ( l lla l l atithtatarealways.ataiaa at Itat a itt tathelatattcta nt ofli a. ttIt~a 11 I ttai u ia 1 1111y tta; agoaa-. tt at icame rtotttrt Miarchi t -ast 1114J ttet~a ttt tall Slt ar I at:'ho at;rtat whot hs since tilt-e lecure in 111r asw lt al Ittat a. i t i fama attpai t hinea a I),lt Sitant.a baytait tat-tat-a ata atit oftc-hlt r o rm a.lt.. l:1 laourse, tilestya 4 allah 11.-tt 1)atirtta tlc sadit t tist ataittt d Mach22 I KtaKC ste flir 1itt l o 11ttttay111 tiga t , raa i ltlt- he tx i tt tt t tal ataItll I al a tttl t dae in d m k o t 1,-ttstnt Ill it alt irdty"nw ealt itt l111 hett drotppe iI An1rortdy ~ ettat lectture ala 1181It Il at 11ind ti1t ail l til l t well--atilled, ih~miIll ahicag ,tit Sa ah a lit itttave ttttaimpo ed te o ldalsItiI the-It 111111iina at:Ml dill scit.Ic a- iht. It atitaht at Jtht tilt 1tt tor at estt int t heb adoftr-i nsIttl~ta ttta aatruto o l e btteritaghltna . i t t .' 7 i I ,1,p rtme I to th.I ttit-. \ n Ar-r a ;h ret dtl emaII a nd11 itt 1 1.11 il e 1 )It,', a e Ce ttat"coratt. t Trhy- Dda ki ng ta t o t r t Il lthe it-ll 4 l (Ifha. ~ icldua tut tatat.. I ac ttttceln e te illa tru flick all tt i Ia I n1- ttimel_ n it t at r ta t t t 111 --at .1111 ala a a tat I ,;ll Im ic 11al ttnd.itI l " I it caletIl t iIII Vi ta I a.;ipi alt I .t1 itt a e'ji1t 1 llt th t 1a 1t lt I mus 11ta t ila ti' ill- ta a l ll% Ih l eti l l shouI ldl x" til ~ X1 i lw i tt a a-all th cc - tit 1141- aot a%"tt eor: al co r hac lci om rain, i~ithetl tatIt- till,, ttttt patat tttI Tt tit attit t-t :hteir , ttng fr hcr a n c" 1111111rt tcdcig t1 I 1 tttittattI tt ati l Itta %vi t h ir btan It1111 ati ,Pat tht,2aken ta; at amit e ,tilt111 r tI-I itt Ititc work- i a ictt don iFie.'1 vlwi-.1 H lla- 1';1-11 an l~ock itt 111nc t a -t cc tt a llmoSt llIl~t~tt tita Itt tla-ta - iil c lt h i' tall\ taln , a k Theta lmS in~~rain id eia } tt in1111 ttaa to t healt 1\ Ino Il t 'ta 111111. and a voic tc hil itrh1 e1 mtion.11 tai-t t t'll- I tatit 11up llalt trdS b> bock11 a-al tt11a the t l rin o a11111 i an1414 t gin I 555 irt i a t )t 1141 ce a. \lnt xhtedS-a n 15ra at t.til it% i a ;roll) of Iln ai a lit Itat11or %a ~riatI notaitu iblle thI tisaaaa at ofthe "at ttattit it " a;s ea Ita ta il Theprgra ttta it at, k ~r'_ Take Your Chokce Spalding and Reach Baseball Goods r. omptIe asortmteti of (GltovsBase BHas N tts Hts '%as ks and lothter splieia.5llt tety, n itath ettar Prices Always the t Lowest WAHR'S til Bot oet hat'sN. a It .;Iur s 1 KODAKS PHOTO SUPPLIEIS PICTURES Night or flay GROUPS Night or Day Developing and Printing [or Amateurs M " Scrap Books Enlsargerxmeats Ftle.shltghts LYNDON PHOTOGRAPH ER 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVF_ The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capit attck. s50,000. Satoaut. 50.0a lesaret. 4V".00000 A Oeeralt BakngBuainesa 'tranaacted tctta : har(au. 1E. nistcock tis s. a tlateiimtan. Vtlelres.: -1. 1 rtt. aslat a..e mSEND YOtR NAMEt r.O. loll Spalidinig eAntl, For a Cmtek og'ze of Spalding Athletic Goods ttatattat i laltaptart.Pyto lattinLett tra lttla .1 ail ItfoIr a l i titll;ea tl a t ol .upplw- eh'a Spatdaig Athletict Librariy ltextat t tal, l I-ta~rI- ataei caottaion i a- tattl ea or tatauapllcttcTit Mail Order Dep A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nasa St. Nea York. u49 Wabash OAe..hiago i Do YollPHay Basc Ball? Yout twitt finda at tlhe Co-tip. a cottplte litte cf Base Halls, (ilov-es, Mitts, Masks and Bats. T'ltat Reach anttd Victor League Balls catttiot le str- latt ellin qaility. The formter is utsetl ly te Ami-tt a-t at ue;th- le latter istusedltmatny ftathle iittor Ieagals and colleges. Weacarry a fatll line of Gytt Stupplies, Pants5, Jerso ys, Stat, cs l. Alt THE CO-OP Theite 1/ thte Stuadentlsby thte Sttudetnts far the Studenits. TEACHERS You are needed on the Pacific Coast. Do you wish a higher salary and a better chance for edvancement? Do you need A change of climate and an op- portunity to s ee the wonders of the Great West? Write at .once to The Pacific Coast Teachers Agency 164 E. 48th St.,- PORTLAND, OREGON ,. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION Annual Oratorical Contest MARCH 15, 8 P. MI. Single Admission, w 50 Cents '1. _____ _______ ____________________________ '___ 1Washington .RANDA-LL, THlE PHO TO &R 4PHER Phone 598