f G A (Il F N N 1) A fI1,Nr Saml Burchfields Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM DURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET II E HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'Sy Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is now displayed and in- cludes every new and natty fad of the season in white and colored Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 MACK ea CO. THE F'ARMEtRS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND) IUtOON SRTttlS Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,000 Iosa ii ttotual Rlia t i rtiti itstlt 11tty 3t1t o 'tt ttoer".t tot ''h1at 1'-to 10ttig'. it. tilt ti, nSlir W. t'. rovotti Vi ,'it ' t".. i '. itlo d Utpowa 1 s iiA tLtaAt 0. MV. Martin [ , '., Office209S. -tLi vg.t'hol 8 tie sdeoitt 302. 5thi Nit. ieti 314. AMBULANCEB ON CALL You Can Find What You Want in Balls"towels, spoisges, Caps, Itrusltes and Soap at the R~ighst price at Brown's Drug; Storc 1 ' [ atibrtyS'tyN. --FOR- Ammunition and, Fire Arms MEUHLIG & SCHMID'S HARDWARE , i I I YOUNGS HATS NONE BETTER MADE Spring Shapes in Derbies, Fedoras, and Crushers, Opened Feb. 1st. ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN STREET ' .____ _ _ ,-i r ~ ~ If You Wish to Make Any of the Varsity Musical Clubs Next Fall A Semester's Work in either Voice, Mandolin, Guitar or Banjo at the SCHOOL OF MUSIC will greatly increase your chance. THEATOR 1DM BABY CRIES" Intercollegiate Notes. T m i'lthe dram ati lti' hl t i nce I I. . lu lir. ( Nf N a ort it ~ "iii ii i.,o t thel iii 'i ) he-1N ii \t1}crcurril Class Teamsj crl tefo i tei kso h l a Iet1. 1 oIth ve'L i ty t it11 C/I TC HE,01(I o'VRS' 1tog;.It'yo a 'ettiit f0 t ttit e",iiik tititttbuyti a ititi~t~i ' ho tiC'it(iittcsi. AME icA t;t t tiiy ii 'io1711'i I//ti 'a i toot oto,;jt ft M% Dream of a Race-Track Fiend N X1liii Moe's Barber shop! 0. A. MOMElr ~sI~{ 705 North University Avetnue \It(i ti~rc>13.tlyl }n ~ i t i t t't i rt ttit i I ttca it ] I tIl I,. I{' I Iit ;t e i iI c wittI (;C ,}1 t l IC 2-(tt iS hat i'' Nb iiil Tlicketfour iotashiamtpoos $r.oo. Raini I trtouseiI. Fatchiticket gooadlfor 'hamti tO, anticutre, facial tor scalp treatmtenit. Misas Vattghtt, 707 N. Uniivetrsity aventti, I Ott / liii it iii aLit 'it diii. J. REACH CO., 1727 totip Stisout, POit'ottuioht.i I ,rI ! . _ __.O i Electricity Supplied to College Men and Women for All P~urposes. Our Annual Clothing Sale! --7111 Suits1 4011 60e NECK WEAR 35c--3 FOR $1 Overcoats French Back Overcoats, Long andMedlum Length 1-4 OFF NOTI1,1CE INTER-FRATERNITY BOWLING LEAGUE 10 Iwo-MenTicamns FOR CHAMPIONSHIP THE. LtlEAMttllN Wt.NNtNh it AlM I'0t 1NtRtt. NOW OpiN 1)10 It StOW'H ADt ISS ALItNTRttIES1 B. C. RE;YNOLDS 220-222 S. State St. Phone 257-L Waslitenaw Light Power Co, &I WADHAMS (Q CO. See Show Window Main Street 200 E. Washington St. j0 SPRING SUITINGS $14.x°$30 ConumtIsil~llll' lthillg Cmpn ! .- Gset Your Order ian1B-4 the Rash Season is Here1 118 East Liberty Street