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October 07, 1906 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1906-10-07

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fall Tailoring
oahr a prietan1one
Theou renothingreyaponU
in (Garnment Making.
eeion'fro the et f Foreign
andtDoe'ticrtrt ltoo t it! ''sho'
ijititi 1yltaitsinO' are rin lact'
ii;yor eitis Jta' Iat rhi gh
an iapin Iet
If wem keyuIt ohs h'
311 S Stat St
tuons of Vmarl or gilt, or
witli vest colar ani
seamrless1brody --ids(15fair
toite popuRitliar stdtett
gamentt. Made off finest
Aus raliani Yarn in iiWhite,
;re orirblute, itis ot
useful anti attrctive
$4..50 and $6
Sheehan's Bookstore
Money Loaned
On XWat~hes, IDiamonrrdsorirother
persona propelirty.
Wathea and Jewery repaired.
Bargains int Watches & Diamoind
Oiffee at r ti e 381it tL t ierty 4t
Ann Artx.
Houst, A itti0a m.,,ito'80 ndrTtot
0 p. m

Enrtered as Iseond titsm ratteriat ihe Ann
Arbor Ptfice.tt
Publisetd daity (Mondtays xceted)duing
tie colteger yer,'at 117 iEast Wahnton
stet. Bll iphoner 892. iHo e hn 76

M ttcal(

Drtiiiitti...ttPtil is 11t~4tilt'

J- 1 a:r't Ogle, Jr.;n
l~~~~~~t~ lit' ttit trltt
(litite I#. liultiritiHe roiiiti F it1/
ClreSc 'l prdgar ohane It. Ail I
Address: ClAS. I1. WIN5ITEAI, Buinessir
Mtanager, 220 S. 12th St. Phone ir7or7 L. :l
Otfce onurs:t12-3tt0 r to130 arnd bt:30 it730it ri
P'. M. Daity.
{ t1x<Arrest: AR 01URfC. POUtND,tMarnagig t t
Eiditoir, 715 Monroer. Phonetr940.1 g
OtficerHunr;to Sr P.11. Dil, t t
Except Suay. t
t.': 17t1Sit I t 1itt ii 7, ti~ttili I,
liM ilititHll tt :,i«,t.rl
(c.'I l'rt o nceri t if iii It iti tl rt It Iitt
ttrc I 'I'sitt1 I tt,t 1). 11i lit
lit utu t - _itt tilt ii_ 11 1 11(,
Act* til i It' to Cultan 'ssdeti(l.itIh i l
ier t iii ti4 '1tti mp 4lnt ttiti tii I ,i
di it'idt1,11prm t,,d s pp1tirt ti t t u t(tu 's i I ht
t -.I tilt rei t i' t(it ai 111i t h ' excite ( i .
int t > a rlsad W i;ltn d 11 1
I ct o anI ii' li t e ;11( } s n;
lilt()the r-snh, it vva 1 iic ttirv it) 1 i lk-
it it iit tout' - it) t it ha l i ic ntl l'
the dd c ldiimin . ;M ll he f ll ill, t~
'liiinc ()ih ~ne'wl cth o iI i t}
ii titi I'o plI i t l heii 1()- tlc

(I i a orthl{i ilot itii
The it'll ill i li 't.
Eli are the111111 1
I ~ i i ii it 1 i t tiii
11 " t it iii,
i i t1 to11the'ills- i
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heii t~ile "tatitili
hcitt t I ii', te« ,
I I1, ma's it ~ ;it
iit oI 14 t o'i iii innl

l iiias t ilhtt he j n f t c tlebrait
Firt isoke ftheyea- t \ it'ol l
ih c W "f turned miiitb hitnit ,
I id set ttti i i t ta hgh t rd tu ftit i i'ti
Ai th pr. h sokrwa cu
ii i tit'itt i it itti i t
it rimt ar (ii tic gietti', IarsI


MleI tind''I tielr h l a'' or I an"I i n
,1 W1V th e:"a"u htya nterro nl esy10
( id t k i i t tha e ( Il tan idc ti s v o- a n c s f l
t I lii ii t heit 5 i I
-piw t t lco is er tilt ill 'b vne -P e. ml
li, It i udit ti"liitlithetual-ljiTalk - A ,t1_). Pearce

tie>11 il t]( 'Neit i i t t he.t
'1 1i d '11 n() i in tti t fielit
ld itq(ititiiitiierilmadei
ni ti :-', i'l tlt I citittiI tla'tilt
1 it c tit t ii i iii i
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I tni1ta l i lilt Ii it tiand
, i- tndi t ii i inc , l ci It ittd
rc pr ,c n citii ( tf ti spi iti ttiu°t
11 _1_1 n iic ; i p eidc .,1 ti i
q .Iaq ari scrt Nitis Au
liii t I,' S,.lptlet
ii it titt eicalScity,'
Il ; i,{> th<< 0 wm 'pet ( . t, Ito-
I tt 1wrt . t(r. . \ Kso

c~ntusiatic meetng t its to sinl t[li
till it (fall Satu day ii ti Inct i
espec iiiai'lt ii it th'a t t itt wo x
p- i)e er. itt1 ty iet t i silt ye'ai
dos itm ini rdr t g tthtiiOne.
is' li'sltfotrtiueeinittatt Itlp it
,tiltdw t rwi heUiedSaesod
"huhld la t, ciii rt tettt tutu 1111)
;itttis i tiitti ti he n treoftatilt et warit
in wild ,ld andnew nlcie tt fr ii ilfodtme peceswr

75 cents
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00
$3,00 and $4.00
TiheBookistore tihit's Niven
721 N. Univ. Ave.
lIE it I Qt tURE IiiFOlR
Kodaks and
Photo Supplies
Amateur lDeveloping
and Printing
Scrap Books
Post Cards
\'il are rWvitedt to C taletieii
ind see whiat his happiened
i lie pas ti lltoldiby
1tuct irrres.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Ctaiitaltstilt' 5 0.atet., surptis,$200i,00ii
A Genral Bantkinig BusriarnssTransracted
Ori E S (la. .t I'i'ot si. . 'ies ;'W.ti1r
Spalding's Official roat
Ball Guire Contatining the
rr =+ ful o fuit ii ttinfoii i-i
oi~n re iNS thur~ct
'ch iii : it t ;,pla' ii'o it tt r ' i0 1 S: I it i i'

~1 r

... . ... .. . ....

Ulnrler tihe Cointroilif tire uts ,rsitsofiichtiitgarn Cu-openati\-oe
A ssoiatuont.
S. P3. Weaver. 'o7 Law, Supt.
WE tStlL
Eug~ene Dietzgen Co.'s
Celebrated D)rawing Instruments and Supplies
-See,,tine ftenuuinue Ricinner "iHoop-Btow" Set. See
tht GemrUtniorn Set, withn tihe"Bolt-Thrrn joinit. See tire
SpcilAltn Arbtor Sets; drrabl econstruitonr atidispecial featrnres:r
Every Iretreenent Is Sold Unider Absoluate Otter-
art<tee. We Protect You..
ALAYiOhisSTitiN n e
The Store iifnine Studernts, byth ie Sturdents, f tin e Stundents

Ph. L).
Formerly of the University
of Iowa
SUlNI)A'\'6:3o P. 1.
University Quartette

S. 1. A Announcement

W. J. Bryan
Chas. A. Towne
J. Lincoln Steffens
Robert M. Lafollette
Frank W. Gunsaulus
F. Hopkinson Smith

Booker Washington
Samuel W. Gornpers
Leland T. Powers
Albert B. Cummings
Oratorical Contest
Creatore's Band

$2.00 GET TICKETS NOW $2.00



i17 South Clain

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