The Mkichigan Daily N 'L N\II .NC. iiMC8. A, :DAY Il:(l Vol- XV, 11. t : 1 18. ENGINEERS WIN SEMI- FINALS IN BASKETBALL Fresh and Soph Engineers by Last Victories Make Championship a Departmental Affair. CCCyll o ilI C. CCCI i ts ICC CCCII lice e t u eIII the' CC'"IC aml r))C " ll ro ers1I i~ei on 12C 1 l theC til game of t111111 cs 1'CC CCC CC e f it, ev~ iI I as c -C1C lwcil lit fr~ti a"i C'CCC'IC' 1111C ictr Til, <1am C IIaI ] CCII CI oneCC froIm CCC Ilnt o tl 11 half tie11111 I III cIII T1 Cro I e~I \ II I) tilt' yCC c t'CC to CCC CICCCCn the( Il eli C 1r1 The CC' .Olc XCI C oC to ll fCoICofthe ICC' i C' I CCICC C ' lr 11'1- pa t( o lCtC'CC'C'C CCC CClltit CC.t C e i CCCe~r i lCCCCCCCCCC i110T, ;ll( til, j nior i~l '. 1hc ICC a~stat;i etiaios 1Id ir ectedICC LA FOLLETTE SPEAKS t))(te))t tlt' CC nti CCCCet{,t-C aci ON POLITICAL RIB I CII I$80 It() C1.CX) Cp'rcCi CCI".11C 1 Vscnsn Snto nd I rcCI' ))CCCII I y CC C ICCIC ICCICIC CC CCCI I L i scReosns SntradPemd o ae ht pi - '~e R frmer Will Appear in l C l~ncn ci 'ICOf l~iCCIt 1eiCC ' i llCCIhtC versity IHall Tonight. mad CC' May I, ' 11 cC CCof "CI -- - bC IC a±cICC f CCIr "iCiCmiCI" later. v111>8y11 ,11ll under ieC' uspice '1I1'T III wkcfe 11 CCC"Cisti II' CCCI' MCI"d- StiCC iCCICI IIclCCCC'C' iCC iCC CCI. 'I ca e a I-c CC' 'I';'Cs CIie c ) t i nd CIC C tI' l ws11111 i' C c 1)r's ItI I and1 CCII c m l~s s\cIII ICCICCICCcICIw 11 ;n11 CCC carr ing O i cCCCC"I. ' CCstdyof Snaor C.II I CC''\-a bad disr ~ h cCIhaI isCCI C CCiliamsC while a 'lCadinIg Csiritin isCC In ICCC'C'IICCI is Cotd iu C Of CICCI inCC an CCCC'CCC.'CCI '1 C11 school IC CCCII C11etllsc w l Im CCCIII CDat o t C (Ui veICC i tyCCIbut Mui 'Ie. 'll'ivCgreatest CificuICCty CIhII CCtCCCI lCadCICCI fC thCCI' cICICCCCCI Cwseiste inoCICI')'CC'lCCC'CI. TheI'enll CC' ,"111l11of CIc is itn iC CuCc ome fro private C ~ICC'I olre, 'andI aCC soonI as CCIe 'll"CCCI' 'l ' 'C(i SCIC IN ;NC 'C' CflI'CCCI Ihe11oard11f iecCs ofItheC'thlicCIII assoiato ICCs nt CCeCCCCrmi'cCCCChow many meets I ICCof CIclasn m rl i llhe Cis-C ncCCI C C CIIIc CCII Co thCIII tbal CCIca N12W acICICC'CC1paIyeCr'will Cbe allowed Co war Cnu eralsI uni l the mat-- 111C ter Ci Coffi Ccily C Cctcln iccI C 51111cCheCquarterill 11tax CwaCII gCrantedC the 0cCCCCCCCy i1111111 CCCe imberCCCIoCC studentsCCC haCC inIC CIC CIcrsd Vo rC I'll 33 12C CCpIr c la w iIeteinCc ome of di (.'~iverhy fom Cth stae Iha re aie the same.CII 5111n11ord CCIvrItycelebratedCCIICICI? c ,ca " acCIII)C Casel nel IL March Die6 ibitea" ISarah 8:oo P: 21V. D e b ith k r C Ha All 1