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March 12, 1907 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-03-12

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'I'll F" I t f If \ N I \ I NY
We Wouldn't Spend
our good money advertising College Brand !Clothes if we
weren't pretty sure of them.
There's reputation. organizaition and great skill back of them.
They're gua ranteed in price.
Tewilsuit your taste, your body'-and your purse.

$3.50 FOR MEN AND WOMEN -$4.00

r .

SomecN cry pretty de-
signs for nl( {: rid Ns omxen
in du llI kid,,; and calfs4kin..,
also a vcry comleteIlixe
of patent leathers. Conlic
early sshe-'the sizes are
Walk-Over Shoe; Co.
Ill soolth M11111stre4 t

r ~ rr r r . rr . _ __ 1

if You Wish to make
Any of the
Varsity Musical
Next 1Fall1
A Semncstcr's Work
in either
Voice, Mandolin,
Guitar or Banjo
at the
will greatly increase
your chance.
The Drunken Mattress
The Determined Creditor
Moe's Barber Shop
0. A. MOE
705 North University Avenue

l I V 1 '
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u toIpov yiri (",Rcntschlcr,
CWil giveh tO rpl

lIitercollegiate Notes.
c it 1 C j-' tt ii i h;1i fc
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t sired- I (Xst If Bros
p x, iinih iir, 11 fac i r'clp reatnIi t
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ci t< I ' I ucil I IiiI 1 Sll £
1[wr ii liini dc 1 1 1 1 lt
ig fby rskriedwoirkmenr. Hoflle'r's Jew-
lry Stire', MaIinistreet. eod

A t ii 11 ltIi 1 .11 < w 1 ?
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j It r r,t , I ~rlrrc, Ott r rrr r
the Chocol"a te tol her IIra tiill, I nir i
The Chocolate( i t"itittPart
60c the Pound
!bportt g 30001
121 FIA SF I It:lTY li' $11.T i
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R~owe's L.a Lln dry
'I hIOMAs ROWI', Propi.
tin N.ifrrhrrArt e
N i ii w i i .
FIN1k LUN'tthEiSt
In)t 1V ;I (J &t iii it r l liii'I Ifil
Ifin oi tir' fir I ilporniii t m r, A .~
Ii irri' r'dI rrmiiriri i1 11 r
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Re. I. J+OL.LY. staste St.

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\V OOLENS are more pleasing than ever-many confined novelties
o ur prinfor the exclusive dresser will be found in our Spring Collection. Early
selections are most satisfactory. Our garments arc gracefully cut and
well tailored. WAGNER & CO., Importing 'Tailors , 3933os s. State 5t.
MOE OND Mandolin, Guitar, Violin and Banjo! Enoch Dieterle COOK HIOU.SE Idel Barber So
MOEY LONEAIRIMGneLad-iH'e -#ye iyii imbaierand Funeral Director ~I>teepo.Pru Jlo..rAll M.. ro ho
Ambuancre n all Iiiir viiuiiiit. 717 N. Uniersity Ave.
on warill y iin'iiBERiii &niS'Ny$2.00 $2.30 $30
Qn '.IllIfIl< - I Stia , 2air. C ALSR E ONo lv.ar sdeirvn ,eesiorict We Caterito nd or aiallCollege nraple a1JOHM TR OJANOWSKI
an C, 4.. i u 1.t14 W Liberty St. ASS ARBiOR lPoner41ari. AiAnni .r, Sunaly Ii' neun i iii' li e frir a ll Ei Iveryhn utRg t
______________________________A. . Gel ax Co. .rtiuutRgt
W644thJ v.,OteCurIM lcus of M. BARBER SHOP The econd erm olDancing Lesons STATE SAVINGS BANK J.FSCU
Tw onsuho e .C .are Beginning at naioTaria:
VibaYaget2rAetsWI ~foott rrin. v SeeanSANIARY PLUM~ItNt
I)[G r or. Ias;ato1it. ;o: 1vihLssage 25cntss Academny Wn Arnoldri 1li,.V.(. VauithaniadEeti tuet'Sple
irX;I Shower aths, a i5 Cents 36 Lessons7, ae llM1sad lcrcSuet'Sple
uaea tclyC lieShine, 5 Cents . ~tlri -N F K e Jiririr aarr A SPEICIAL'TY
at J . R.Troja..nu'e k, 322 S. Stt. 12 WFr'KS -I $.00 I r>. yu jrf t. . arir
i oSIea'I BoI i eRegister 336 S. State Street DanFl/un fr itar MiIii 5 21r t
SPRIG SITIGS 14 $3 Co sum rs (lothing Co p118Get Easu t ib terty Sh esitir
SRN SUT NSw on Dipl olslrn rs118IIII EasYtrOr iber4tyRu SareetI

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