CCLD Ill 111ll1OUT Schleode's Note Boaks To do thi'.oNc oifer the1cm at D~iscounit. at ICA(V i Butter CupCad While It Lasts 10c per lb. 3 lbs for 25c IDEAN (a CO., Ltd., 214 S. Ma in St. .. IiNIV[lIRSITY NOTICESII I 44 I13 \ 4OM 4!. U."' SPECIAL I iti p f >> oft I 01 111"'io " e nohve left for yon I. i P nr S x - $14.50 LW 2 -1 - rIL 0444 0 C4 1,5 00,411W- $10.50 oI . . o1 I!f.I 4 10 12 ')) n' I - - -$ 9.50 1Lot t 01 0$ 7.50 ,,, n v, 04 (nlws, foi 14e0 14 '01l1 for 1 >4:".o 3'11(1 I o(4ill .;t1 0 ll(I1Peto s .5 peri lit (--ff FiIN t'? i; 7CrCtion 4off. Seci0Ji!lot. i ofSIley . pi >1 i iw ii- -m 4- osivreded10 . Reisle, Conl in & Hegel I 200-202 Sozth Malzs St. TE AIILORWS T0 I/IC High Class WURNISHES v LI Merchandise HATTERS III Popular Prices Diretly Nor-th of Law H"Iaidi,~g 709-711 NORTH VNIVERSITY .AVENUE The H a rvard Medical School IWSSON, MASS>.:itt ~ttr> :51 I I I 1c1->1f1 1>.> >ti4c III '1(!4 t i I It 1. t 1 4I (01 M . ) ox iIi 111 li i 0 0 1 3 . . ''l tli. I 1>111t(I 1(1. 111(1 t lI . o- 114,H1, 1t 'V 1 ( 1 41CH OL B stnAls I201-203 SOUH)ITi MAIN ST. Occidental Hotel W 'e nixex o ii 41111., tIc> I4 If 'isonl Lttich =Vpsilaniti DYA. A. 6a .J. RAILWAY 1>'111;t'>1 1 l iti 1factory0ask4r(100 atS >t(11fa1 In prices F1lii & 4) 1111 oS 141 E.(Wi1 No1 l fi1+1t4 thl 4prce, W lhve the latest4 11signs z,41 4t >11 91>4111Jhn 4J.(Schanz 114> 1 IP'1X '1't ' i4 t t' 'ti 44 4> lz 414 4 4>11 ~l~kli'{ t,1 i 14 44 1 i >1li ai I2 4 1 4 4> 4>> 44 :t it -(' I4 ' >Y 4 {.,(asses >repa>ired, lyes arulyOf1144 141 111 tte14 44 Ge4 orge Hajler, Haoixn litree ;alit, press(d 2n 1tro1ses, fo 4 4 44 x & 1O 4oxnior. if WinAlter Joys,: 1 >1> 414 4to 1 1 wh(410ar1e f>)x 4((1. 1 (by >11lixx~>(itlhealthii axd 14>4114 1 (4 . 4 . 4 xll d xposure1l1.. 1B(o i4 l iiiarllill ((mxxx'ifroth u 4. 4 tIt(l ;boo d1(food, 1>11c 1(111fr om lxlels >1111 ovelrcoats. ........ 44> tl~l'41't4444> . C'Ct37N c( 11 (114of(>1(1 41" () ( lte I Nit Shredded Whole Wheat i" the> f0oo1 thati 1111fulleist 011104 1110111 of ((>11(l1> 4W(11k (1 pl1.1 I((101(1i>e it 1is ricli ll4o the licatxx l(>kili, ixxxicle -l01til(41111 (le144ts ani bccxitlsIt (>11ilse .4 neal Ia ot of 811 k141.)1) WHEAT IffCISCVIT 41144114111 oi cold( mxilk (o.-icreami will 1supp4>1 the(t1441 401for a1whole (1(4>" wor1(k, >iieoxni is thxe s(11e0aa hoc. Biscuxxi exe, ptthaiis 14 1.11- 4(11.-ed1 411(141 ola\\aex> m(d4is4notd ,is'a41 o>1>ll\4 >1> f illl414 l10>1 4- s104(11 (f (4111ite>(oii1b1read. Axt.all grocers.>Oxrxew illuis- 111a111d1.C((ok Book is>sexxifire>. The Natural Food Co. Niagara Falls> N> Y. Get Your eleo tickets401. (1ce1pro >41(1 = log 111 141(14>>l 114 xll er> Alum-> llos eth i nierity 4>40(44>1>1tier> >1(41 4411(1(44(1tIe r the 4stud11 (lent >11 i uron ling, MIayna~rd 41ect op(114(1(1site l (4004 4011>41dliy a11( 11>1t no>rth1of >Schoo1(of 4M11ic. tf Bijou Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE Always a Good Show 8Sileadline Acts 8 TIWO .SHIOWS N10TLIY 20, 7.30) and 9.00 MATINEES TUEiSD)AYSTHURSD)AYS l0C Arnateors wanted for Iridav Night. 4SNAiI KIN~ILIII Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Gecorge YeeIBow & 31oe> Proprieors (41111 4.I:: I 1>41 4lntxi, l 0 1 1 c 1 2. 314 S Heore are t/he Reas ons J / 4'1'/ic Fo Ijbuiuwitet is a Better i)1g404 19 9 5 f Id 9_/YOt/her 7ipeeerzter I ,J ii~cE'i nQ. T e eire1 wr1t0ng line s lnlireli neIIIof IlPas :- ( ~(411(5 1 1oe theType arofl16;2Ines~r. (Other 14>41 . j." .1 ',4:'.10> 0 4 4 144> f11 l~elo l f>a>1014>Ilbare 10of3aninchl(wide-. rr r r;. A o 41isble 0 (l0urablitly 11111permanenceil1 ofa u/ :i 1" 1.14 . 1141n ounee a log- carriag1e I i 4 1>achiei suplied 11>i1h a tabulator, which It . 4 >4t.t a. 110.114(rfrom 11>1(ime(it41spult o hemachine 01(01 41 /1y t. u>11 II> ,1(1(10;.,/100 0rin a secnd clo ( 11444111L( th.>iat by z >(>py moving alever l.o of a(> f>st>3 o141 s414w0operao, isapreent You ou °t-Oav these features in your fypewrLtet .o 14_>1. r:-n ftecbest and most oco otal 4aj4> i'.ey are all found only ituc1f W ::3MV A3LE. 1>h1 .1 , > in ( i t c .1 l . :i I U kER COMPANY- I S ( >d R v i al ies'u d4 ia It ' i il _,:. -- i ALWAYS ARIEAL) IN ST LLiS MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVER\ THING IN TAILORING