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March 09, 1907 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-03-09

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1 Cblf l A X71t) A I

Be your own
Beauty Doctor
THERE is but one method of
acquiring and retaining a
beautiful, clecar, delicately tinted
complexionr. Fhe prerc of the
skin mutst first he rid of all im-
purities, and the circulation
gently s;timulated to carry nutri-
tion to all the tiny cells and
tissues. *
*Pompeian Massage Cream
builds up and rounds out the
contour of the face and formiibh
cleansing, exercising, and feeding
the skin through and through-
by strengthening the muscles.
It removes all wrinkles, black-
beads, roughness, and irritation,
without promoting the growth of
hair or causing the skis to shine
--imparting a glow of health and
beauty that oiily niature at her
best can give.
rcec anc.id $,/00 poja.~i
321 S. State St.

Cnapman's Jewelry Store lzzt.
2061 Olt IllMAIN S51111 ii
a~i IIin I" ) wi ,:


- -a ,...

to 1}l
t It ICr3111 13

I i s
.llc ca 11 :1
are fresllh alt

A New Fad inl the Latest Cravat
Nl siti li f b. ss''i ik ion
7,i 1~hiI.cthit h h i i h iy

1 1 1 1 I12Sl 31111 ~Il I X ll ii-t i hid~. 11111.'
t rl l iII {r1a'. t da cwith l I for1 he l r go llcforsf10111{
,l i .1!' .. aI<l . E!. 111 110fc & itItI f c 1 nI 531 (11 trl lnelt
ltI rcI , lt Ii 1 I I l 'sss '' ghr3l, 707 N.13110331115 it 'CIelue

D., Y., A. A. (e. J. RAILWAY
w^ t 4 1' ' t t 1 ' r 1 t 11 , ; i t

i+t I ()I lINI S !i, al m l
\i~tx ilo i1('11 1od th

a; a 1 1j M cin tw1ins, 131fo 11(b s fan lsoons. H al-
f I 1 /n! t , It1n! ii.5.I lC t{2i l ,icojew lry Store. M1ain street. Cod
Winter Joys,

" 1

Shredded Whole
is th 1e1351 i t atIf 1113 f llefst
e3 t3 1I31'Il of 3%6 11 (- 1 11111 ()r
1>h% 1w11 e it is rc1 11 il 1110
ilea 1.13.7..i 13>, 3103 scle- foildI110
(llten s .1111 1 f tlsI t 11 is 0so
11113 .5 31 te.1 l Il s (f tifei
halt01t1Ac,, fho lllffmanlbody a
thmof h01001 (idil)elif V.
A Diva' h t f olSf1REDDE1111D1
XiI l,.V .fh..'IfT witihff11ot
coldf 10 lo, 31111 willi'suplyV
the t i f.ev, 3 In~a is\fiole dfl '
%%"t111k, "'l" i I- t is file 531111e as
fithe3i II-li ('Nl tf1at 1thiIs 12011-
lts t1 r andl is tI 130 3511 (lI
:.3'a 1 ) \ST1 for1131 3113 alI int-
slil I 1of 3while if 11ffbreadf.
At lli17 1 1CT.0.)11111130 flitts-
If 'elin(k, fTool:3is set feft
ThLe Natural Food- Co.
Niagara Fulls, N. Y.

'f11;IH~Nk Nt\
5 31, Ic i I" I 5 .. I Ibi N1ii
l ttttt F . 13 3 II Iof 'Kl.I, 3. and
I'1I'l'riig 1111f lmimefograpingf3
-hle. done I in 3 la lrge'or smllfjobstl,1
I.,'~yad ri ros 3., ilverShecehan's book
.3rc State311 I stet.SMae 1133n1eC 2581,
Cod i
IIIliii last3\3313is3r.33133331 131 call3a
lIC l.. 3333'... 3,1333 '10 f lT] IC <iV 2
AI If'M Pilf'5 (CANSY Sf'ORf, thfey
1CIIMV3ii13 SC'ilng .acomp]tfline1110of 32113
vil an 33 ab13331d313anc11e1 of Iwhifplef creami.tif
Get1 3your electionl tickets, falice pro-
.1ai, etcl. , 311 'lug Aiso ARBOR Peess.
317 F. Walshinlgto streetI priters of
ff3e .Xichigan iDaily, Inlan~der, Aful
m, 'T'chcii, University Nests-Letter,
S. C.. HIandbook, Yost's Great Book
pan Foomtball, IHigh Schbool Oliega, etc.
IXc 3133 lilmore pin tin~g flr thetil dent111f
ho313 31an1all otlher sh~foscominIedf
13 I i u it3331 l iflding, .5,13IflrI
try1t nih, it~e Grn Alger's Academy110 .111
AlwayothofScahoo d o Mshowt
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u t5f'it~sd Nitfl10l'. 0
Amwaus WatGoed fShow~
SA D1.333'.. 33003iili 11C
1313 131 41333.3 11'3
i13313 teurs. 13 nt2ed.134ris. klaeSI

To0lEng3ag'e th S'.c l l1s in-ollrOrchestra, call at
r rilgr' A ,d M sffcc I.thle re -deuce is con_
ra ge ' __________________ .%w____ c1teld sslbi i -thebuilding,
callers ai r er t, stit .ill tll n c tr- us 'ese erig,
S1 I ' r I iI
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Brs. 2 C.~l5 cap . II.'
Bu aSe133lean i filll1333111113133ticl adsucssu
PIOEESUPE3Zc0,.. 3 c .1.333illil
Sefflln enis ~priclanferfet!
Do'tbeh eived5 I fc 133 I7.thi iv but70he g 33uinI ffr ~
wo ars .lO U s 311df fI.311 h\1( thouis andsI. off'110130 f f
Boysaud e t dcoleg rf~ r fa!/ 130Ore se'er d 'cr i'f t
Sfo iadvatages1o31111 be-tfoutI ,ssrplinn
byte oloig itic N dSi Fillingat PEN
NoDonts t leakc . Aeuo cgi333 lng~ os
sAge.pThe anyoikl ouelch- e of thumbI atkct II'
for cye r... sel f i 1'llea dd fy1103e n dis af Il
b ey thfho wr1 3 ie .333 s elI3. ltinIn
Whyltseand c ansll Odr oNKer 3
No F-inkyingers.NA PNo.he,,r-
Noed joistole. No 1 clogging _? r, ""- I
A SdplndnyinkAntrocro hubbyI
niklceseflEr. AHSetifu1
raTO Bwrite TRES






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