DATLY Samu Blrchfields Fine Tailorinlg Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHEIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? Cluett & Peabody's Fams s line is now displayed and in- cludes every new and natty fad of the season in ss bite and colored Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50e, $1.00, $1.50 MACK ("Co. [L WM-M-0-- . 1 I x THE F ARMERIS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN ANti ILIION STREEilTS Capital, $50,000, Surplun and Prof Its, $65,000 [t wa a13 eaeral llaiiliiigllaotirioeiii lattt;y 1 C trti 1 lle~ret li t lt' a tt aoi a ltg l))aetlit., Safely ly I o ~lo lc ise, L reatl Lt V20tllladaywaeils 1I: t-rI e r , a. 1V. t'(> t e Seiss V -li'1,et. 0. M. Martinl UNRA kities >takin1g-1work inlthe 1Bar- I r ye 1)11111> are1111 II> lar1g1 r- this)1 In a> l girls o Iflthe 1University. 11111 everlth wrklo thefirs cla fo fl-eshme Il is heony n rqure.Ih -'ldadtird grad11e11work 1m 1111be r >111 I:after )the1>1 i '1>111> -of1tha1t1o 11111111first 111igrade. 11 a1 rIeeabout r holenrl eadi teIl ieIl the o lhe two grades. where1111er1 1'y lrs sin telas1s1 wherecIa1tten111 31duiteeinthe work11 andII iitth 1111111 II rnemIc 111 I lk I'll 11)1 Isei nII charg21111e.i31'lII II Rid1111s th~e c llmeioned11>classes theca' is a111IlargIe ani nt1111 stedis111 - teahe w1h1 hel >11,1 ome113er1e w1t1h 111 exeiec l r13>1 ain e i 111112 l1yea1sIi re11 il1111 \vork cin te ailleICreeI l; a iai m Sm ',try>111 >1'II' mhad lld h 1min i s, 11lmm11i IN IcI 1rc1 3 1 wI I roll on 11 ll ~111 a II I ilie lldIla, > R 313 11,IlN l()II",1 I >11 t(t sc1 1111 'l'ic> I IIill t>1 ti ' Ill' ; I I 1111 II 3 >1 II 10W i l. tltII II >1 li1 >1 ? hcc 1>1 ~c >> IllI 1{ i7 ti t>uu1 thir1131 f '>> I iii >1 alt i~t "Itl ''3)> lee a > u11 1 rt tt 1n lc 1>11 I l'> 1 II1> 'I r I 1> 1, p lace w1111 h1 ('1 >1 I >1~fth >1>t hi rs I 1>11 111\>il 11111 1pl111111111) It111 jc lc1 1tt 1ar >1td t e , 1>1 11111W u11111 1111 h ildil-,> a, it i > l] IL A irc la 11 t~al )rtlte II sud a h ed u wit 11 11 Ill IIIir > ifl r:l tr ,aI I'ta ' 11111111l lc fltI Ii 1 I t I I >l')~ c l t c t Itf'l " I I' II 1>13>11>'.l ))n ;M1n 1 s 11 tt 111>> nlee ine ofsan11 +ORDER AN Icc Cream Sand wich I'Your I)essert Sunday } lnt.of ~lcm..wot cd mst l3 l iion, dssots Tly h vo rN < ple -ll hon e ; 72 t1 . I NIo i tt r lli. ic't"1 Rcutsch icr, Photographer You3. , ttn s fl. Hot Lunch At Tatt~',, 3381 S. S.*. NOTICE W~e hv nta lld Lens Grinding Plant )as Ie r eson stort atl:e An) I- dulalllited cui si',>Pre- O~ptical Olrtr.Inrn I Arnold's Jewelry Stor BAILEY & EDMUNDS $Vorttno 00060 121 EAsr rlltwp'tr R >i FIRST NATIONAL BANK I :I1i:II yi Ilv r > tillrllii, Intl 'Il,( Ny, >$:0,00) Rowe's Laundry 'lHOMAS ROWE , ltroip. 32>NiftAo-. FINE Lu~ptIS IV.er~eey Cla goL Il I f ii i kti (1 I IIIulec I a f e C as.> A rI I I f Ii f iibal noi> riilI s. w) ar ,c t R. E. JOLLYY. Soa. aS. [jt JI > NOTICE INTER-FRATERNITY BOWLING LEAGUE 19 Two-Men Tearns CHAMPIONSHIPI '11113 CHAMION WINNING T3 AM TOIi BOWN I INDIVwIDUptR.11Iow j ADtoRES ALi>ENiRIESTil B. E. KEYNOLDS 220-222 S. State St. Phsone 257-L ieiI aiII 1 I>c lo wil a r Ir r r r Ir r r r . 1 +rr rr Eleuctricity Supplied to College Men and Women for All Purposes. Washtenaw Light & .Power Co. 200 E. Washington St. Our Annual Clothing) Sale! Suits1 4011fOvercoats French_ Back Overcoats, Long and.'Medium Length 66c NECK WEAR 35C---3 FOR $11-OF WADHAMS (. Co. See Show 'Window Main Street SPRING SUITINGS$ 4t~2~ Collsllffer8 clothuig C offpany (let Your Order in B-4 the Rash S<:asoa Is itere 118 East Liberty Street