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March 07, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-03-07

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The Michigani Daily
A\N I-il ll I CHi. ii IGA -xNNI\l-7. I


No.i t,3.

. . ...... - - - - - - - - -------------- -

Coe ard Maloney Will Compete in,
Distance Run-Other Evsents Ex-
pected to Prove Interesting.
xii x I
'fh, i~tnic rce o las Yea hctli n
and 0 wii, to ia - .tirit~t ii Onc
liii lix"S iide t i lxxe sc}i ig 1
x,,toin iii ii meet i t c meo li
i(c il (" b tl l iiii door ijiiii-
atpturtc of he 'nirr~ih at t
V'a~i} Il'o. t x- i ii I-of xi, defeatuii
~fiii iin x- lgr's reo- brikii ng' i
r-xxCo n tiixia- cle-x- larimx toxxx i ev
tite o Pr mie in oor milr, n~xi ii -xi
c~n,, a ch ile gcr ,til l xiii xo ivxx-
ne it tie[ ll;t he ane itelo r
I ir i h (- vl l to all, whi I xviil xv-o
I' , r x,, Nt'l il i ll i re hex iii lx
) I-x4111l !~ki hit( am i til( -
rrp611 o ,citnin hi; Ct'oiCo ntr
I'm h( ii i ,,il, lwkif th l mo
Sin t il he r,, itpo ic wlii -li
r(l x i( i xiir-i le ccix * bexix xiii li
c, m ~ ih om<.\Itri}'fatii iler.x
perien e. ;I, is li mlii}'t iiiia t tha
il h riuii naiiimeeth itook ithir
h, f~o llliiiandCxxi tol
x~oI nn. hat It,,x is iconce iidxiigood
lxx ix i[ti l x i xxxFitzp irck iten-.
tiniatic o~r t~c pr~~p Ct fling xxi
;1 xiiiat xr; ie. T xitaxix tiat Coex an
lxi w xi l's .-,xf xxii xxh xvind m e s
xIwd xxxx1,lxixl heiicloiiedxiat, 6
~-ikxlictr- ev px-vur xig xin lx-
xe~ i xii. xxI takxxnx (sx a xli texionixvhe

xxx is eiiligileix- vcompxitexif-rlxthelVaxri-
>ixixxiv ea. It lxxi- v elihaxBoix-
"ikcnguvi -CxixixRxxxxxxv ai xaxvi

i tin thexli lfxii xile, xutif Ranterlxx is
pectedito heatxi m xii. Judiging fronxiixiii
wonderful i fIun in thexxi l
lxxr the- three lapsixlstii atxriii i ght.
xxhenilhex-ranx i :47 -5, andialhoughxi
Daxvxey hlsi(,nlix ixxxvx ccionsxdone
fll whenvx he iacklexi llxiixix.
NHi ( ti N gTIDi 1OWN
Accordvinhg tox the lxhilhtiaixLedxgri
thinig to fearifrontxichi viigan"xx xxxi
touedtrak iea. Evidenxtlvlxxxiii ix
easy victoryinxfootalxxiiili-s ivni th
letxsithat ihixa il ilor c l
n iear lxixhelifirslheetasinthexinter-
toi onexwho nowsig x anyting xxxix x he
xlix thx ofrneme lwihte a
est xicirxxever liadeNiyianyicollxge.
Sxxi-twoii andxi fourflifthxii pointsxwere
rolld i11)xyitei leriii nei-xiith lsi-
Six xxxi xiiilt xxivitho litenx xxxii i Shexi
wo igh irsts andiNexi foxii ilulibler,
hid ichiiiheriiiathletes wereisecoii
Jus ixhrelie x itsx in i th xx lan
xxi xxiii xofiPenn; iiGambxxii ofx Pince-x
is liie-bestx lmanx xle vix li xitw i lxa i,
forxpints iixlxixixin h hotds. Sixwaxt
xwil rvpei-ientNMihigain llhei221, xid
ax plaxcevxgxixst the menix namedxxthan in i
tance runners, and ixthere i ihudenying
thefac t xxviey -reguld, butxis
"11. A. Ramexiy wonxx lhe wxi-ti-vixalfxi
las y arii ): - ixbestxi ali.
NWith Parsonsxbacxxin xxIlixxiolxxviiitxxxii
the- possiblitxyxof ixiexi Niixixstirxiingx
J. . alor xxxx in hehlfi andxiJ I L xxxiiin
xxi (]xvOfiCor xxilxwho xxwa ixiecondi lxx
xnear, xandi iii or twoi meni who cani xdo
iiutr nt wo ii mxinutes any x (xi ly lbefore
breakfastlxi it wouldiiippeariitlxtxthe un-
trie ixixixi atix herelix chx-iigni xxxi
hele int l hard bump.i
ai hlfxis igone, ati ltinillheii-asti xand
if tlie we-slterx-xrsx are joxllinig themslvesix
tha xhv xxilhaitxxn x hxxiexxxtl itxxii
"H. I..Coeis icNhiignisxbestxiltet.
3-7, lxxix hevhlxiidonexi4:i-4-4-5nin4com-
peitinixxx l isxiishlloxig Ciii lokC
intxvvcolleg-iatxexlisi yiarv aix429 15
fI lxxkix, holxxver, ha.clonexlbetteri-l-itlhxi
4:261since hatiitxx lhe, andisickedxluxitox
90 ixx 4:20 lxiisixivxpertsxvvsxikeN
Murphxiy xxxii iliCpeixla. Jhnnyxi
Niniki--lxxiihas a xiouple xofxxiii xwii xie-e
ax 1121 bxvtt-vlthxi 4:30 liii seasxin, xxxd
xilihow xa bevtter vrecord xiyxa.
Ciie tmay gt seconxxirithxv in thx xi

racev, lxxitixhis txi xxxti, MNloniey, iwhoi
wax secondxtoliimiiilaxiiyvxav, canxhalyxlx
hop xtogeti xnxxamongigtiempinitinnersx-v.
F. . Rowelxxiv i chuigaxn, lxiii a xxarvi
iiiv iieitwx-imiievrvcivofii9:,0,ixithxeveriy
(Coiued onisPage Thee.)

- Noted Preacher Dilscusses the Fog-
lish Episcopal Doctrines and Those
'of the Catholic Church.

.11<-(/it-aI 1 f " ,= f

i7 I I'crr l

Local Infirmaries Stand First in the
State--Psychopathic Ward Cures
Many Cases of Insanity.

xxxyac i xi - t a +n- f Nrt iniii
111ic ca iii41, 111 11 lw il i xxiii t il
A 1111 lix ii i lx iii li
h \ i>c 1 ) l it lxS lxxxiii ithe S11_
pt'i xxii i liiiQ he fa lxiii Intlx ntvlcrxxi -

ii xII xxxx rkixxlxlx- i- te ail -d lxe I iec ii xxof lieii olixi tl i l
tixivanigie thi([ ica -ltrxiv.m
est f ilirlaris W r th sik ar \a cred I o Ik, - Nxxhi, xiii rr iil
gli i li i 1 Iiive re tlalcr i ei ng orn xlix lxxi - c- Pake - Co iIiar-
po e. S v r l years Ni)lxx xcIii lxxx i l l'.xxxai~c , i ii ,"i dy, anidi (others,
v-tril than hl rex i tiplxiii nt, lxxxii xxicd in e prc ieiof licoiin
e en tly arc lxxii lu-ii n lni, re h ld xiicrx daiiix i ii-ix-the
many outide lix lii I Iattend theI xxOxi 4'iii t), eicl,i ili c g nco-
toxxxive trat en.ii t ea oerj iiM pcia Ic - xxxclo icl, I -
, xxi xii l x i ratd er. a c A oll i i ca, l lxaiiliii lxxi sliliand
lxxxi liiinenr'doi a-ad case-:, art which lx i lde czxxii-
Iiis ntnllher in xxxixaxnt1v iii laii ng.
.Ati presnt there arc- ahn,,tiiiii bids- a ihi l liiarie ixade,ii ix r ipirl
inx use, and- ii lxxi tw le aient w o rc lxxxx i i~el lI "~ cl (-i lxxiii xxiii ii
eno gh o lnxxyit h optll rth r h peti, i h lse. T r
xxxI xxit to lxxiii ~nxxtinexxwaiing ls, ch rce lifte h i talxxis ucx ta
1xeiii th xis, large mrmbcwx .)fl people liwixi1)dc lxix f iiriom c l e car
o-1 -lxinore s xxix.ic ll
fxxix ii al l p rt o tei I xl lxx-w'nt or flk-
pialxx da xxiii ii i~iyf t e t h ale o ~ ca ll n p s . T i lxhe prc
fact lithatx evenx i th ii xxiili xii-isxcn ra l tgncl i "ral ly eica~i l ihools.
co pele to seek treatmentlxi i 1111 eliii xlix l xxiiicn-cil, O w da t e
'A l igh erai ll ci-mepiivxat-pccaly klld in te p i lixililf!,
xi x da x inoill elsyet w re al tin-elect iciyan ix~gra- puthl carg
pai nt ii l Iii co e 0) A lO A "ixc ntv a ticd d ed il i s
treatmentiil-ii i> xx it oud In -i ri l x In, -i i {ixi rii iiii xxiiTicis a
to i --x ro lxubl h x e fh il ig 1IlIli (l X raii xliii-ti lxx- an
()nehas onlyto tlcm allatft mon \ ay terap. W ing thl awifi w
eii~a e u t mustilllix maiid,1 in1 advanceii I)'ci,)Ili cy ial ee tdi t thii s i
Thei competxx i ti onii xofx ixuxal whu); c()n r, cdits nrms , xxrxUite lii
In xare Niam i (inl(Iill--itry w ic
c iti rdu rw {, t lrgel lxxm
thir cliica a tc, c er to g w i "I n i nltltp r n teu i
ter h s ias a e Lig . T rs a - lclsllpx i , (, (e ina l Iduithe
dent iii tii licxixi al h r e a !xi (f " el as lo g b e a lr.
-iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C~m Oriiixi xi i WK Kx~ lx ix- xii x lxtix l xx lxii xx-
ther arc ab ut wevexiiic l xhx -xxxi I ti cl ea , I ;-x(i xxi- x- lit i- m cnlii
In DeriI ",, m dialiclxiiiit 111a11 ia ce , or oi-i-ilsig, or fo
tox ui shii ini ca aei alfom a 1 - m i- i -1 th ulix c, )f h ini ca--l
pita nith s allr tan tis. 'T'hs m y t~aic rrs an~ ix lxxificltyxxiig len-
expi la ix he fat hn xii (fthse htslxxxigr xxxidy I" K m- gw at
benl rppdiii xtmxlst(fie iclii) n n ile Mni,
schoo liiiill xixls by hexsatexart i he lxxi ,i he hopialx ig ter
Nixherliiiepvinxxix ""?AixidxVonxtexair,1), - I c ~~v-.,)ximiii lxxihaiiat-
lxxivii xi, t1 iii yxnii maxi he cii nxdivixi ansfxi redug fl om
Ina-ntriwxxhaDal ii1otr 1CidxxI"ii i " tl lage i po lches
ililv i d : n tn) in1iIl irlxxi xxxsiixiiiix-i )rtef(m o cthlmlig h I nli-
such as i ghihi ca t r" it; er.lxxx(IK rin) rof uvi ing
lifei s enda gere , su h actillrvela!( a j i li iiI xixi it, s he liii ilihome
forxuthei ililts"(I d r g ,li" xxii ifori-ix xx lpx xii x xxxxx i, xxxvii
Referrinxgiiov thix arthx 1clxxxvs iii il xxiii --., xx I- I iit,, lAmongx thlxiii eliii. d

C'tlixi ix -t lxxxes it ll-ill-I
It xi li a lt ioutage o iithlEni shii i
credonis eol. heC toicint
ax manx eliexix x ii xiuuxxx lii iil iithe ica x]w
cl t sli ce . )ila crioit te
olog hxxis lxlgrowniuiula, i lit i lxxl Ifa r-
gea i ii l curl l i l -- ilght. lii crxi
itsiti n-lilix-ail l-llecture to-
nightli uill be deliveredini Unii veisit---ix
lin of evelirt iarc to hen . Illi
co xxxiii xlon l d lixuux xwihi dihti-
fl ril ofvisii xx irel-i-i ea
lugr. Ilix-said:
"tis ia folorn xxiihoxp- forxaxmltx to
advcae hel iixi beaue -o al ill-li
~no ll miMolls i i-with 'ovix. T el g i
1111111l iithe lxxifi axxi ei odxu , xWhileu a
1>v cilxiux ix ,iiil xiii li
:Do mas hae xvi ben ina ixl, xxx
ix iiii x) li i i lxiiiy tei ich ng ii liih lxchurc i
girl, ui xix xliiA%% xli eixi heli
ag. T wii igli ~ l anii - intr iii ua
cwrIsi iiiixilo iiil xxxbecausx ouxideasix of
li xxacxvii lvii of iii liv W
ix xntl il.iiiici~ s bcw cu i
lmi ali ii xxiilxxci lxxxii lw
gr i ixnixuuip 'ichn gesviit jreligi-ous
facts lxlitllt xlieihriinh lcofpitix ...i
f;Liii wt.i.imix l ke in mid: tl hIui xi
;md xh luuy. xWeii l ilx judgNexiiiixa
'iN x lx I xxviii h is ot l r s ix v lxof
is behin ii ihixiijliNoiidogmasliairc
lti ,ii lix thi t h lxxi it eo o
NN ic ,, I'' id -ii herx g i vicigmui
dwi Ixui l andx thexli gilt xgoxidol
byx xidi.x W t.ii aNci boundi litxiii iii ii
])Ile m Nix olNisnN aNNr111.11NciNN
111111(tills ixilcn.N Cbh gi ig pro-Y
iihcuec itoxix txtpilosoi caixlxi xxtmixli
I have heard ix-that xi)o xxir xto xihxavxxa
hlxxi lxv scxhiitvoliii- tlxxii- xxuxlisxxiv
heie ' Itiixi matexig ratxix xx- xx xi
co k rohuvtillsgiivxx-ii-ixiii t weuvuhux x
I~ ldi-to -iieixau liiuigriatuvpxiacheis
in-illuced.h-it ricl ends ixixxtheuum" xixp
xxxiii xxiitiiiMAYxix x iTi -xilxx AV xx
mxxxix- ix-thuxi SIi xxii mlxx TODAY

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